
Political Victory Quotes

There are 142 quotes

"Clinton easily demolished Bob Dole and Ross Perot in 1996."
"Carrie Lake scores huge win as Arizona election case heads to court."
"When so-called culture war issues become politically salient, we tend to win those wars."
"The fact that they're doing this is because we've already won."
"So, a stunning victory for Joe Biden in almost every sense of the word."
"This is what victory looks like—you get to call the shots."
"Donald Trump played into primitive feelings and stormed to victory."
"Fox seemed happy about that. I just love political scalps. Don't you love when one side just takes a scalp?"
"Stacy Abrams, Ralph Warnock, and John Ossoff beat Mitch McConnell."
"Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have won the 2020 presidential election."
"That is the way that you actually win, and Republicans, conservatives have shown that they can win when they actually follow that rule."
"Stunning night for Joe Biden and the establishment."
"We didn't win because of Union corrupt gangsters... We won because of the hard work of the grassroots activists."
"Talking about health care won the Democrats victories in 2018."
"Choose your battles. You've won on CRT, taxation, and many aspects of diplomacy."
"Biden Harris wins Georgia in 2020 by 11 000 votes."
"Democrats flipped a state house seat in Florida that Ronda santis in that District won by 11."
"Biden's victory was a victory of corporate puppeteering."
"Imagine what would have happened if we hadn't won in Georgia. That's because people stepped up."
"Yes, he won... he won big time, baby." - Adam Kinzinger
"We won, Republicans won, America won because Amy Comey Barrett demonstrated that she intends to follow the law."
"This victory belongs to those who made their voices heard."
"Wisconsin came in, we won with Wisconsin, which hadn't been won in decades."
"The biggest political winner has to be Joe Biden..."
"We need to frame this as it is: a win for truth, a win for integrity, a win for transparency."
"We're going to win the state, if we win Michigan, we win the election."
"I want to thank you for the historic victory... yesterday."
"Big wins here for conservatives: the Biden administration reverses course on federal grants incentivizing critical race theory in public schools."
"There are countless babies alive today thanks to this historic victory."
"Fa's victory with approximately 54% of the vote indicates a significant mandate from the electorate."
"India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi is celebrating a stunning victory."
"For Donald Trump's team, this is a win and I think it's a fairly significant win."
"This is conservatives playing the culture war and winning."
"Ultimately, this move by Trump is a massive victory for American constitutional rights."
"Our victory shows that we can overcome the billionaire class that wants to divide and conquer us all."
"Pierre player's win the conservative leader was sweeping and massive a huge majority across the country in a way that left him being beholden to no section of the party."
"We won every single thing... every single Republican that was on the ballot in any position won their seat."
"We saved democracy from the jaws of autocracy."
"He defeated the Obama crime family, he defeated the Bush crime family, he defeated basically the whole entire Democratic party, the Clinton crime family."
"Trump's win is the biggest Fu to all his enemies, the media, the politicians, Wall Street, Hollywood."
"This is a major major victory for Democrats no matter how you cut the cake."
"Our blue walls wave and election deniers got denied election. That's why we're celebrating with the new Democracy Prevails team."
"Manchester's veto allowed America to dodge a serious bullet. The Build Back Better bill is dead." - Republican Representative Dan Crenshaw
"With this law, the American people won and special interests lost."
"We saved the country from fascism by standing our ground."
"We won every single state house and we won Congress."
"We won the election and we've won the election by a country mile. I think it's the eighth consecutive election win under my leadership of the SNP."
"A victory for Democrats as Wisconsin's Supreme Court rules against purging voter rolls."
"A victory for Trump against people who are kneeling is sort of a victory for the right."
"It's over, and it's a great day for democracy."
"Tonight an improbable hope became an undeniable reality. By all indications we are going on to New Hampshire victorious."
"I think the fact that the 14th Amendment section three has become a prominent legal issue... is a victory in and of itself."
"This is self-respect of Telugus, and that resonated with people, and he had a landslide win."
"It's time we win this election and govern by showing the best of who we are, because that's what this country needs and deserves."
"Joe Biden wins the presidency with an electoral college margin of 290 to 248."
"Georgia, we turned Georgia blue. We won this election decisively."
"It's not a victory for Biden or for the Democrats, it's a victory for the United States of America and for us to move forward as a country we have got to work together."
"Let's make history together, let's fight for children, and let's win this whole thing."
"We've won and so it is important for us to give our side a little bit of credit."
"It's a great day in the Republic. This is one of the great victories for Trump without firing a shot."
"It is nice for us to have a win... the Dutch are actually doing something about the weft in their country."
"His win is not just a political shift, it's a Beacon of Hope for those who cherish Freedom, individual responsibility, and economic sanity."
"It's going to continue to heat up, but a big victory for Trump."
"Bernie won, so it doesn't [ __ ] matter with enemies like that."
"Victory is not about Ukraine, it's about a new European security framework."
"It's a victory for the right but also a victory for the status quo."
"All of those Biden officials sitting for depositions, and my friends, that is a fun, fun victory."
"Powell's win puts Democrats back in control of the Pennsylvania house with a narrow majority once again."
"What was achieved on June 23rd was a remarkable victory for the little people, ordinary people, decent people against the big corporates, the big banks, big politics, wealth power."
"Jamal javani won with a larger margin of Victory than any conservative had in those elections."
"This potential overturning of roe v wade a huge win."
"He only won in my estimation because he was familiar, he was a vice president, he had name recognition, he had the establishment behind him."
"Winning in Massachusetts for US Senate will be a big victory for all of us."
"That bill won by an overwhelming majority in the house of 342 to 57. That was not a political easy vote."
"Congratulations. We have claimed the great state of Wyoming."
"What an absolutely historic night for Democrats."
"Trump winning by 30 points over his nearest rival. Trump having the biggest win of any Republican in an Iowa caucus ever."
"So this is great. The race card was rejected; they affirmed the state interest in making sure that elections are fair and honest."
"You have proven that The Establishment can be indeed vanquished."
"And the election that we won is going to enable us to have a good and fair and republican government like we haven’t had for the two years before the midterm elections."
"Progressives did win this one battle, it shows you that when you do work as a block when you do threaten and actually play a little hardball and use your leverage you can actually impact the direction that things are going in."
"The people that won the last election were progressives... they wanted universal health care for people."
"Trump wins. We were right, the pundits were wrong."
"But we came in first in almost every state. Think of it as a group first. And we won. And then we won the election against beautiful Hillary."
"We won, we're safer now, and we forced the Biden Administration to back off this Reckless policy."
"Yesterday was such a very big win and all under the pressure of a nasty and hostile media."
"They placed a huge bet on America's worst instincts and won, and the first order of business will be to wipe out a national idea in which they never believed."
"Labor overcame a 24,664 vote majority winning the seat for the first time with a swing of 20.5%."
"Green's win first ever Council outright."
"We did it, Joe. You're gonna be the next president of the United States."
"Fascism won through existing political structures; it won by winning elections."
"It would have been a major political victory; it would enhance Britain's standing with allies."
"This is a big victory, 83 seats leading an elected could be maybe a seat or two more by the end of the night."
"We're winning these seats in our own right."
"The Republican Party is an anti-slavery party and it wins a majority of the votes in the North."
"The solidarity party swept the vote and took 99 seats out of the 100 occupied by the senate in the Polish parliament."
"...the social democracy, the welfare state, these are achievements of political contestation and struggle... they are victories."
"Harrison wins the election in a huge victory, and the Whigs also win both houses of Congress."
"Tonight I humbly stand before you as your governor-elect, knowing that you met this moment."
"There's only one guy who has defeated Donald Trump so far, and that's Joe Biden."
"It's been a long time coming, but tonight, because of what we did on this day, in this election, at this defining moment, change has come to America."
"It's been a big victory for the labor party."
"It is a landslide for Labour, a landslide of historic proportions."
"The Liberal Party of Honduras won 62 of the 128 congressional seats, just short of an absolute majority."
"America spoke. We won! First female vice president!"
"Rashad Tate was able to beat the odds."
"We're going to New Hampshire victorious; you've shocked the world."