
Legalism Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"You focus too much on legalism. Jesus is the God of Mercy."
"Godly fasting leads to godly living; legalist fasting leads to loose living."
"Prayer is a petition activity. It's a legal procedure. It means you understand all the setup that's needed to be done for you to get work done with God."
"The core of IFB teaching is legalism and bondage... stepping into freedom may be the most terrifying thing you've ever done."
"They broke the Sabbath day. Isn't it fascinating that those people who are so intent on being legalistic about something are the first ones to break the day?"
"Obeying God is in Scripture, not the laws of man."
"He's not saying that their tradition destroys the law altogether. He's telling them that their tradition is leading them to interpret and practice the law incorrectly."
"Legalism is about as short-sighted as one can be when trying to give an intellectual argument."
"Legalism always ends in immorality and sensuality."
"I fulfilled the law by walking in the spirit."
"It's not about being legalistic, it's about being obedient to the Word of God."
"Legalism is pettiness disguised as holiness."
"We have to return to law statutes and commandments of the Most High Yah."
"Love does no harm to a neighbor; therefore, love fulfills the law."
"Whosoever committed sin transgresseth also the law."
"So many people are bound up in legalism and keeping the rules that they forget that God gave the law in the Old Testament as the set of rules to point us to the fact that we cannot save ourselves."
"Legalism points the finger, grace opens wide the arms."
"Obedience is not legalism. Obedience is love."
"My worry though is as you're so overly concerned about presuming upon God's grace, you end up pushing people back toward the extreme of legalism."
"Legalism would be a parallel. We reject legalism because legalism is a false gospel, it's a false message."
"Be careful of legalism and moralism."
"The fear of man inside the church can look like legalism."
"Legalism focuses on God's law more than the relationship with God."
"Because this is the fundamental problem for Christians: how to keep out of legalism and license."
"Legalism is grotesque. Don't fall for it."
"We replace legalism with love. Love actually is more strict on you than the law would be."
"Legalism undermines the gospel by insisting that believers must add righteous works to faith in order to be justified. The antinomian perverts the gospel by saying, 'You don't have to work; you don't have to obey; you're free to go on in sin, because your sin's paid for.'"
"Grace is greater than legalism. Legalism is Satan's theology."
"Legalists stressed that humans were inherently evil and needed to be forced or coerced into doing their duty."
"Legalism makes the whole thing a matter of rules rather than relationships, that’s probably the key."
"Legalism is just as much an enemy of liberty as license."
"The legalist will tell you not to smoke, drink, or chew. They usually speak with very condemning words and very judgmental criticisms."
"Beware of the mutilation. Legalism mutilates the grace of God, it mutilates the work of Christ."
"Legalistic people always minimize the work of Jesus Christ and maximize the work of man."
"Legalism is not in its worst definition a misunderstanding of the law; it is that. The law is not given to us to save us, it's given to us to condemn us so we can run to God to be saved by grace through faith."
"The devastating reality of legalism is that it strips God of His glory."
"The greatest single hindrance to the purposes of God in the church is legalism."
"It may not be 'well you have to obey Moses,' but it could be something as simple as what I experienced when I was young."
"Legalism was coming to that church."
"That legalistic message is destructive."
"Legalistic rules may look spiritual but have no real value in restraining the flesh."
"God's law stands perfect, engraved in stone. But legalism cannot save you."
"He hates any system then or now that says, 'Don't worry about your sin, you're under grace.'"
"Legalism separates the law of God from His love and His grace."
"Legalism is not just an intellectual matter, it's an atmospheric matter in the lives of Christian people."
"The call to deeper levels of consecration always looks like legalism to those who aren't in love with Jesus."
"There's a certain way you do things. It's a very legalistic religion."
"Every time you try to raise a standard in your church or community, you will lose people, and there will be much griping and bellyaching about legalism and the lack of freedom."
"Legalism is the desire to be right more than the desire to do the right thing."
"We exist to help and encourage those whose lives have been negatively affected by fundamentalist legalism into the church."
"Galatians is God's strongest word against legalism of any kind."
"Legalism is a serious issue. If you are a legalist, here's the important thing to know: you're not saved."
"Legalism is an ugly death blow to God's goodness and His grace."
"...the medieval man was a fanatic for the legal forms of inheritance and title; status was everything."
"Legalism is the keeping of rules and regulations so that we might be considered righteous in God's sight."
"Obedience to God's system of justice is not legalism unless we misuse it as a system of self-justification."
"Spirituality without ontology produces legalism."
"We don't get much by empty legalism; we have to do more than sticking to our guns if we really want to save this country."
"Grace always erodes to forms of legalism, and when grace finally becomes obscured, you know what that leads to? The Dark Ages."
"Legalism and performance is the relational structure of hell."