
Personal Methods Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"That's it. That's how I handle task management."
"If you don't know the way you're supposed to do things, then you have to forge your own path."
"Sometimes her way is the reason why she's at the top of her game."
"Some of us, we don't know a better way to do it than to do it messy."
"There is no right way... sometimes when we do something and find success in the way we've done it, we think that's the way it works."
"My process is just that, my process. It works well for me, but if you think you have a better way of doing something, feel free to try it out and experiment."
"As long as I find a way where I feel like it's easier to do... I'm kind of cool with that."
"Experiment with each of these approaches and find out what works best for you and your goals."
"If you believe in something and you want to do it, do it your own way and don't let anyone tell you how to do it."
"I showed everybody the blueprint but people chose not to use the way I chose."
"My way is the right way when it comes to this."
"Physically writing out my thoughts is just more effective and meaningful to me."
"I've always been very scientific in my approach."
"I think everyone's methods have to work for the people that are involved, gosh it sounds so romantic, you know I'm saying?"
"I feel like it kind of organizes my thoughts in a way that I can't do any other way."
"Don't teach them how to keep aquariums like you keep them."
"Whatever works for you to get the result in the end."
"Find the way that is going to work for you while there's still time to find it."
"There are no rules, honey. Use a tool however it works best for you."
"Find a study method or strategy that works for you."
"I wanted to not necessarily do a review or any kind of crazy following a tutorial. I want to follow my own damn tutorial that's in my own brain."
"There's not a right way to do this except your way through this."
"I do think there is definitely a few things that I do to kind of maximize productivity."
"At the end of the day, it doesn't really matter what works for you. Keep doing it."
"Everyone develops their own way of doing things. Do what’s efficient for you."
"What works for you may not work for others."
"Try to stick to one source of information. There's never a specific way; find what works for you."
"We all have to be happy with our methods and our creativity and that's really the most important."
"There are no right or wrong ways to do these things. There are ways that are faster, more efficient, but if you're doing something in a way that works for you, then it's right."
"There is no best way to do woodworking, there's just the way that works for you."
"You find your own way to do it, and that's the way that you do it."
"Some people cope in different ways; I cope by talking."
"Everybody has their own ideas which is the right and the wrong way to do things, and to be honest, there isn't really a right and a wrong way."
"One trick that I personally like to use is taking it in small pieces."
"I'm going to explain why I do what I do and what works the best for me."
"You find what works for you, and then you just do that."
"Everybody has their own way of doing things that work for them and that makes them feel comfortable."
"The main thing is, it doesn't quite matter how you do it."
"Utilizing this method of time management works for me."
"Now there's not just one way to do well in a class; this is just how I did well."
"There's no right way, there's no wrong way, you simply have to experiment and find what works for you."
"Try things different ways and see which one works best for you."
"We all have our own ways of doing things."
"There was never a right way or wrong way to do anything, it was just the way that worked for you and what was getting results."
"Whichever way works for you, that's the right way."
"Personally, I like to do things my own way."
"Everybody's got their own ways of doing things."
"Use whatever method works best for you."
"Nobody wrote the book; as long as it's working for you, why change?"
"I'm one of those people that has to like color code their notes."
"You've got to put together your own way of doing things."
"Homework and time management... ultimately he gets it done, and that's what matters, not whether he does it my way or his way, but whether he gets it done."
"This is just my approach, it's not the right or the wrong or the best way or anything like that, it's just what works for me."
"If you've found a better way for yourself to do a certain thing, then by all means do it that way."
"Everybody works differently, everybody has their own technique."
"Everyone's different, everyone has everything that works for them."
"The best method is the one that works for you."
"I'd like to share with you the way I do things in the hopes that it will help you on your journey to finding the best way for you to do things."
"Everybody has their different method."
"I'm a big believer in working in the way that works best for you and not following what everyone else does."
"There are really no hard or fast rules; you find the best approach that works for you, and away you go."
"Focus on the things that work for you and have always worked."
"I'm doing it my way; there's no right way to do it, no wrong way to do it."
"You have to do what works for your environment."
"Nobody's right or wrong; we all have different ways of doing it."
"Sometimes you have to figure out what works for you."
"Please remember, there are probably a million and one ways to do what I am doing. I am doing it my way."