
Electoral Success Quotes

There are 120 quotes

"We helped Alexandra Castillo Cortes win. We're super proud of that. We're on the Bernie side, and we're gonna take that fight to the corporate Democrats like Pelosi and Schumer."
"Clinton easily demolished Bob Dole and Ross Perot in 1996."
"We have to go to where the people are at. That is how we win."
"Donald Trump played into primitive feelings and stormed to victory."
"If the left were to simply restrict their criticism of President Trump to the relevant... they'd have a lot better shot at winning back power."
"President Trump's on his way to winning Florida."
"President Trump set a record for the most primary votes ever received by any incumbent ever." - Donald J. Trump
"Stacy Abrams, Ralph Warnock, and John Ossoff beat Mitch McConnell."
"Eisenhower crushed it at the polls, sweeping even southern states that hadn't voted Republican since Reconstruction."
"If it is accurate that he did more meetings with voters than all of the candidates combined then I think he will do very well in the vote on Monday."
"We should also be absolutely looking to what Lucy McBath was able to accomplish not once but twice."
"Democracy, we can win via the ballot box and we will win by the ballot box."
"The way things look after the Iowa caucus is Trump Victory 2024."
"That's the party that will win elections going forward, it's also, by the way, the party that will do the right friggin thing."
"The right-wing populist PlayBook keeps winning... it's not a fluke."
"Conservatives won't win unless we push for good policy."
"The first party to retire its 80-year-old candidate is going to be the party that wins this election."
"Joe Biden will have secured the most votes in the history of the country in terms of presidential wins."
"With your help, with your voice, and with your vote, we will win, win, win."
"I had three million more votes than the other guy."
"Democrats win elections when we show we understand the painful economic realities facing American families."
"Here's the thing it ain't gonna work it ain't gonna work because Democrats are going to lose."
"The way that Donald Trump loses is if the Democrats embrace the populist left message."
"As progressives, we believe that a populist candidate that actually serves the voters has a much better chance of winning."
"Johnson's fall has been particularly striking considering that just two and a half years ago this British Prime Minister was able to reap a resounding electoral success, the largest Conservative majority since the days of Margaret Thatcher."
"James Dean received 75% of the popular vote with 395 electoral votes."
"Fa's victory with approximately 54% of the vote indicates a significant mandate from the electorate."
"Max Holloway, people are drawn to him... it was a landslide, you know."
"More extreme candidates tend to lose more often."
"You don't need to win the left or the right, you need to win the middle."
"Absolutely he's gonna win after this after one thousand percent."
"Bernie did far better than any other meaningful leftist movement in the past."
"Great night for working-class candidates and the working class in the country."
"The RNC needs to have a military-style strategic plan... if you can have that structure, you are going to win every single election."
"The more you tell your activist base to piss off, the more successful you're gonna be electorally."
"Bernie Sanders is gonna be way ahead at the end of the night."
"Let us go forward together, let us win this election, let us transform this country."
"You voted in record numbers in November. Your voices were heard, your votes were counted. The will of the people prevailed. We won three times here."
"You won 81 million votes, 306 electoral college votes... You have a mandate, period."
"Trump won because he said 'You matter and you're not forgotten anymore.'"
"If Trump would just moderate his rhetoric a little, he'd win by 10 points."
"That's why people voted in 2020. That's why we won Georgia, that's why we won these seats in Arizona because Democrats want fighters, Democrats want people who are going to go in there and they're going to get people coveted relief."
"Progressives can win electorally, but they better do something when they win."
"When you're actually stricter on immigration, you win the communities that other people say you're not going to win."
"Trump literally got elected because he was famous for being a rich person on television."
"The Labour Party would have a brilliant chance, okay, you know, a coherent chance of winning an election if the parliamentary Labour Party was connected to the roots and the movement of the wider body of the party."
"Thanks a bunch guys, really appreciate that. I think we got the most votes by like a lot. It wasn't even close, so got a lot of votes."
"In Boris Johnson you have a charismatic election-winning prime minister."
"They threw everything but the kitchen sink at us... I can tell you because of your support in spite of all of that that they threw at us every one against us we've got our ticket punched out of Iowa."
"If what you want to do is stage a political upset and put together an electoral coalition capable of winning, you're going to have to represent the economic interests of the working age population and appeal to them on the basis of policy."
"Women came out record numbers in the primaries they said you'll be lucky to get one candidate we now have 12."
"Because of Jesus, we too can be raised to new life."
"Democrats in two years have won back nearly half the seats they lost over President Obama’s time in office."
"Georgia, we turned Georgia blue. We won this election decisively."
"Trump convinced about twenty percent of the population to vote for him, which won the Electoral College vote, despite Hillary winning the popular vote by close to three million."
"We've just got the second seat, yeah, this is so, it's such a short reminder."
"We just don't win a little we win big and decisively and landslide permanent victories."
"Democrats are doing well with their strategy."
"We did great in 2016 and we won, we did much better in 2020 than we did in 2016, and as I said, getting millions and millions more votes than any sitting president."
"Elections are won by people who are a little bit anxious."
"We don’t lock up political opponents. We beat them at the ballot box."
"One in three Brits voted for a party barely six weeks old. That's the power of a third party."
"This is the highest sustained lead that labor have enjoyed in the polls since David Cameron first entered Downing Street back in 2010."
"It's going to continue to heat up, but a big victory for Trump."
"This is the moment. This is our time. And if you will stand with me... then we will win this caucus, we will win this election, we will change the course of history."
"Joe Biden has maintained a pretty commanding lead over Donald Trump in a state that Trump won by four points in 2016."
"No Democrat has hit over 400 electoral votes since LBJ."
"How he overcame 17 qualified men and women in 2016 and how he beat the Queen B herself."
"Owen accurately recognizes is that the Tories are going into a sort of populist mode with Boris Johnson and rightly so and it's going to win because the polling has been staggeringly good for the Tories."
"Democrats are realizing that if they run on the issues and drive their voters to the polls, they can actually win."
"Social media was put to good use by Congress in Karnataka."
"We need more than a victory on November 3rd, we need a mandate."
"We win elections against big money by organizing people to mobilize and to vote."
"When the economy is solid, presidents get reelected."
"Trump is winning the popular vote in a way no Republican has done in 20 years since 2004. Trump is poised to win the popular vote."
"First of all to take over the reigns of the most important office in the land and secondly to either keep or grow that important electoral advance that."
"Let's be honest folks, we are going to need every single one of your help to win this race."
"We're going to have the biggest victory, a victory that will equal or surpass what we did in 2016."
"I think next time if we start now to really make some solid policy policies I think we could we could actually win the next direction."
"The only way to deal with them is to overwhelmingly defeat them at the poll."
"We're gonna make sure to win this and I think we're gonna win it really big."
"He convinces every single elector count to vote for him."
"I think Reagan's the last president who did that and I hope that if I'm the nominee it's my responsibility to deliver a landslide like Reagan did in 1980."
"You want to get them in on day one because the biggest push for an agenda is going to happen in these first two years if they take the Senate and they take the House and they take the presidency."
"After a 73% win... who doesn't want to be with the cool kids, right?"
"Jackson not only received the most electoral votes, but he received the most votes TOTAL."
"We're looking at 60 plus pickups in the house."
"If you represent working people, if you cater to their issues, their policies, if you run on that, you win elections."
"But we came in first in almost every state. Think of it as a group first. And we won. And then we won the election against beautiful Hillary."
"It's about the progressive organizers who pulled off a stunning upset."
"You're one election away from being able to celebrate." - Drew McKisic
"Biden may know a thing or two about how to talk to voters in a way that wins."
"So is the Conservative Party doomed? Are conservatives doing well, sorry to stay on the numbers just briefly, but electorally? No, of course, we're not doomed, we're consistently ahead in the polls."
"Labor overcame a 24,664 vote majority winning the seat for the first time with a swing of 20.5%."
"I am the youngest member of the Indian Parliament, having been reelected this year by the largest majority given to any candidate from my state."
"The electoral geography was somewhat helpful to Labour."
"Elections are won by the party that really owns the future."
"Tonight I humbly stand before you as your governor-elect, knowing that you met this moment."
"For the first time since Ulysses S Grant was re-elected a quarter Century earlier, a candidate had won over 50% of the popular vote."
"Labour have won a victory that has stunned their opponents and amazed their supporters."
"Being able to harness a new technology in a way that allows you to reach out and connect with more people than your opponent is what it takes to win an election."
"Elections are won by parties that try and go for the center ground, that try and go for the one nation agenda."
"Labour's bid to win the middle class has really paid off."