
Political Resilience Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"Kevin McCarthy could still become speaker he could be the only speaker to be removed from office and then voted back in like on the same day or the same week whatever it ends up being."
"Trump's resilience stands out as protests, two impeachments, and legal indictments fail to diminish his political standing."
"So if they throw all this stuff at me and it doesn't work and I win anyway, oh my god that's gonna be a cannon shot straight across the heads of Washington DC."
"Opposition always helps Trump... he's almost unattackable."
"We're not gonna pivot into all of these different agendas where we're going to be scared to vote."
"He's a war hero because he was captured. Okay?"
"Recent events show it's not impossible to get rid of him."
"If Donald Trump loses we will get through it."
"He might be one of the only people to stand up beat Trump on his own terms, get reelected his own State and really Force Trump to capitulate to him not the other way around."
"Warnock's message discipline and how he handled the racism leveled against him is something for Democrats, especially Democrats of color who are running, to learn from going forward."
"It's such an interesting question because historically, a thing like what I've been going through would have hurt a political party or a political candidate terrifically. In this case, the polls show that I'm much more popular than I was before."
"President Biden highlighted ongoing U.S assistance to help Moldova strengthen its political and economic resilience... and to address the effects of Russia's war against Ukraine."
"We are doing what we have every right to do, and that's defend the people of Florida."
"If you're willing to go through whatever the future may look like under Trump or Biden, but you're not willing to go through a future of what four years will look like if you were able to get together with a..."
"President Zelensky's rise in world politics is not temporary; he'll survive the crisis."
"I think if Donald Trump is coming after you, you have to show that you can throw a punch back. You have to say, 'Look, Donald Trump did great things for this party in this country and stuff like that, but like he's a loser.'"
"His popularity hasn't been dented by the pandemic when it clearly should have done."
"Trump's resilience and the unraveling of this biased plot signify a potential victory for every American who believes in the sanctity of our legal system."
"He's going up against China. He's got the world against him, man, but he's got the American public on his side."
"Republicans finding a spine, and boy is it enjoyable when Republicans actually have a spine."
"The more you attack Trump, the stronger he gets."
"Democracy has self-correcting mechanisms and is able more than any other political system to learn from its mistakes."
"Even if it ends up that Biden is in the White House, the case is certainly not lost because Jesus Christ is still on the throne."
"Some of the new polls... are showing surprising Trump resiliency."
"Political leaders don't go down because of scandals. There is one condition that enables these politicians to stay in power or be removed from power and that is the economy, stupid."
"Every time they try to crush this man, it backfires."
"That connection that he was able to make with his supporters, that was impervious to events that might have sunk another candidate, that's powerful stuff."
"Democracy adjusts, we will adjust, and we will get trust back." - Conservative MP David Davis
"Keep the faith and keep defending the institutions." - Timothy Snyder
"People of Kiev won't be cowed into being affected by Vladimir Putin."
"If we all vote, there is nothing Facebook, Fox News, and Vladimir Putin can do to stop us."
"Everything they threw at him just strengthened his resolve as the outsider."
"The test of the Constitution is when somebody else by popular vote goes against what you want and you suck it up and reassess."
"To see that applied on Jill Stein and how she was able to handle his questions was honestly very impressive."
"Even after that is over, there's a belief that Washington, Brussels, and London are just going to say, 'Okay, we've had enough, we give up.' That is not going to happen."
"American democracy's always been tested; it's always under test every single day."
"Yeah, you are weirdly calm despite being a politician in a city that is currently under attack from a foreign army while your husband's killer is free."
"Putin is completely unfazed by these Ukrainian counter-offensives."
"Every time you bet against Trump, he proves you wrong."
"We're not afraid of Trump. If we're going to talk about indirect things that help..."
"Donald Trump's recent refusal to back down under these spurious charges of racism is his finest hour."
"American democracy had been tested... when Trump had seen weakness in our democracy... I saw strength. Your strength."
"Either he will win and be declared the winner or he will be declared the loser and he will spend the rest of his life explaining to you that he should have been the winner that was stolen from him."
"Trump is not becoming humiliated, he is instead growing stronger."
"Her refusal to succumb to the devious tactics of political maneuvering not only reinforces her strength but also highlights what true leadership looks like in the face of adversity."
"Biden wins the presidency, Trump is able to retain the swing states of Ohio and Texas."
"Twice impeached, vilified by the Democrats, virtually silenced by social media—despite it all, Donald Trump keeps a solid foothold in the Republican party."
"He doesn't always get his way, he lost in 2005, lost in 2016."
"Reagan was Teflon and nothing would stick to him."
"Even if there are discrepancies, you can still potentially win because you overwhelmingly voted for one candidate."
"There's still a really powerful idea of America and diversity out there that I think even Donald Trump cannot crush."
"DeSantis Still Remains the most durable second place candidate despite all the incoming that he's been taking."
"Trump is not going to go down without a fight."
"Why is Hillary still around if the crimes she's committed allegedly haven't been swept under the rug?"
"How much more can this man take? How much more can be directed at him? He is not the president, and his sole unmitigated audacity heretofore is to indicate to others that he might be running again for president."
"Imran Khan himself walked into prison when they were threatening him."
"Conservatives are not going to be bullied and silenced."
"If anyone had told me... there would be no way someone would survive in politics after things like this coming out... I'm not sure she's going to."
"The progressives have not only not folded like a lawn chair, they've ordered more patio furniture."
"New Hampshire is first in the nation, it is not the last in the nation. This race is far from over."
"This failed Insurrection only underscores...our Republic."
"Every time he's attacked... he gets stronger... people go yep that's what those corrupt people will do."
"If they take Trump off the ballot, voters just write his name in."
"I'm proud of the fact that nobody has been subjected to more attacks and had more money spent against them by special interests than me. I know this game, and I'm going to stop this game." - Secretary Clinton
"...there is a momentum and a hustle and an ambition that I don't think is going to be squashed by no matter what happens politically."
"We have always come back because there is something in the conservative philosophy and the conservative instinct that runs absolutely with the grain of the British instinct."