
Cosmic Event Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"The Milky Way kind of became a very active galaxy for a little bit and then within about three to four billion years after the collision Milky Way settled into its shape that we have today."
"The sound was expanding, exploded like the big bang itself that created our universe."
"The Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies will collide and merge, creating massive explosions."
"In conclusion, the April 8th, 2024 Eclipse stands as a poignant reminder of the dynamic interplay between the Divine and the cosmic, between God's sovereignty and our human experience."
"Hope prevails as Ben contains the big bang and fires it into Maltruent, scattering his body into pieces."
"Last year, the Chandra X-ray Observatory detected x-rays on Uranus for the first time."
"The bubble around the solar system was formed about 14 million years ago, during the explosive birth of the bubble."
"Oh no, Dialga, this is not good. Why is the floor black? Uh-oh, fantastic, beautiful, it's the creation of a new galaxy!"
"Oh my god, the last two stars going out anyway, yeah, the universe is about to end, so figured I'll watch you from outside."
"Our arrival is nigh and with it the Stars you will resist when you do."
"Trust in the universe, all will be revealed just after the solar eclipse."
"Apophis is heading our way. It's no surprise to NASA or to prophecy watchers. As we get closer to that event, it's more important than ever that we warn the world of the things that are coming."
"For scientists, the acid test of their mathematics came when a strange new Comet raced toward Jupiter dream of cosmic bullets that would shock and Amaze Millions here on Earth."
"Welcome folks, I am Jaby Kawai joined by Achara Kirk. What's up? We're looking at New Rock Stars Eternals trailer breakdown Easter eggs and details you missed."
"Half of the population of the universe, not the people of this planet, brought everyone back with a snap of a finger."
"That's just so perfectly correlated with the Taurus eclipse which happened on November 8th."
"But the Milky Way will eventually get its comeuppance when it's devoured by the larger Andromeda galaxy."
"Gary's ascension complete, a shockwave erupted throughout the galaxy."
"Dark Phoenix consumes a star and kills a trillion people in the Shi'ar Empire."
"Andromeda and Milky Way will merge together and become Milk Dramata."
"The solar flash is imminent, triggering a shift in our galaxy's consciousness."
"God gave you these two giant 30 mah solar mass stars to collide together and black holes to collide together. Isn't that good enough?"
"Around 3.45 billion years after today, our galaxy, the Milky Way, will actually collapse and smack into another galaxy called Andromeda."
"A new sun burned in the heavens, raining destruction down on all below in the cold darkness of the void above criticism."
"For her to go bad and go crazy and eat a Sun and kill a whole planet was really impactful."
"The energies of the Star Brand enveloped the Earth, causing a blinding light which became known as the White Event."
"We're talking gamma-ray bursts here, cosmic super explosions that throw an awful amount of gamma and X radiation into the galaxy."
"The scripture says there is a day coming when God will shake the heavens and the earth."
"A total solar eclipse is a dance with three partners: the Earth, the moon, and the sun."
"Our entire Milky Way galaxy will collide with the Andromeda galaxy."
"There's only one explanation: a cosmic airburst event."
"Can you imagine how annoyed you'd be if it did go supernova and you were outside and hadn't noticed?"
"It's a cosmic event, which gives us the ability to tap into controlling the future of the year, no less, and how our desires will be manifest."
"Every trace of your existence will one day melt when the sun explodes."
"In a few billion years the Milky Way will merge with Andromeda."
"A divine cosmic shofar began to sound."
"Imagine this: two stars fall in love and start circling each other for many years. After that, they finally merge together. At this moment, they eject tons of gas and dust, and perhaps this cosmic dance created our blob baby X7."
"In 4.5 billion years the sun will die, and our solar system will not survive."
"There were two galaxies and then a pathway appeared between them."
"The Milky Way galaxy and the Andromeda galaxy are going to meet in 3.75 billion years."
"The entire universe is standing on tiptoe, yearning for the unveiling of the sons of God."
"The Aurora Borealis... where the multiverses collide and two dimensions touch."
"The most epic event ever... the two galaxies will start to merge, bright blue stars will burst into life."
"In just over 1 million years, something terrifying and kind of beautiful will happen. A star will likely pass through our solar system."
"There is a legend that the instant the Duke Leto Atreides died, a meteor streaked across the skies above his ancestral palace on Caladan."
"The Catalyst Comet is not your run-of-the-mill celestial object; it's imbued with cosmic significance."
"Venus is meeting Mars in your sign, the cosmic lovers are meeting up, and this might be a time when you're feeling very passionate about something."
"It literally jolted the entirety of the genealogy of the human race and every other race that exists out there."
"The universe begins, in five... four... three... two... one..."
"Earth has just been hit by a cosmic ray."
"Our sun will be flung into a new region of our galaxy, leaving Earth and our entire solar system to become frigid, lifeless, and inhospitable."
"Earth has been hit by an intense blast of light that could change our universe."
"Many people come here every year on the summer solstice to see the spectacular cosmic alignment of the sun setting into the mouth of the serpent."
"The star explodes in one of the largest events that happens in our universe: an exploding star."
"The legend becomes reality when the three moons in the sky eclipse the three suns to create the three rings."
"Hypernova event... happened almost 4 billion light years away, which means that this explosion happened way before dinosaurs."
"When galaxies merge, it's very unlikely that you'll actually have two stars hit each other."
"A supernova is one where the entire star actually blows up and the star is completely gone."
"The weird shape of the Cartwheel Galaxy was made in a head-on collision."
"With all the Infinity stones inside the gauntlet, Thanos snapped his fingers and half of the universe ceased to exist."
"Buckle up, for we stand on the precipice of a momentous cosmic occurrence: the solar storm of the century."
"In about four billion years time, they'll actually collide."
"It occurred 13 billion years ago, so the light has been traveling to us remarkably for 13 billion years."
"The universe has called people to Carbondale."
"It's a cosmos moment, it's a chyros moment, it's a cosmic alignment."
"Gamma-ray bursts essentially mark the birth of a black hole."
"...every 13,000 years, it sends out a massive plume of charged particles that go throughout the entire solar system."
"Every 12 years, Jupiter in Sagittarius is conjunct the Galactic Center, which expands the information, light, and consciousness we're able to receive on the planet."
"Welcome to the eclipse, sending you so much love and light."
"The last gasp of a black hole as it dies."
"That totality, that full eclipse, was amazing. It was like witnessing a portal to another dimension."