
Error Prevention Quotes

There are 147 quotes

"In a well-designed plant, a simple error shouldn't result in an accident."
"If you continually engage in appropriate micro corrections, then you don't have to have the catastrophe of a major error."
"That's why there's an automatic error monitoring system in our heads that registers every mess-up before it occurs."
"Coding in TypeScript, we can catch a lot of our mistakes at compile time."
"I think the lesson here is, don't go off track in the first place."
"The architecture of your shellcode is so important; if it doesn't match your target's architecture, your program won't work."
"If we work on a real project, then we want to prevent that our program can just crash."
"We've made too many mistakes; we can't afford any risks."
"Jack has started making things that are quite literally physically impossible for a human to mess up."
"There's a fundamental benefit to modeling in 3D for a woodworking project - you get to make all of your mistakes digitally."
"I believe that history is an important tool for us to learn from past human errors."
"I've always been telling people look we live in a time where you cannot be ignorant of your faith. You have got to be studying it because otherwise you're just going to end up falling into error."
"The game is not over so don't start making stupid mistakes, don't start throwing."
"Testing can really help you out and give you a more efficient way to check things and prevent future errors."
"The beauty of the validation failure handler system is that they are fired before any damage is done."
"Make sure that this way there are no spelling errors."
"Simplicity is key; if you have to think really hard about something in a live environment, you're probably doing it wrong."
"Make a plan and then execute it, no miss clicks."
"You don't want to make any big mistakes or any small mistakes you want everything to be just right."
"Fixing your mistakes later on is much less successful than getting it right the first time."
"Stunt performer injuries are most definitely not supposed to happen because of human error."
"Correct your psychological biases to avoid mistakes."
"Starting with the belief and then working your way backward to justifying the belief, that is a really, really good way to be wrong."
"Holy Spirit power of God, teach them to involve you in their everyday lives, and they live that life of victory because when you're involved, there is no error."
"Avoid making mistakes by understanding the linguistic developments of runic alphabets."
"We're getting pretty good at not letting spelling errors slip through."
"It's a way to make sure that you don't make the boneheaded mistakes."
"It's really tough to write correct parallel code, but it's really tough to write correct parallel code and what this is guaranteeing is that you cannot write wrong parallel code."
"If you do not have an understanding of the times that you are living in you are doomed to error and you are doomed to mistakes."
"All code is worth testing because any error can cause catastrophic results."
"Track changes in Excel helps you avoid errors when sharing workbooks."
"I like to have that little bit of error-proof ability so that I don't have to worry about this thing potentially going wrong in the moment."
"Handling infrastructure manually introduces errors and issues."
"Keep it simple. If you start overcomplicating things with too many layers, then you're more prone to human error."
"Good mental health is also a way to prevent errors."
"What needs to be measured on a consistent basis? What safeguards are being built in to avoid errors?"
"Had Knight implemented an automated deployment system complete with configuration deployment and testing automation, the error that had caused the 'Knightmare' would have been avoided."
"...validations are great because in case you make an error it'll catch you..."
"Understanding circadian rhythms, knowing your adjuncts, recognizing that sleep deprivation can lead to errors, thinking about scheduling strategies, and being a sleep pro."
"Logic is meant to stop you from making errors and blunders."
"...removing all opportunities for you to make a mistake during an exam."
"A good example would be, let's say inside of here what I do is I say you know results is equal to Wiki and then I say results is equal to results... Like it in theory this would still work and in fact I could even print the results."
"...you can see how TypeScript actually serves as documentation and allows you to catch errors early in development."
"By building in these types of checks as part of your data validation process, you can avoid errors in your analysis."
"You can see that's required. TypeScript realizes that in advance, and that's one way it helps you eliminate errors here at development time, at compile time rather than, of course, when the application is running as you would in JavaScript."
"Anomalies can be very subtle to a human and still produce more error through the network than the nominal system does."
"Thinking rationally reduces our susceptibility to sophisms and other errors."
"Wouldn't it have been better to not make the mistake in the first place?"
"Typescript is an entire language backed by a trillion-dollar corporation with the sole purpose of reducing the likelihood of 'undefined is not a function' popping up in error messages."
"Typescript helps you eliminate errors here at development time, at compile time rather than, of course, when the application is running as you would in JavaScript."
"It's very easy to make mistakes there's already a lot going on in your programs so why have to like I guess reinvent the wheel."
"There are some common mistakes that people make and we're going to cover all of them."
"With Typescript, you can write more robust and maintainable code, catching potential errors during development."
"...work efficiently and work smartly because it helps to avoid human error."
"Always try out your scripts continuously, make sure that you don't introduce mistakes early on."
"Haste makes mistakes; impatience can lead to disaster."
"If the AI is in the right place, nothing else can go wrong."
"Learning to use the type system to turn potential runtime errors into compile time errors."
"Focus on those parts of C++ that will turn potential runtime errors into compile-time errors."
"Error prevention for legal, financial data is critical."
"The aim of a control is to prevent or detect an error."
"Using Utility Network Management can ensure all the design integrity for the network completeness and avoid any human errors."
"Above all, relax and not make any mistakes."
"I recommend you guys always do it before you start designing; that way, you can avoid mistakes in the future."
"We need to learn some data structures so that we can write this wrong and not get got in the future."
"You don't have to remember anything, and there's no manual entry, so literally there's no room for error."
"You the viewer are in a great position to learn how to avoid making errors."
"The genealogical proof standard is designed to help us avoid situations like that."
"Another benefit of slow learning is error prevention."
"It helps you to reduce errors by finding those errors as early as possible."
"It is better to produce no results than incorrect results, and good error handling should be coded from the start."
"Avoid one of the biggest mistakes with Balanced Scorecard design."
"The problem is not about stopping bad doctors but stopping good doctors from making mistakes."
"It's all about details and not making mistakes."
"This helps students avoid making these errors."
"If you could somehow get rid of all or at least most of this configuration State concerning resolving references and permissions, you would be eliminating the primary cause of stupid errors."
"If you want to avoid avoidable errors, checklists are extraordinarily helpful."
"I committed myself to never making mistakes again."
"We have with under ADA all the systems that help us to avoid errors when we are driving and to make our driving experience safer."
"Our editing and factchecking systems are designed to defend against the errors and mistakes even good professionals sometimes make."
"Just be careful around the machine; we don't want to make a mistake again."
"Unanimity helps offset fallibility."
"You all want to know when you're right. You never will... all you ever need to know in this world is when you're wrong and learn to prevent it."
"More mistakes are made by not looking and not knowing."
"The single most important thing if you want to avoid all the stupid errors is knowing where you're competent and where you aren't, knowing the edge of your own competency."
"Minimize silly mistakes by reading through the question thoroughly."
"It's easier for people to read your code, it's easier for you to check your code, and you're actually going to be less prone to mistakes."
"I'm going to show you everything and how I do it so that way you don't make any mistakes."
"As a nurse, I have actually caught many medication errors by just following these rights of medication administration."
"It's not used for punitive effects; it's more a learning process so that we can make changes and prevent future errors."
"This acrylic template takes out the guesswork and makes sure you don't make mistakes."
"If your Elm app compiles, it is guaranteed not to crash."
"It's all about being accurate and not rushing and making mistakes."
"This helped him to avoid stillness and the sensual bluntness that breeds mistakes."
"Using the type safe framework allows you to ensure that you haven't made any errors in your actual code."
"Very important to avoid errors; it's easy to make errors in brachytherapy."
"If you can make it a higher control level such as eliminate, substitute, or isolate, you're less likely to have human error leads and incidents and accidents."
"It's much better to wait and go slowly to not make mistakes than to rush and make mistakes which you'll simply have to correct later."
"Typescript just saved me from a typo."
"Human factors are those elements which affect our behavior and performance, especially those that may cause us to make errors."
"Anticipating misuse is thinking about the ways users could cause the program to fail."
"Stay focused, don't make stupid mistakes."
"This will prevent a lot of amateur mistakes."
"The number one error in spreadsheets throughout history is when people do not follow Excel's golden rule."
"Make use of the find/replace because it helps avoid typos."
"The less code you write, the less likely you're going to make mistakes."
"As a good Java developer, you should prevent such exceptions from happening or anticipate and handle them properly."
"What strategies do you use to guard against what the human factors pros call a planned continuation error or what we might more commonly know as get-there-itis?"
"If you surprise them, they'll simply do the wrong thing."
"It's so easy to make mistakes, so double-check your stuff."
"The fixed one is the one where you're less prone to make errors because when you move things around, it will always be fixed."
"It's better for casting as well as for pushing the possible errors into the compile time section of your code."
"And you know try not to be in such a hurry because when you start hurrying that's when you get mistakes."
"Speed isn't always the best in certain situations; moving too quick isn't always the best idea because it can lead to errors and mistakes."
"We're always thinking that there will be errors at some points, so what we're going to try and do is set up our systems to prevent errors, hopefully, but also as well when errors occur to be able to find them quickly and correct them quickly."
"Mornings matter when it comes to focus and when it comes to human error."