
Motivational Encouragement Quotes

There are 124 quotes

"Happy that she's lost weight, we love to see it, but the tea is that you gotta get this other stuff in your life together too."
"Good keep that going, that means that you have a life."
"Why do you keep giving me the toughest challenges? Because you're my strongest soldier."
"It's your dream nobody's gonna feel it like you feel it it's your dream nobody is going to be as dedicated to it as you are."
"It's not going to be easy here to the end, but we're going to beat this."
"You know what you want, you know what you're going after, and it's gonna make you happy. Spirit says go for it, go for it Virgo."
"You've got something special, you've got greatness in you."
"Don't talk yourself out of this... this will help you in every area of your life."
"If you're willing to do that, you're already better than 80% of the people who are in your situation."
"I'm telling you right now, you matter and don't ever forget that."
"You've got to get it done... finish the job."
"Don't quit and give up. Come on, let's go! You got a couple more rounds to go."
"Nobody loses, you get a little ribbon for playing the game." - Hal Sparks
"Almost don't count, baby. You gotta restore your faith."
"Feel proud of yourself. This is a hard journey, it's a difficult journey, it's a journey that not very many people undertake, but you have chosen to do so, and because of that, you are incredible and you are powerful and you are strong."
"Nothing makes me more proud than to see someone chasing their potential."
"Someone woke up feeling ugly today. I want you to know that you might be ugly, but you don't have to feel that way."
"We're teaching the law for free, all we need is motivation from you."
"Make it fun, make your journey exciting and motivating."
"You're giving this person a run for their money, Aquarius."
"You deserve this. You've worked so hard, especially the last year."
"Believe in yourself, believe in yourself, believe in yourself, believe in yourself."
"Do it, get out there, give it a try, put yourself out there."
"Just know that you are stronger than you realize and you got this."
"You are made for this, you are so stinking strong!"
"I want to congratulate you because you took the step, you invested in yourself, you dared to believe after all that you've gone through."
"Yay got me back this week, yes. Let's go, talk about it."
"Now is the time to keep going, persevere, step into your own light."
"Let's aim for that today, that's gonna be our goal."
"You work that weird that we're putting in you'll see how hard we work."
"No giving up, no quitting, no throwing in the towel. You can make it."
"Now go and win the league, now go and win the Champions League, now go win the FA Cup."
"Stay curious and keep striving for your dreams."
"You didn't give up. Someone needed to hear that you didn't give up."
"You gotta make this happen and if you fail, you get back up, you keep going and you keep trying until it works."
"I didn't say it would be easy, but it will be worth it."
"You've got to carry on, even when you're tired, weary, and want to quit."
"You've got to keep moving forward, you've got to keep fighting for it, you've got to keep trusting in yourself."
"Things are going to be coming together for you, vision, ideas, the process, actions, everything is going to align."
"I know he's gonna keep growing though, keep up the great videos dude, you're killing it!"
"You're a fighter, not a quitter. Let's see it right here, last 10 seconds. What do you got?"
"Final push is the hardest and I feel like that's what you're about, you're literally nearly there."
"Actually why not because you deserve this and actually this is going to help others in a way that will you know you deserve."
"Not all is lost, that could be salvaged or keep going."
"There's a world out here for you to change and you can't do it with your head held down."
"You're gonna be rising above the situation, whatever anybody was trying to do to you."
"Chase your dreams, please Katelyn, chase your dreams, honey."
"This is what we need, I'm telling you fam, everyone counted us out."
"Start now. Start right now to do the thing that you want to do."
"Are you giving your best? If so, then your best is good enough."
"We win this fight, we win this fight, go go go go go!"
"You should be selling out stadiums. You should."
"I want you to stand firm, stand firm, stand firm. Don't quit, don't quit, don't quit."
"Keep your head down, keep on pushing, and trust me."
"You're on the road to achieve your full potential."
"Just keep swinging around, just keep spinning. They're not very good at corners. Way to go, Tanisha! There is hope for this human."
"You are stronger than you think, persevere and do not give in to fear."
"Let's get to 10k likes, I know we can do this!"
"Stay strong, it's ugly this week could get uglier but we will get through this."
"I dare you to dream bigger, bigger than they told you was possible for your life."
"I dare you to walk your own path wherever that leads, whatever they say."
"You want to start the day on the right foot."
"Victory is just around the corner, you have won the battle."
"Sometimes, in order for you to say hello, you do have to say goodbye."
"Let's do new things. Let's dare to do new things."
"Don't give up, keep pushing through these challenges."
"You're closer than ever before to completing something and receiving something that you've been working for."
"You're pole vaulting over all the competition okay so victory is yours."
"I've got to give it my best effort. I honestly do."
"Don't let anyone take that fire away from you. Fuel it by yourself if you have to."
"Do it and if other people don't believe in you [ __ ] yeah, prove them wrong."
"The only way that you're not going to win and you're not going to achieve what you want is if you quit. But if you never quit, you will win."
"Come step forward into the light, even if you don't know what's coming."
"You will not see the light at the end of the tunnel unless you push through this darkest point."
"You are the best thing since sliced bread. Don't let anybody tell you otherwise."
"Don't ever lose faith, all right? We are up against it."
"Definitely not a time to give up, you are so close to finishing something."
"You need to continue on, carry on the dream, carry on the hope."
"Shine your light, speak your truth, and live your purpose as best as you can at this time."
"Even though I didn't want to do it I still passed it... Y'all can do anything man."
"You will be working hard, we're wanting you to push yourself."
"Celebrate those little victories and just be like super stoked and just feel like how uplifting that is to go ahead and lighten your load."
"Streaks are meant to be broken, so why can't she be the person to do it?"
"If you feel like you're down in the dirt right now, you're closer to your breakthrough than you think."
"Hope you're doing awesome, so close to 600 subs, just want to record my progress. You legend! Yo keep it going, never give it up."
"Believe in me, and watch your life transform."
"I know it's hard but you deserve it you deserve to be happy dammit."
"Your body's warming up, just breathe. Give yourself an air baby. Let's go, keep going!"
"Go for your dreams, never quit, persevere. You know, anything really is possible."
"An elephant a bite at a time. Exactly. That's it. Way to go, y'all. Thank you. So proud of you."
"I believe in you, you are worthy of going after your dreams."
"You are right on track, you're on the road to success. Turtle wins the race!"
"If it brings you income and if it changes your family, gosh, I will be your biggest cheerleader."
"You can't come out here and quit. Gotta show a little fight."
"You are brave and you have courage to gather momentum and fight for what you truly desire in life."
"Having a lot of opposition? Guess what? You're getting there. Don't stop."
"As long as you don't give up, you will be successful."
"You have everything that you need to accomplish what you desire."
"Remember, you've been made to outlast every storm."
"You are capable, even if they don't want you to be."
"Be your first fan, be your first believer, and the rest will come."
"Keep doing whatever you're doing because it is working."
"Can we move? It's time to go upbeat, take me puppy. You're so strong!"
"Here's to conquering your doubts and we're gonna give it a shot."
"Sometimes you gotta send it, you just gotta go."
"It's like I'm being told that I'm a [expletive] soldier and I'm like, man, thank you."
"It's never too late to do what you want to do in life."
"Let's finish strong together as a team all over the world."
"Every time you try something and it doesn't work, you don't have to die. Then you have to raise yourself, you have to dust yourself up and move on."
"You're almost there, you're almost at the finish line."
"Believe in yourself this week and reach for the stars. You are among them; you are the star."
"I couldn't live with myself knowing that my wife or my daughter and the people that depend on me and my employees is not taken care of first."
"Keep fighting for what you believe in... you are going to be successful."
"We're on the right track, let's all keep positive, let's all keep dreaming."
"Now is the time to make it happen and push it even further."
"Let's complete this challenge and end it off on a high."
"Focus y'all, this is your time to go all in. Do not take these goals into the next year; right now, we're gonna get this done."
"Just keep doing what you're doing, you're right by the finish line, you're on the home stretch."
"You need to have that warrior in you."
"Shout out to y'all for trying though, because just trying not to let your circumstances get the best of you."
"They've got to keep going, they've got to hang in there."