
Weapon Choice Quotes

There are 110 quotes

"It's really early to call it but I think the UMP might be the winner."
"In Metroid Prime 2, you're thinking about which weapon will be smartest to use to conserve ammo."
"Did I mention the combat shotgun is easy to use?"
"The idiots that voted for Biden hated Trump enough to throw the country away. Thank the lying liberals and Democrats news media."
"These guns are more than usable but very rarely would you pick these over others in the list."
"Use meta guns...if you're not using it, you might be losing a gunfight."
"He was determined his weapon would be an airplane."
"I always go for the ak-74 N or the AKM, those are my two most popular weapon choices."
"The AMAX just hits so hard... It's hard to beat."
"The wolf's gravestone is great for a nuke damage weapon."
"I mean, he's a long-range player and the heavy splatling is a long-range weapon."
"Unless you have a perfect roll on an aggressive frame, default to exotics."
"Bloody Helis, the ideal weapon for a powerful Arcane build."
"Well and also too I just want to say I don't know why you would choose to purchase a 45 in a world where 10 millimeter exists."
"For the final, which is, I mean, it's obvious at this point - the falling guillotine."
"Trust me man, the Type 100 if you're not using it, you're sleeping bro, you're losing out."
"It's definitely the way to go for a primary weapon in pixel gun 3."
"If you're the type of person who does not spray and pray, this is a great weapon just because it has a very, very good damage."
"Black Mamba: One of the better primary weapons in this game."
"Golden Bros: Just flat out one of the most powerful primaries in this entire game."
"This is the ultimate primary weapon, it's just so cool."
"The meta from Red vs. Blue: it's his preferred weapon."
"I'm a huge fan of axes... I'm a big fan of axes and combat in PvE."
"Adding Mountaintop to your arsenal of PvE weapons is borderline unfair to the enemy because it doesn't run on power ammo."
"You have more firepower with a pistol and a satchel full of grenades." - Mason H.
"And for our last pick, our wild card for these lists has got to be the Sacred Relic Sword."
"The ice cream might be the best weapon in the game, wow, we found it."
"The gun Lance is an incredibly powerful weapon and a hell of a lot of fun to use."
"And it is true the lc10 is definitely the best smg in the game best all-around hands down people who don't believe so I just have not used the weapon yet."
"Despite all the other special weapons... the regular Buster can be all you need to deal with threats."
"So, if you don't have another blind and grenade GL in that slot, I'd say keep it. That's the only reason I would keep it, what about you?"
"I went with dual blades why because freaking shoe blades is better than one duh."
"The sword and shield excels at dishing out elemental or abnormal statuses."
"It's refreshing to see guns instead of swords."
"Is Two-Tail Fox the meta? Well, it's not bad, it was actually really good."
"Just more rockets please, yes, more rockets not less."
"Regardless of how good or bad your weapon is, you should just play whatever you enjoy."
"I see your giant sword I will be saying yes."
"Choosing which weapon you'll use in that game... has massive implications for every in-game choice you make."
"The most important thing about the FN that makes it ideal in a zombie apocalypse is its accuracy."
"At only 950 credits there is no harm in trying to use it and with the potential implications in the meta with KO that empowers guns like the operator the marshal might find its way as a nice substitute for skilled snipers."
"For zero credits, there's no other weapon that can compete at this price range... you really can't go wrong with the classic as a trusty secondary."
"With the recent credit increase of abilities, you would be better off saving your 150 credits and keeping a classic than ever entertaining the idea of choosing a kill with the shorty."
"Whether you end up choosing the vandal or phantom, you still have to understand the ins and outs of how to use them to your advantage if you ever want to take the fast track to mastering gunplay and fundamentals."
"This is the best build that you can do in the game at least the best weapon combination dual spears are insane."
"We've hit this a lot in the early game so maybe I'm only going for sword is really good."
"The final boss for this entire thing... quick run through whatever you want for your kinetic slot."
"The dragon scimitar is what you should be aiming for as it's the best weapon for you to train with."
"The charge rifle might be one of the best guns in the game for leveling up your Evo shields."
"The Hemlock is my definitive choice for the best all-around weapon at all ranges."
"The Volt SMG is my preferred SMG of choice this season."
"In terms of weapons homing weapons will generally help as Duke Fish Ron is very fast and using a homing weapon will allow you to focus more on dodging which as I say is very important in this boss fight."
"It's never gonna replace the bow in my permanent set of weapons."
"Choose your weapon--and let’s get adventuring."
"The real issue is that you have the inherent right to protect yourself with whatever weapon you choose if you aren't hurting anyone you should be left alone."
"The RAM 7 is just a really nasty gun to use up close."
"Simple with the 4k on the deagle that's why he buys the deagle this guy is something special."
"Instead of using the weapon that you like because of how it shoots or handles in halo infinite, you might want to grab a certain weapon because of how it affects other players, the environment, or vehicles."
"I'm actually gonna try some two-handed weapons, I think."
"Once we get to Vorgeth, I will be switching to inaugural address, the void pulse rifle from the Leviathan raid."
"The dual blades in most monster in games are super flashy and fun to use, and Dynamic hunting is no exception."
"At 61 range, you can start using a rune crossbow."
"If you pick any of these weapons and you play it to the right play style you're gonna succeed in this game and you're gonna have a lot of fun."
"For your weapon, you would want something with energy recharge, so a Sacrificial Bow or a Favonius Warbow can be very nice on her."
"Damage wise we're looking at pretty much the same weapons as we used on Cali: Izanagi's Burden, slugs, and Marksman Golden Gun."
"If you get smoked by somebody using a different gun than you, try that gun out next game and see how it goes."
"Outside of that though I would choose other sniper rifles especially if you're just trying to play with a sniper rifle that's going to feel a little snappier and have a little better target acquisition."
"Wardcliff Coil is one of my go-to options whenever I have the exotic slot available, especially for more competitive modes like Trials of Osiris or Survival."
"I'm probably gonna go ahead and switch to this weapon just because it does feel like I'm doing better with it."
"What would you say is better, the famas or the scar?"
"The Paralyzer is the best wonder weapon if you're just looking at high rounds."
"What makes the interfacer great is its abnormally high critical hit bonus, making it an excellent choice when going up against pretty much any enemy that has crit spots."
"The Fatman has always been a pretty fun weapon to use since the Fallout 3 days."
"The ideal sword will have sweeping edge 3 sharpness 5 looting 3 and mending diamond or netherite swords of course are preferred since the increased damage helps minimize the chances of avex being summoned."
"The de-atomizer is pretty much my only serious recommendation for a weapon voucher."
"My self-defense is a pistol, it's the best self-defense tool... sometimes a pistol isn't quite the answer but there are very few scenarios where the knife is a better answer than."
"If I had to defend my family from a home intruder, I think 556 is going to be a lot easier."
"Do you want a the supreme S-tier mega gun, or do you instead want a chumpy random revolver with the ability to puncture a hole through the bloody moon?"
"The Vandal is being favored almost three to one compared to the Phantom, which is just completely ridiculous."
"Just trust and know, your intuition is picking up guidance."
"The bulk of the player base gravitates towards the best weapons without understanding why."
"I am a fan of the space. If I see a weapon titled moonblade I'm 100 downloading it and I will use it. It has cool powers or something like that."
"I think this might be my favorite weapon in the entire pack."
"I always used to say that the dual blades are the swiss army knife weapon for Monster Hunter."
"Dual blades are still my weapon that I absolutely love."
"The m16 in burst mode if you have a compensator is actually a viable option."
"I love the idea of having a 30.6 battle rifle."
"This is like the competitive weapon basically."
"Spears are the [ __ ] best. I'm only gonna use spears from now on, I think."
"What's better? Bait and Switch Cataclysmic weapon cycling or Reed's Regret nonstop shooting with Stasis Font of Might?"
"The Ray Gun is consistently useful to have around."
"The pulse cannon is absolutely an acceptable choice here... do not doubt the pulse cannon."
"Assault weapons are often a firearm choice for perpetrators who commit startling public acts of mass murder."
"I was never fond of using my fists to fight. Using something like a plasma cutter, a sword, axe, or any sort of melee weapon only endangers me and those around me."