
Company Analysis Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"Historically, it has been one of the best performing companies."
"Free cash flow is my favorite number to look at when analyzing a company."
"I see a very resilient growing company that will have continued increase in margins over time and continued profitability."
"Is Disney a buy right now based off of the possibilities of what they can do?"
"Simply Safe Dividends would have told you to sell GE a long time ago."
"This company has a robust balance sheet with no long-term debt."
"Understanding financial statements is key to becoming a real investor."
"There is so much more to Tesla than their vehicles."
"A company that YouTube promoted and creators embraced was actually unmatched as the company embodiment of a trash fire."
"Cut it all out and own good companies. Our own turnarounds. Study them and you'll do well."
"It's very hard to go wrong with investing in AAPL for the long term."
"Pltr is one of the more obvious value plays."
"I think the most important thing here is that NIO is backed by the Chinese government."
"Given the fundamentals of the company, the valuation, their market position, their brand, their moat, secular growth trends, and the way that they're using technology, I think this company does have ultimately a very bright future."
"The risk of bankruptcy was much higher because they hadn't established themselves... it was obvious 10 years ago that Tesla had won the decade and the next one."
"The Greeks can speak across 3,000 years of history and tell us some questions if not the answers to some of the most purturbung eternal questions in the world."
"Olympus is in this really interesting position right now."
"I want to look at their statement balance sheet wow look at this this is awesome matterport just went profitable that's actually really good."
"Personally, I just think there's better companies to invest in out there."
"I think that you should pick out companies that are profitable, companies that have good growth prospects and buy a portion of them."
"It's super interesting to see this kind of deep dive on their company's culture."
"I'm gonna make sure I know everything there is to know about this company before I put my hard-earned money into it."
"Apple's a wide moat company with a sustainable competitive advantage."
"Epic is one of the smartest and most interesting companies in the world right now."
"This company is a growth piece, they're expected to have about 15% revenue growth in 2020."
"I believe Amazon is a good long-term investment."
"Understanding Pool Corp: More than just pool products, it's a business powerhouse."
"It has proven reserves value of over 800 million which, along with the 240 million on the balance sheet, implies that it has a value of over 1 billion dollars."
"I think Tesla holds a lot more risk than people talk about."
"Corsair Gaming in the long term still intact, short term is just a complete disaster."
"I think Tesla's way ahead of my own expectations when I first started looking at the company in detail."
"It's always good to keep up with the company's financials by reading their 10k annual report or 10-q quarterly report."
"...TI what people really hate about this company well there are multiple things as you said revenues are down over 10% year over-year or four quarters in a row."
"A great company can go bad because of debt levels, and that's what I'm worried about here."
"To value a company, you need to start with a story."
"State Street is a very high-quality company trading at a very attractive valuation."
"The best investments are not necessarily the best companies."
"So my goal in compounding money effectively and quickly is simply finding companies that meet these attributes as close as possible and investing in them heavily."
"Don't go there if you want the beta for a company. I think the best way to get a beta for your company is to look at the business your company is in and find the betas of other companies in the business, take an average."
"They have common characteristics I've highlighted on different spreadsheets, things that I want to look for in companies, including strong organic growth, pricing power, scalability, predictability in their cash flows and earnings, and monopolistic traits."
"The first thing we look at is, is the company making money?"
"I own Amazon for many different reasons, but overall, I think that this company is not going to go anywhere and it will continue to grow for literally decades to come."
"A major part of the role of an equity research analyst is company analysis."
"I think Nvidia is a high-quality company with a great future, great leadership, and will outperform the majority of companies in the stock market over the next 10 years."
"A much better approach is to think about what drives the company."
"If you are an investor, there are three ways you can look at Tesla."
"We capitalized R&D to get a better sense of how profitable is this company, how much is it reinvesting, and finally, how well is it reinvesting."