
Penalties Quotes

There are 85 quotes

"We know that the rules that we are forced to comply with are according to one narrative only, and you're penalized for going outside that box."
"The federal government has decided that only one of these perpetrators, the person who killed dolphins, is going to face penalties, while the person who killed the babies will not."
"If liverpool are moaning about us getting penalties then that means that there is some part of them that's a little bit worried."
"We seek the maximum penalty. We don't want to see no more slaps on the wrists."
"Michael Keane's hand is hailing a taxi there. He's got his hand out like he can't. He's blocking the cross. That has to be a penalty."
"I think the increased penalties are critical to the success of the game going forward."
"A truck driver in China was fined three hundred dollars simply because his GPS system got disconnected."
"It was not appropriate for Facebook to impose the indeterminate and standardless penalty of indefinite suspension."
"They say when you die we punish you for it but we also let you keep some stuff so you can unlock and upgrade cool that might help you in the future."
"If a defense commits two plus penalties on a drive, 80 percent of the time it results in a touchdown."
"They're falsifying government documents, which is 10 years imprisonment."
"We're not playing well and we don't exactly deserve to be leading but we should have had two penalties in my opinion."
"These words sound positive, but if you disagree, you're ousted, done, and fined a million dollars."
"It's a clean tackle or a bad tackle; if you break a player's leg, it's a clear red."
"The system has penalties designed to deter or punish exactly crap like this."
"A lot of the changes seem to be punishing whiffing harder."
"Avoiding penalties can give you a whole heap of positions... at the end of a long race."
"Using, selling, and importing chewing gum is banned there and you'd have to pay up to several thousands of dollars for doing it."
"If that's a penalty, fine, but we've got to start giving 10 penalties a game."
"I mean, what would be the odds of missing the last five penalties?"
"Should there not be some sort of a penalty? I feel the same way about doxing, swatting, a lot of things."
"Intel is on the down and down because the jury just came out and said that they owe 2.18 billion dollars for patent infringement."
"If this ever happens to us, we are knocking the ball out of bounds. If it knocks out of bounds laterally, we're good. If it goes forward it's a penalty but guess what, I'll take the penalty right over the opposing team."
"All-in-all, I think we will be able to take this penalty for a while."
"This penalty lasts the rest of your life and the penalty dollar amount increases as the base Part B premium increases over time as well."
"Everyone always thinks penalties are easy. Penalty, goal. Penalty, goal. No, it's not like that at all. It's going to become even harder and harder in time."
"I don't see this problem going away until more campgrounds come up with, for like, better saying penalties for late cancellations of reservations."
"We can reduce the amount of white-collar crime if the penalties for white-collar crime represent actual deterrent penalties."
"Sacks have cost them minus 62 yards. Penalties have cost them 85 yards. That's a total of 147 yards lost to penalties."
"We need severe penalties for the individuals who traffic in Fentanyl."
"It's okay to have your arm on him, but once you turn him, that is a penalty."
"You don't do a face mask in the NFL and be like uh there's your warning, no the first face mask is a penalty."
"The raiders nasty play produced a record number of penalties but also a staggering amount of victories."
"Failing to disclose a connection between an endorsement and a product can lead to financial penalties."
"Deceptive endorsements can lead to financial penalties."
"The penalties of Blackness went well beyond name-calling."
"The penalties have been an epidemic for this franchise, nothing new."
"Double fine penalties if you bother a gay during Pride Month."
"There should be penalties for false claims or at least a way of reclaiming the money lost to false claims."
"If you don't file your income tax by the deadline and if for whatever reason you owe the government money, you will be liable for hefty penalties and interest on any amounts owing for that tax year."
"People respond to incentives and if you remove all penalties for every possible form of misconduct, some small percentage of the population will start to essentially abuse or manipulate people around them."
"The only way he will be able to win this fight is if he were to drop Monkey Wrench in the next two slaps without a penalty."
"Yeah, I think for me personally, the sites that were hit the hardest were the ones that I reversed a previous penalty with like a 301."
"In ice hockey, what term refers to a team that has fewer players on the ice due to a penalty? Short-handed."
"That's jail time. Think you can just skate it up to a guy, whack him in the face, no puck or anything with your sticks. Oh yeah, that's assault, but it's kind of hilarious."
"The game's critics like to point out that there is actually no penalty for screwing up the tongue twisters."
"Covered entities and business associates who violate HIPAA for personal gain have criminal penalties imposed upon them."
"The penalties have just completely taken over on this offensive drive of the St Louis Cardinals."
"Now up to five shortcuts now, so one more, we've got a drive-through penalty, so you need to stay right away from the curb."
"The Cowboys penalty against the Cowboys."
"Stick inference is when opposition hits our player's sticks."
"Referee can give a green card which means player sits out for two minutes."
"He lasted only 65 NHL games but served a whopping 412 minutes in The Penalty Box."
"Remember the GMAT punishes you if you don't answer every question on the test more so than if you got one wrong."
"Civil fines aren't working, hitting people with penalties are not working, so now we're going to make it a criminal offense."
"We all need to think about that and understand this stuff has real consequences; it's not just the fine anymore, it's an actual penalty."
"Our company cannot afford another 100 point penalty or massive fine."
"It's a lottery, man. Can't let it go to penalties."
"Penalties are another form of lottery, isn't it?"
"Unsportsmanlike conduct on the defensive team number 58 for jamming the signals of the offensive team."
"They want those people to come out hitting, and of course, when you hit like that, you're going to get some penalties for unnecessary roughness on occasion."
"If you regulate the outcome and have very high penalties for achieving the wrong outcome, your security will look different and will be much better."
"Strictly speaking, a crime is an act forbidden by the law of the land, and one which is considered sufficiently serious to warrant providing penalties for its commission."
"Proper tax planning is essential and a requirement to avoid... taxes as failure to self-assess can result in steep penalties."
"What do we do when Russia violates those rules? There have to be some penalties."
"No penalty without statutory provision or legal rules."
"It's not like you're just penalized for being late; now all of a sudden, I go to 37% interest and that's in perpetuity."
"This is what our justice system is about: it's about judges making determinations in meting out penalties to people who have done terrible things."
"Serious crimes must come with serious penalties."
"The beauty of this squared transformation is that there is lesser deviation had lesser penalty, there is a larger deviation larger penalty."
"Understanding how the exchange areas work is really going to help you avoid too many men penalties and it's also going to allow us to really move quickly as we're subbing in and out."
"Maximum stupid penalties, that's funny."
"I would support strict penalties of that sort in every state in the union."
"Penalties are not a lottery; it's part of football, it is an absolute skill."
"He doesn't need to race them because they've got five-second penalties."