
Scientific Contribution Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"We published more than a hundred articles in scientific journals every year."
"The vision initiated by Williams and carried through by men like Professor Ken Julian and his team wins Trinidad and Tobago the prosperity it now enjoys."
"Ellion's contributions will continue to improve the lives of people everywhere."
"Tesla's work wasn't appreciated at the time."
"Jane Foster... one of the world's greatest experts in astrophysics."
"The Geological Society provided financial support and commemorated Anning's contributions after her death."
"Now he himself wasn't able to solve... father-and-son team of William and Lawrence Bragg."
"His theorems became laws of physics, and his equations became essential for future generations of scientists and engineers."
"Percy Julian, overcoming discrimination, contributes to science and becomes one of the first black millionaires."
"Thank you all for joining us today, we are excited to be on our way to delivering that important science back to the National Space Station."
"So much of what we understand about time came from Einstein and his special theory of relativity."
"Trillions of her cells exist in the scientific community."
"Congratulations on the release of this study. It's fantastic information."
"I'm part of a study, and I'm very proud to be part of it."
"Stephen William Hawking inspires us by his joyous life, by his courage, his stubbornness, and his challenging questions for scientists of today and of the future."
"With the help of Dr. Lee Goff's insect analysis, authorities were able to identify the victim and his killer."
"I'm so proud that Britain avoided the catastrophe of an overwhelmed NHS and that through foresight and brilliant science we've led the world in a vaccination effort."
"I recently joined the scientific advisory board of healthy gamer."
"If you helped us out, then I think you have a legitimate claim to say that you helped discover a new planet."
"Thank you so much for your contribution to science, humanity, and the alleviation of suffering."
"Gladis West: A mathematician whose extremely detailed model of the Earth became the foundation of GPS that is used today in countless applications including navigation and communication."
"The painstaking work of investigators and scientists give little Stevie Crawford back his name."
"This is actually going to be a legit telescope which is going to generate science."
"The Voyagers captured more than 33,000 images of Jupiter and its satellites."
"It's an example of what happens when there is good police work, science, and community support."
"Remember Krauss saying philosophy of science contributed nothing to science? I'm pretty sure Judea Pearl's work influenced the discovery of the Higgs boson."
"There are still good researchers that are doing good data."
"There's like a joy in what comes from this kind of exploration."
"He was the first person to synthesize progesterone, which helps some women avoid miscarriages and is also used to treat cancer."
"Nikola Tesla symbolizes a unifying force and inspiration for all nations in the name of peace and science."
"This research wouldn't have been possible without it."
"Voyager 1 has been a big help in teaching us about space."
"This is a gift to science, a gift to humanity."
"It's just an amazing thing to be able to contribute to the scientific community."
"Alpha Fold has had this really incredible impact in terms of enhancing experimental structure determination."
"Virginia Apgar is a superhero of science."
"Research is important, research matters, and the things that researchers do are significant."
"Great science may not even be the most outstanding characteristic; personal warmth, generosity, and an exceptional motivation to contribute to the welfare of the greater scientific community are just as important."
"HeLa cells have changed the world as we know it and saved innumerable lives in the process."
"Some notable contributions include finding new properties of Bernoulli numbers, his rapid approximation to pi, and the Hardy-Ramanujan partition formula."
"The Nobel prize-winning physics and the Nobel prize-winning chemistry were both made possible because of the work that we did."
"Strughold's expertise in keeping people alive in space was derived, at least partially, from his intimate knowledge of just how much the human body can endure under extreme stress."
"Thousands of scientists are contributing to the high quality of the work of IPCC."
"This is probably one of the most valuable papers we have yet received this year."
"The knowledge and techniques developed here are now used by scientists all over the world as a basis for understanding many other desert river valleys."
"The observations and the data collected on the Apollo missions, the samples that were collected, are really a gift that keeps on giving."
"The great scientist calculated a price for gold that stayed constant until the 20th century."
"For 60 years, the Curie family played a central role in the development of modern nuclear physics."
"Turing got scooped by Church. Does that mean that Turing did nothing of value? Absolutely not."
"We owe almost all we know about simple cellular biology to bacteria."
"She is credited with major contribution to the development of GPS."
"Maurice Hillman developed 40 new vaccines, eight of which are still in use today."
"Chemistry made the New York Times for helping in the war effort back in World War Two."
"They published a paper in Nature Journal this year listing 57,000 gamers as co-authors for this paper on curing cancer."