
Educational Achievement Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"Marina's grades are up. She's now an A student, and she has transformed with Haru."
"She earned her degrees through hard work and pure grit. She's an inspiration to me, to her students, and to Americans across the country."
"Your self-worth isn't what grade you got in school."
"The universe has the distinction of graduating the largest number of black engineers per year over the past two decades."
"To see your students succeed beyond all of your wildest expectations is probably the highest accomplishment that an educator can ever have."
"Excellence in school was the golden ticket out of financial hardship."
"Congratulations to all the graduates... whether you went to HBCU, PWI, Community College, Juco, does not matter."
"Megan Thee Stallion is now a college graduate crossing the stage at Texas Southern University."
"97% of students get everything done in three months."
"Every Tiger Bell Ed Temple ever coached graduated from college."
"From double dropout to Dr. Jody, surely that is the ultimate redemption."
"Congratulations, we have reached the end of this course."
"The crazy thing people don't know is I didn't graduate high school so when you look at a class of 1997 at Milpitas High that beautiful photo with everybody there I wasn't there because I was told that there's no way."
"Remember that you are what makes you awesome, not just where you go to school."
"Almost a quarter of a million people have gotten their 'Be Their' certificates since it launched."
"And also, it should be noted that they say the smartest, the most scholastically achieved immigrant population is the Nigerian population."
"We've had the highest progress eight for the last two years in the whole country. That's out of some 4,000 secondary schools."
"By the end of this video, all of us will have our masters in onions."
"Graduates from my school being Forbes backdrop, mic drop."
"Redfall's largest battles can be highly enjoyable and the way missions are unlocked on the side is very rewarding."
"Hooray! So this course really filled my knowledge gaps."
"We have the number one literacy rate in the world now."
"I was actually able to get an associate's degree while I was in the military."
"I'm proud of her; it's cool that she can read and write in Spanish now."
"95% of our 12 year-olds across India can read and write."
"There might be a hundred kids in the school who know two plus two equals four, but if only two of those kids can write it, then only two of those kids will receive A's."
"The Caliphate of the Islamic Golden Age boasted the highest literacy rate of the Middle Ages."
"The Islamic Golden Age boasted the highest literacy rate of the Middle Ages."
"Don't tell us that we are uneducated. I became a breadwinner, graduated summa cum laude, and I am as empowered as you are."
"I'm a gold star student, you're a gold star student, nailed it, good job, thank you."
"You look at Booker T. Washington and you see the results."
"You are achieving a higher level of knowledge and learning and wisdom around this time."
"I went from a failing student to a 4.0 student."
"Certifications tell people two things: that you know your stuff and that you put in the time to learn it."
"Always be working on something. Make it a goal to finish your textbook, learning program, or reach a certain level."
"The 18th and 19th century Cardinal Cosette Kasper mezzofanti is perhaps one of the most accomplished historic polyglots reportedly being able to speak or understand 72 languages."
"Students engaged with algebraic equations, big confidence booster."
"Asian American children are the only race to score far above proficient in math and science testing."
"I basically used other people's essays that we were given as exemplars and got really high marks to improve my own writing."
"As parents, your child's graduation day is a big deal. All of their hard work and determination has led to that one moment when they walk across that stage, grab their diploma, dreams of the future swimming in their head."
"He's a little smart on top of that he also graduated from Yale and from there he went went into the US Navy to work in intelligence."
"Speaking of boost recorded history has been boosted because we just finished our second campus over here."
"If you've made it this far then congratulations because you just finished the course."
"It's quite easy to feel intimidated by other grads... Don't feel that way because you've got to where you are for a reason."
"Girls and women outperform boys and men at every level of education."
"Did you score the 87th percentile? No, you scored 87%. Did you score 72 on the test? Well, you just achieved a semi-percentile."
"You're finally graduating from whatever this has been."
"I managed to graduate high school a year early."
"You've had a fantastic education at Cambridge, you've stuck your ground, you've got your identity, you're a scientific mind, you're not some Dogma kind of person."
"I am still a first generation college graduate. I still did all of the work to get to where I am today."
"Their names would go down in the school's history, making a name for themselves as the elite of elite."
"Getting in doesn't prove you're intelligent; it actually doesn't prove anything."
"You are an actual PhD doctor at the University of Colorado State."
"If you made it all the way to here you earned yourself a special Mathologer seal of approval."
"I finally graduated nursing school even though it took me a while. I passed the inlex and I passed on February 1st, 2024. I became a registered nurse."
"First day of school was a success for me."
"The children were much more successful and had improved self-esteem because they were completing more of the activities in the classroom."
"As long as you're passing all your classes, you can do this."
"You are officially an expert in thermodynamics."
"He's the first in his family to go to college, now just six years after graduation he's a genuine American success, but something's missing."
"Why am I the first Kinnock in a thousand generations to be able to get to university?"
"I am it. This is the highest education anyone in my family... has ever gotten to. It's me."
"I was blown away at the fact that I was able to go to college."
"B's and C's get degrees, so you know Mama Jessica is proud of me."
"Throughout your first day, you are excellent at things that have taken students years to master."
"She's always been a beautiful girl, and now she's a beautiful woman who is a graduate of NYU."