
Calamity Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"A story about calamity, identity, and miracles coalescing within a singular flow."
"There is no calamity on the face of this earth from the time of Adam till Qiyamah greater than the calamity of the Dajjal."
"Expect some major calamity to do with water floods, tsunamis, earthquakes."
"California wildfire is straight out of a horror movie."
"Whatever calamity has taken place is not an accident. There's no question why is this happening to me, it could only have happened to you. It couldn't have happened to anybody else."
"This is like the caveman moment for fish. Poor Nemo is now staring at a [__] fire tornado."
"Magic always leaves a trace, the indicates the location of I found a ball left my magic causing this calamity risking the statute of secrecy goodness gracious."
"Most of the buildings in the town have been relocated for preservation due to the demon disaster."
"The 5th Umbral Calamity, the Calamity of Ice had begun to freeze the entire world."
"Foxes who bring Good Fortune are called zenko, and yako are foxes who bring Calamity."
"Kamish... known as Humanity's greatest Calamity as he demolished America's West Coast."
"The true calamity has yet to come."
"Every single Calamity in your life."
"And so it was indeed an incredible catastrophe."
"The exodus of the swordsingers was prescient, for twelve years later, calamity struck their old homeland."
"Maybe it requires one really nasty thing to happen in the case of AI, some sort of calamity, national calamity which we would survive but we'd thought never again."
"Our existence brings threat. We've brought two calamities before. We try and avoid a third."
"'What is its warning against?' he said, ruminating with his eyes on the fire and only by times turning them on me. 'What is the danger? Where is the danger? There is danger overhanging somewhere on the line. Some dreadful calamity will happen; it is not to be doubted.'"
"The Quran is going to be the soul of your soul when you are facing a Calamity of any type of loss."
"No calamity has come greater than the calamity of the Dajjal."
"Underneath seeming calamity is an order a harmony and you and we have arrived to allow our dharma to allow our way on the planet to be a vibrational placeholder for the next stage of human evolution and nothing short of that."
"Remember the Calamity of the great tsunamis."
"The absolute worst thing you could ever do in a moment of calamity is leave the worship of Allah and abandon it under the excuse that I'm waiting for things to get better."
"We got the whole weekend to stop this calamity."
"When we collectivize calamities, we forget that each death was an individual confronting their mortality."
"The Quran, what it does in time of Calamity and tribulation, what it does is that it will teach you and it will give you guidance."
"Calamities will be present in your life as a blessing, as a mercy from Allah."
"No calamity ever befell a person except because of their sin, and it was never raised up except because of repentance."
"Earthquakes and supernatural phenomena intensified, signaling great calamities."
"The loss of even one soul is a calamity infinitely outweighing the gains and treasures of a world."
"The Bull of Heaven, a cataclysm sent by the goddess Inana, a force of nature unleashed, capable of bringing famine, drought, and destruction."
"Society had already peaked by the time this calamity came to be."
"A calamity that brings you closer to Allah is better than the gifts from Allah that distance you from Him."
"No calamity was ever sent down except because of sin, and it was never taken away except because of repentance."
"The second Advent delusion has proved the greatest calamity that has befallen us since our organization." - General convention of Baptists, 1846
"The pale horse brings death, famine, plague, and wild animals, resulting in over a billion deaths."
"Be a man," said I. "You were scared out of your wits. What good is religion if it collapses under calamity?"
"...in the time of their calamity, in the time that their iniquity had an end."
"I knew that you're a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger abounding in love, a God who relents from sending Calamity."
"Every earthquake and tsunami and all the famines and the cancer and the disease and the sickness... exists because it is the external proof that our inner worlds are in a disaster."
"Calamity is a fantastic word. Expand your vocabulary."
"He forms light and creates darkness; I make well-being and create calamity."
"I will laugh at your calamity when terror strikes you like a storm."
"Whatever Calamity strikes you was never meant to miss you and any Calamity that did not reach you was never meant to reach you in the first place."
"Saying 'Alhamdulillah' during a Calamity is the most beloved word that Allah would love to hear from the servant."
"The Calamity is the same way. The Calamity hits, and a month, two months, a year, two years, Allah knows what's good for you."
"The believer needs to understand that calamities are coming one after the other, and he needs to understand Allah's message in those moments."
"Yes, I think that there will be plague ravaging through it. I think that there will be fire ravaging through it."
"When Calamity befalls mankind, he starts making Dua standing, sitting, and lying down."
"This Sukuna truly was the embodiment of overwhelming aggression, a calamity."
"Strange is the affair of the believer when he is touched by a Calamity he is patient and when he's touched by goodness he thanks his Lord."
"Accepting a calamity that has been decreed by Allah is one of the most difficult tests we face in life."
"I Wishing Star fell from the sky, scorching a great Woods black, single wish locked away in the star."
"I would say we don't want a rapid simplification because a rapid simplification would be a collapse and it would be the worst calamity in human history."
"It just gets better and better for Watford and more and more calamities for Manchester United."
"It's a tale of fire and flood, pestilence and piety, greed and grandeur."
"I ask you for the desire to meet you, without the death happening in a calamity that is harmful or in a fitna that is misguiding."
"It's human nature that at times of a joint calamity, you want to go and meet; at times of individual calamity, you go and meet the person."
"Absolutely is sentient, thou has proved; impersonal calamity thou has moved."
"A year so marked by death, division, and disaster that the maesters and smallfolk alike would come to call it the year of the stranger."
"In the shadow of thy wings will I make my refuge, until these calamities be overpast."
"The biggest calamities in this world are, number one, the calamity of not having enough food and shelter, and number two, the calamity of civil war and strife."
"Whenever you have a Calamity, look at other people's calamities, and you will appreciate yours."
"The compensation of calamity is made apparent to the understanding also, after long intervals of time."
"When the dawn is approaching in the horizon, you realize that the night of calamity is about to leave."
"The reward of patience is at the time of the Calamity."
"And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven."
"This morning stream poisoned our water supply, Bernado crops, and delivered a plague onto our houses."
"When there is Calamity, we see you, O Krishna, and when we see you, there is no more seeing another mother's womb."
"There will soon be a giant calamity that cannot be overcome by human strength."
"The ten great family leaders calamity."
"The five great calamities: the weapon Brion, gas life forms Ai, two-tailed snake Hellbell, human feeding beast Pap, and the immortal sickness virus."