
Racial Commentary Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"Prince Philip died and boy the bed winches started bed-winching."
"America has to put up with your incompetence... how long will the rest of us have to put up with the destruction caused by wealthy conservative white men?"
"In my opinion as a black person I don't know why they tried to accuse Tucker Carson... I haven't ever heard the guy say anything that I would deem to be racist in my life."
"I've been doing this for a long time, so let me just be plain: Black people, especially black women, are the backbone of this party."
"History is written by the victors - one of the most famous people of all time wasn't a white guy."
"Society been over for black folks for a long time before jokes."
"African American, you have to be from Africa. The only African American I know is Elon Musk."
"I'm saying that black America you are on a plantation we are still slaves and you still have the shackles on and it is economic genocide."
"If I was a black woman, I would have a statue across America."
"We know that you're anti-black and that you want to deny your Hispanic heritage."
"There's only one race, girl. Shut up. You ain't here to run nothing, teach nothing, sit your funny looking self down."
"Thank God he's black because the world don't listen to black people."
"Abortion, particularly here in America, if you go look at the percentage of how many black babies are being destroyed in the womb, you're actually co-signing your genocide and death."
"White people cannot own black people's music. That's the settlement for me."
"Once you go black you never go back, come on now, that's right."
"It is a profound lack of empathy that I think is only reserved for black dark-skinned women in the same way that violence is."
"Mississippi god damn I said it last week but we were we saw the video Nina Simone sang it it's what it is." - Dr. Julianne Malveaux
"They don't need the white man's money to prove they can compete they'll take it you want to give it to them if you're that dumb but they don't need it these guys can compete in any aspect you want."
"Only a white boy would do it, they own the world."
"It's interstellar racism, let's call it out for what it is."
"This is not only real, it has deep-seeded beginnings from years ago."
"Don't put the weird stuff on black people. Don't say that we just don't understand. Weird is weird."
"Black folks don't own [expletive]. We don't own nothing."
"I feel like when it comes to certain stereotypes, it's often commonly seen so like for black women are often seen I was like aggressive or loud or like quote-unquote ghetto or whatever like that's when the stereotype comes into play."
"White people always wanting their respect like they deserve it for free."
"And it's not just black women, it's really all women, but especially black women and black men, shame on you, shame on you for doing that to black women because them same bodies you criticize had your a** hopped, your a** out."
"Our children and our grandchildren saw all of this and suffered for their off-time Uncle Tom parents who seemed to be doing nothing about it."
"It's time to let all that go, because those eras, those moments... they weren't good for black folks in the long run."
"When white actors are nominated or win it's undoubtedly, they go up undoubtedly."
"If a white guy had to get a job, it would be Steve Nash... he's low-key one of us."
"In racist America, black man not showing up somewhere isn't a thing." - Michelle Taylor Willis
"Bottom line... this man has got to be the worst racist ever."
"Black guys timing is the best timing so we're just gonna float until then."
"Facts or feelings, get out your feelings black people, no more."
"Brown sugar skin still can't be washed away in the Florida water like an Italian man or Brazilian man."
"Black people have more insurance on their cell phones than on their lives and the lives of their children by a factor of 10."
"But still, I also think that sometimes, it's always called rioting when it's people of color when it comes to people of color but did they call the Boston Tea Party a riot?"
"The best eras for a lot of white pop artists are when they are entering their black era."
"It's so [ __ ] stupid, it's like is it it's one of the few things you can watch where if you're the best at what you do they don't give a [ __ ] what race you are."
"To say that white people are all racist, if that isn't racist I don't know what is."
"White people do not get to define the genre of fear."
"If you're not telling the blacks they're inferior and how oppressed they are, then are you even a white person?"
"If Barack Obama before his second term doesn't say exactly what he's going to do, if he doesn't give an agenda, the agenda is the contract, the only thing he ever told black people he was gonna give them was hope."
"This is their time to shine, this is their time to say, 'Look at white people, ha ha. Now you know how we feel.'"
"Imagine if a white man said that about a black person... they would be obliterated from the internet."
"Bottom line is Kobe left that money to that white woman."
"When a black man started getting loud and crazy they sent the house negro behind him."
"At this point after 400 plus years you gotta stop expecting stuff from them."
"Welcome to a negro night here at Washington, or as Fox News will report, two thugs disrupt elegant dinner in DC."
"I always say right that no white man feed more starving [ __ ] than Adam really I'm being real."
"it's a um it's a white lady so you know everybody go going to get noticed a little little easier"