
Cosmic Influence Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"The present-day shape of the Milky Way has definitely been formed and shaped by not just the interaction of matter but also a very strong influence from other mysterious things like dark matter."
"Saturn moving into Capricorn marks the start of a new karmic cycle, a rebirth of Father Time."
"That brother had an embodiment of cosmic light that was unprecedented, almost Christ-like in my pantheon."
"Now is the time we're all getting our blessings through Jupiter."
"Even the most difficult cosmic phenomenons ultimately dare to help us toward some higher or greater goal."
"A love so powerful that it's truly the engine behind the planets moving around each other."
"This is magical time now. This is when the cosmos is imprinting the new patterns for the next one year."
"Hold your horses, Scorpio. There's a grand orchestration at play."
"Astrology just working in itself seems to demand to force you to recognize that there's something bigger going on."
"Astrology and career: connecting the dots between cosmic placements and professional success."
"The universe is giving us like a cosmic nudge towards progress."
"Venus becoming visible will bring huge wealth, Taurus is the sign of wealth."
"Your birth date isn't just a number, it's a cosmic fingerprint carrying vibes that shape not only the world around you but also the essence of your being."
"If one civilization in a galaxy can produce black holes, it could dramatically increase the fecundity of the universe as a whole."
"Prime time romantically, cosmically supported to fall in love and have fun."
"It didn't seem like it was a power that was completely off the rails from what, oh, and if you go back to..."
"We as humans not only have the power to affect our reality and our earth but we actually have the power to affect the heavens."
"Core overheating can only occur due to receiving additional energy from outside, from external Cosmic influence."
"It's very likely that that's referring to Jesus as well and that it's just all part of the denial of the divinity of Christ."
"You are enough and you have already put the work. You do not need to ask for more. You do not need to struggle more. It's just a matter of even astrological circumstances for some of you are very much related to what is happening in the sky."
"You can't blame yourself. The cosmic forces are way too strong."
"The star energy brings blessings and healing into your life."
"The stars and the planets are not doing anything to us, it's about synchronicities and as above so below."
"I recommend this one this one just gave me that starry feeling where like you feel like you're in control of your own life but then above you there are like the dark mysterious Stars whispering and you're like do they control me"
"Strong manifestos, remember the cosmos mirrors you."
"The universe will conspire to bring you your heart's desire."
"You never know what the world or the universe want to stop you from encountering, so be and don't rush the process."
"Jupiter turns direct every year, but every day it's in a different house and a different sign for you in a different area of your life."
"The hand of the universe comes in with something more emotionally fulfilling than ever before."
"From the stars came the will to shape fate, hurling this world toward ruins."
"The full moon promises to highlight the connection between your thoughts, your words, and your external reality."
"The universe wants to break free so it manifests chaos like me being born, the goddess of mischief."
"Solar eclipses remind us we are both sovereign over our life and subject to forces beyond our control."
"The full moon is kind of seen as a cosmic spotlight illuminating what has and hasn't been working for us midway through the lunar cycle."
"This is the best and the astrology is at its best that you will see for this whole year."
"Aces are gifts from the universe but it can also be the start of prosperity."
"Certainly this is the cosmic Lovers In The House of bed pleasures and this can really increase your enjoyment of your romantic and sexual life"
"Our planet has been part of a cosmic environment since day one and our ancestors knew this."
"I feel an opportunity is coming in, gifted to you from the universe."
"Fate and destiny appear to be a power exerted by the Stars onto the Mortal plane, a power that is weaved into being through their movements."
"The sun's a huge part because it is this radiant force that we must align with in order to evolve, because it is radiating to us higher realities."
"The universe is constantly pushing us towards something."
"Eclipses are the universe's way of pushing us in the direction of our destiny."
"Well, at least some cosmic entity is on my side. That's better than zero, right?"
"The universe is actually giving you an opportunity that you will embrace."
"Strength, you are being guided by the cosmos."
"And I think it's a combination of hard work and opportunity and the universe just working its magic."
"It's a new moon energy which is always a time of a cosmic reset."
"That which commanded the Stars giving life its fullest Brilliance, the Elden ring."
"If Consciousness creates matter... we are actually creating the cosmos."
"Pluto is about to leave the Mars bound of Capricorn on March the 23rd 2023 but it will actually move in and out of Aquarius a couple of times before finally settling into the sign in November 2024."
"The light from supernovas, thousands of light years away, finally reaches Earth just as ancient armies go to battle, changing the course of history forever."
"Supermassive black holes found at the centers of galaxies exert a profound influence on their Cosmic surroundings."
"The moon and Saturn are responsible for time."
"Within your thinking, Cosmic thoughts hold sway; within your feeling, Cosmic forces weave; within your willing, Cosmic beings work."
"I think the sun and the magnetosphere affects our brains, I think that too, and that might affect our dimensions."
"The star Sirius and also the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades form a triangle of energies with the seven Rishis of the Great Bear and are considered esoterically as a major conditioning influence on this solar system."
"Man was created on the sixth day... we shouldn't support a cosmic influence, we should dominate a cosmic influence."
"They limit the galaxy's growth and they promote the birth of new galaxies."
"So we owe our very existence and our position to these objects that sometimes cause a threat."
"The choices you make, the actions you take, will reverberate through the vast tapestry of creation like cosmic shock waves."
"The solar storm presents a one-of-a-kind chance for spiritual growth as a whole."
"The universe is especially receptive to your intentions and your wishes."
"Why you should care about what Venus is doing in the cosmos and the influence that that planet has on us."
"If we continue our progress... there's no reason why life couldn't become a really driving force spreading throughout much of our cosmos."