
Woods Quotes

There are 98 quotes

"I never liked going into the woods... something that scared the life out of me."
"A very tall creature stepped out of the woods."
"There really was something in those woods with them, the men had been right all along."
"He said, 'Don't mind me boys, just passing along,' then he briskly walked off and back into the woods."
"The woods are amazing. There's just no other way to describe them. They're lush and beautiful. But only by day. At nighttime, things get a little unsafe in there."
"Even in these modern times, the woods still claim almost 1/3 of the land."
"In the deepest, darkest parts of the woods, mysterious creatures live without fear of humans."
"The woods are lonely, dark, and deep, and I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep."
"So we're finally making it happen, we're finally building our small cabin in the woods."
"There is something so valuable about getting out in the woods with your adventure buddies."
"It's not killing an animal, it's not going out and getting the biggest critter in the woods, it's being in Mother Nature, the solitude, being one with the woods. There's nothing better in my mind."
"Something weird is definitely going on in those woods."
"Perhaps there was something like that out in the woods of Grayson State Park. Who could say what lurked in the deep pockets that surrounded areas made for man?"
"If this is something you think you'd like to do... just disappear into the woods by a small piece of property, build yourself a cabin."
"This section of woods is rather eerie. I hear distant vehicles but every so often I hear just random animals and the cracking of tree branches."
"Certainly some spooky tales from the woods."
"The woods can be such a strange and mystical place even in modern times."
"Oh Canada the land of woods of snow of mysterious horrors and real monsters"
"I've never been afraid of the woods or any nature at all."
"When it comes to finding things in the woods, nobody knows more than Phil."
"My real Joy is going out in the morning and being in the woods."
"Jess knew these woods well; she and Frank had hunted in them for many years and she knew how to get back home from anywhere."
"He said it was seven more years before he would go back into the woods again."
"We just saw someone in the middle of the woods in the middle of nowhere."
"There's a dark part of the woods where it is very quiet and even the bravest hunters don't go."
"I lived right at the edge of the woods that I was standing right in front of so I made the decision to walk home."
"One of the greatest sources of biodiversity in woods like this are of course the fungi who are busy decomposing all the leaves and the wood."
"So, there's a couple of books that are written about living outdoors. That's what most people know it as, but actually, there's a moss in the woods that fox consumes as a part of its diet, and when it comes time for it to extract it, it glows in the dark."
"my grandfather didn't know it but i i never really needed a compass my whole life i i spent so much time in the woods that i almost always knew the direction out"
"There’s just no extra computing power to defeat the thing living in the woods, the ancient creature that can change its form to infiltrate the group."
"Just out in the middle of the woods like always."
"We live in the woods, out in the woods, and we live life real good, real good."
"The woods with their age-old mysteries had revealed one of their deepest secrets."
"We found ourselves drawn deeper into the woods, the forest responded in kind, its secrets unfolding in strange ways."
"That night grew darker, and the woods around us came alive with the sounds of nature."
"I don't know what's out there and I can't explain what I saw but I know I won't be going back into those woods alone."
"I left the artifact back where I found it, deciding that some things are better left untouched, their mysteries free to captivate the next wanderer brave enough to venture into the deep Maine woods."
"It felt as though the woods themselves were closing in on us, trapping us in this haunting nightmare."
"I don't really believe in scary stories or Native American lore, but there was something different in these woods that day."
"For me, like, that's kind of why I've spent so much more time here, because these are the woods I grew up in."
"I have never been so afraid in my life, all the hair stood up on my body and I felt weak. Never have I felt that way and I have been in the woods all my life."
"You can see hundreds of yards through the woods and it gives you a much better appreciation for the terrain features."
"Whatever was in those woods fed on our pain, had a similar effect on all of us, and it seemed to prey on the weakest, the most vulnerable at the time."
"We're going to be tying the woods special for starters we're going to use some flat black thread."
"There's more weird, unexplainable things in the woods than you could ever shake a stick at."
"I just want to live in the woods."
"Nowadays, women are working. Women have the right to work. Women have the ability to work and the resources to work, and women are taking advantage of all of those opportunities and more, right?"
"Many of the coasters go out into the woods, which is why this is one of the best parks for night rides."
"...there's so much knowledge out there about the woods and about things that we love to do."
"The woods be tripping. We gotta get back in there. That's ours."
"Dazzling shot from Woods here at the fourth."
"Woods is trying to get one step closer to tying Sam Snead's record."
"I stay away from the woods at night and I don't get eaten."
"There's something strange living in the woods near my house."
"The woods have gone from a home for the occasional unsettling experience to a place of actual danger and terror."
"That Realtor went crazy, she told him about giant people in the woods, her exact description was that she saw a big black hairy [__] looking people in the woods, eight to nine feet tall."
"The grounds are delightful. They have some of the finest woods in the country."
"It's all about the warm spices and the woods, Sandalwood, cinnamon, licorice, nutmeg."
"A masterpiece scent... vibrant spices and velvety woods really coming together."
"It's never a bad day in the woods when you hear a turkey gobble."
"Hopefully I can get back out into the woods like I used to."
"It's just so nice to be out here in the woods again, finally."
"I'm interested in history, I'm interested in old stuff, so I stay away from footpaths and go into the woods."
"The best part of going into the woods to metal detect is the peace and quiet."
"There is a spirit in the woods with intentions of his own."
"Come to the woods for here is rest."
"I've been back to those woods several times since then, and I've never experienced anything close to that feeling."
"Going into the woods for a fun family activity was nothing out of the ordinary and seemed to be just another normal day."
"Something really weird is happening in these woods."
"The Windigo is a physical entity, a monster that stalks its prey viciously in the northern woods, desperate to sate its unfathomable hunger."
"By far the creepiest and strangest thing I've ever seen in the woods."
"It's a bit spooky alone at night in the woods."
"Spending time in The Great Outdoors, but especially the woods, just brings you such a peace, such a comfort."
"There is something strange in the woods of Arlington, Washington."
"This truly is the definition of just a great little small plot of woods."
"I've been in the woods here for 35 years and I absolutely love it."
"Maybe these woods have secrets that date back centuries."
"Our parents had always warned us to stay away from the woods as anything could happen in there."
"These woods have a kind of mythic feel to them."
"Now let's get into these incredibly creepy deep wood stories that are allegedly true."
"The woods could get really creepy in the fall."
"I could have sworn I saw someone marching into the woods; it was very brief and it looked a bit like a gray mist."
"This was no ordinary child lost in the woods, this was something else, something inexplicable and terrifying."
"The woods were as I'd always known them, tall, dark, and mysterious."
"It is amazing how well that blends in with the woods."
"The whole idea of like the woods don't want them to leave, I'm bought in on that."
"The woods to me they felt and looked strange, it was as if the place was slightly different."
"I looked back and the woods were exactly as they should have been, not like they were a few moments ago."
"I've been back a few times since, and nothing strange has happened. The woods have always felt normal since then."
"I heard footsteps and crushing leaves behind me, so I turned around and saw a figure standing there, just staring at me."
"The woods definitely seemed to be a place of fear and wonder for many of us across the globe."
"To this day, people still claim they can hear screams in the woods."
"It was a wonderful meal for the woods tonight."
"Some creature grabbed his daughter and dragged her into the woods."
"Being in the woods was my domain and I absolutely loved it."
"...the woods can hide all sorts of mysteries that wait hidden from the human senses until you are right upon them."
"The Walker women of Fir Haven have always lived in the woods."