
Software Improvement Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"But over the past couple of years Microsoft's team has added a lot of needed features to the app and honestly it's pretty darn good, especially for having absolutely no premium tier whatsoever."
"Every issue you filed, every tweet you tweeted has helped make WSL what it is today."
"Mailchimp has become substantially easier to use than it used to be."
"I really wish my carts move quicker. Mojang, please, please, please."
"Developers that switch see pretty substantial decreases in app size."
"Focus modes have been updated and made much easier and simpler to set up."
"Photoshop just worked and looked better than it ever had overnight."
"That's hilariously better, that's night and day cursor moves immediately page up page down do what they're supposed to they did it."
"The key here is that Epic basically went back through the game with a fine-toothed comb."
"Dot version updates positively changed FSD in a significant way."
"We've got some details on a fun update to the Serenitea Pot right after the version 2.3 upgrades."
"Things feel simple and nice in Blender 2.8, a change for the better."
"It has changed a lot. So many tweaks have been made and now it's actually running much much better as well."
"Despite being a small update, the video sequence editor has received improvements, enabling better organization and control over edits."
"Tesla's UI constantly evolves with software updates, improving the user experience."
"This is what Windows 8 should have been like."
"Everything on this version of Windows is entirely modern which is great for those who are interested in consistent user interfaces and all of that good stuff."
"The new Action Center is a much better experience in my opinion compared to Windows 10 and this is something I really hope shows up on desktop at some point because it's just an improvement overall."
"It takes your existing code and makes it better."
"Starting to hit that point with Cyberpunk where we're transitioning from the bugs being the biggest focus to reworking some aspects of the game being the biggest focus."
"It really cleans up your props and, in general, makes the code that you're working with much easier and cleaner in my opinion."
"Os/2 warp was genuinely going to be a faster version of os/2."
"Building Mojo in the open will lead to a better result shaped by feedback from the broader Community."
"Believe in yourself, know that you're deserving because whatever you want, it looks like it wants you."
"In March 2016, they added the Builder summary feature and ever since, it's been improving and man, it's so convenient."
"Microsoft really has fixed a lot of the complaints that we had with Windows 11."
"XLOOKUP is the new improved version of VLOOKUP."
"Samsung's skin over Android, their new user interface, is far better than any other Samsung skin I've used in the past."
"Google has also made Android just easier to use; it makes a little more sense all the way around."
"The bridge tool has opened up a lot more opportunities."
"Tearing very similar to the way cloth used to work but it's way better."
"Apple's reminders application is better than most people give it credit for and it's getting even better with iOS 16."
"Wine support is improving again, this time with another set of features."
"Windows 7 was a terrific, terrific operating system, and it apparently took Bill Gates leaving the company for Microsoft to finally get it right."
"Prism is the control center replacement that I wish Apple did."
"I don't think it's an overstatement to say that this update for EASEL is an absolute game changer."
"Cycles now uses the light tree to more efficiently sample scenes with many lights, significantly reducing noise."
"In terms of speed, I think that the One UI has caught up to iOS. I mean, they're really doing a good job in One UI 3 of making everything feel smoother than ever before on Samsung."
"There's a fine line between collecting telemetry that helps you improve the operating system and trying to conceal that from the end user."
"The blend mode interface has been redesigned in Procreate 5, making it easier and faster to use."
"They've got some smarts there, the Komodo development team, and as I was saying earlier the sha-256 is bugging us down for no net gain so I'm in favor of this approach."
"Inlay hints are a game changer in developer tooling."
"Our support helps invoke continue to develop great software for everyone."
"Stopping a job is up to 40 times faster now with Spring Batch."
"The team at book bolt has been listening to our griping and complaining and they wouldn't fix pretty much everything that was wrong with the software."
"This developer is really active and he listens to the complaints and he fixes things really quick."
"This data is digital gold; it's how the software improves, gets better, safer, more capable."
"If you like everything here... it's an improvement, right? There's a lot of features that are not only new for Blender but oftentimes actually new for the industry."
"Making it, I guess, a much friendlier upgrade path."
"They fixed it in the software, it works very well."
"Android 13 is actually Rock Solid stable, way more so than Android 12 was at launch."
"If you want to improve a piece of software, all you have to do is watch people using it and see when they grimace."
"All these things are now possible and quite frankly easy because of that move to .NET Core."
"Microsoft incorporated Windows File Protection... so a lot of the DLL problems started going away with Windows File Protection."
"These are big background changes that will definitely make the Gnome experience smoother and faster for everyone."
"Improving Android Studio is not just about fixes; it's also about improving how you use it."
"Having an open-source tool ensures it keeps getting better and always in line with users' needs and requirements."
"That was a great example of something that absolutely did not work in previous versions that's now working in version 12."
"One thing you can say about the software experience is it will continue to get better and will continue to evolve."
"The software is not plagued with all those stutters and hiccups anymore."
"It's based on Unity's abandoned UNet networking system, but the developers have fixed a ton of bugs, they've added new features, and there's active development, so Mirror is constantly improving."
"We're getting a better, stronger, more stable Cinema 4D."
"They've done some really great improvements, these Captain plugins, some great new features that I think are very innovative."
"The ability to place multiple views on sheets is a much improved feature."
"The new level of excellent Excel awesomeness."
"I'd love to see more improvements on the filament viewport. It is such a handy tool to have."
"This isn't a standard software update; these improvements can be applied automatically between normal updates."