
Team Encouragement Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"Don't worry guys, the hard part's over. Things are going to go a little faster now."
"So, congrats for making it this far, guys. If you guys need a break, feel free to go get a beer, go relax."
"Wishing you and the duberg team the absolute best."
"It's only been two weeks, no matter what your season isn't over yet... keep grinding, let's win some games."
"All right, team, good work today. I saw a lot of hustle out there."
"Julian is a riot! Why am I actually struggling? Okay, guys, let's go. We got this!"
"I want you in my team and that's I think is the best message you can give to a player."
"Let's go, we're not losing to bronzes, I can't deal with that."
"Your support is crucial, but also the incredible kind of boost that you give us in the work."
"Every single time bro, every single time Nicola, that's beautiful."
"You and your partner are gonna do absolutely fantastic, I have all of the faith in the both of you."
"We gotta get better y'all, we gotta be better."
"Thank you for all of your support that you've given us throughout this champions league campaign."
"Only three more games to be European champions, you can do it!"
"The chances did come, and I'm sure Ed Brown said to the lads, 'Keep doing it, keep doing what you're doing.'"
"LG stands for let's go, you're not wrong there spraggles."
"You're doing so much work, we're proud of you."
"You guys are absolutely phenomenal. Get out there, be great, and create."
"Let's get motivated, we are going to do this!"
"Now let's blow it out of the water and do it again, right?"
"I love that you are everybody's biggest cheerleader."
"Believe in your Pokemon and keep pushing on. Thanks, you all, we're gonna keep winning!"
"As long as they feed the pit, Buffalo all the way this time."
"We did need that goal, let's hope we get some confidence from this."
"Let's do it, ice, come on, this is our year!"
"I just want to see them like just play like the MAD Lions that we know you can be."
"Goals win games and goals gift memberships, guys. Wow, fair play to you boys, that's massive." - Devs
"That's what Celtic's kind of needing, that lucky goal at the end just to see if it went over the line, to give them a comment as well."
"I'm not digging anyone out for work great today. I believe you all push yourself 100%, and that's all we'll ever ask."
"700 just keep going guys keep strong... we are the best."
"Let's be great today, let's clutch up, let's just figure things out and let's get on track. This is hashtag Justin Fields's MVP season."
"It is your passion and support that is driving our development teams to make the best game possible."
"We gotta be smart, run the ball, get Harris involved, and just win baby. Let's go!"
"We're gonna make it, you guys, I feel it. I feel good about this."
"That's what we're talking about, that's what we're talking about!"
"You guys are doing a good job... block this [ __ ]."
"Let's make sure that we end the year on a green now. Take it easy team."
"I would love to see you guys come back and do what we all know you're capable of doing."
"We might go win this game. You know we all got each other, remember? So, stay with it, no matter what happens."
"Great job boys, how was that, how was your first day bro? 'Good, good energy, did you learn something? Yes.'"
"We could do this, boys. This is the biggest game in our history."
"I am proud of you all, my X-Men. Fate lies in our hands now."
"I believe in you guys, let's do this."
"First things first, lads, give yourselves a round of applause, that was bloody brilliant."
"Let's see how that looks, perfect, looking good you guys."
"He ain't nowhere near the leader, the encourager of teammates, or the clutch performer as this dude."
"Catch your breath, good work team."
"That's the element of confidence and push for each other."
"Encouraging though for Pony pool, definitely."
"Good job, everybody's rocking it today."
"Brilliant job, very good night, we haven't finished yet."
"That's massive, come on lads, you got this, this is massive for them, bro, this is absolutely massive."
"We gotta bring this home, we got this."
"So proud of you guys, so proud of you guys, whole year, the first step, this is the first step."