
Property Development Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"I'm going to Mark the house for demolition. This house is dunzo, there's going to be a big open space here by the next time you see me."
"Oh, you thought you won? I'm gonna bulldoze this whole animal shelter anyway."
"It was an investment that we were able to do up, get on the property ladder, and eventually move on to bigger and better things."
"I am only just getting started with it like I said you know getting into the properties buying them developing and doing it up not just for financial reasons just because I absolutely love it."
"We're gonna use eminent domain on both of these properties."
"Developed property doesn't necessarily mean it's being lived in."
"My plan is to continue to expand on to this, put some tiny homes, build out some additional rooms."
"If you want to learn Vedic astrology, this is the answer."
"It's great to see the stereotypes you might associate with an old property being replaced by something more inclusive, unexpected, and radical."
"That's the type of property we build in, in the best school districts."
"Digital property could be developed in many more ways."
"I found a 2.1 million dollar 33 unit apartment complex and I have it under contract."
"The best way to bring rents down is to build more homes and make it easier for people to get on the housing ladder."
"It's kind of ridiculous like it's not really fair right it's like building like a beachfront property and then they by the time you're done they build another property right in front of the ocean."
"This was a huge step to get to this point, but we've got a lot more big dreams for this property."
"They've completely brought it to life in such a beautiful and artistic way, creating properties and a development that is not only stunning to look at but also practical."
"By putting up a brand new building like that, it gives us two street front rentable buildings that if somebody was a property investor could then basically buy that space and you could rent out both halves of it to two different people."
"From the real estate side, I want to get into developing."
"I'm excited to see what they're gonna do with this property."
"This is definitely a fun adventure, but it is a means to an end. I am in the process of building a prefab house on this property that I purchased."
"It's about seeing a property and saying this is what it could be, this is what it should be, this is the highest and best use of this property."
"I don't know if you can see from here but we'll walk over and show you all of the area that I have not mowed or bush hogs is going to be a five acre Pond Lake Pond."
"For many people, property development is a lot more than a straight commercial venture. It's a one-off shot at a whole new existence."
"It's worth busting a gut to get one property up and running as a show flat."
"Developing is not about stuffing as many ideas as possible into a property in the hope that it'll be worth more but it's about keeping it simple, having a realistic budget, and creating a good quality end product."
"You have a plan to force the appreciation of that property in a short space of time."
"I can't even begin to explain how rewarding it is to see this property transform."
"There's actually a really good example of trading up in the game Monopoly. Four greenhouses leads to one red Hotel."
"It's gonna be really cool to see what this property is now looking like."
"It just goes to show what you can achieve when you think outside the box with a property."
"Class Q is permitted development which is basically like you being able to do a loft conversion or put a conservatory on."
"While I love the resort as-is, this makes me even more excited for the property’s future."
"This is going to make the most perfect family home and it has the basis for being a really good business."
"Buying a 17th century farmhouse and lovingly restoring it presents a very romantic image, but property developing isn't about romance, it's about profit."
"Letting it go is what property developing is all about."
"You will see this property completely transformed into a place that is fun and awesome."
"A career in property developing can be rewarding, both emotionally and financially."
"I think the most important thing is when a year ago when people said to me what do you do, I'd have said something like, well I used to be in IT but objected into do property development, now I just say I'm a property developer."
"Eight plots, that's right, eight plots. It's going down."
"You can most definitely tell that the property has been built with love and a lot of detail."
"Yeah, so far the property looks good and, if it all comes together, you guys will be hearing more about the new venture and you guys will all have a chance to come out here and see it and enjoy it a little bit because we'll be having some camp outs and some events out here."
"We should never underestimate the importance of location when it comes to developing property."
"Developing a property whilst holding down a full-time job was never going to be easy, but as these developers prove, if you've got the tenacity and drive to see it through, anything's possible."
"I've taken one of my rental properties that was in desperate need of a makeover and I've refurbished every room."
"The property is just coming together."
"Every unit that you build... you're making $65,000 for every single unit that you increase the density on."
"It is so lovely to watch the property evolve, it's turning from a barn into a home."
"I'm speaking in hushed and reverent tones because my mind and my brain is just in overdrive right now thinking of all of the potential for my property."
"I'm so excited to finally have an idea of the direction that I want to take this property."