
Traffic Management Quotes

There are 148 quotes

"If you're actually trying to improve congestion, then you should let small cars through for free and penalize big cars."
"Things are just kind of jammed together in ways that are harming the traffic network."
"Important Point actually because you know one of the sort of recommendations that we have for policy makers is you know even these sort of seemingly small decisions about where you put speeding traps can have these big unintended consequences."
"Traffic + Sales = Success. Master the art of consistent traffic and watch your earnings grow."
"If I'm sending people to the wrong landing page it's just gonna end up hurting my conversion rate and I'm gonna be driving traffic and spending money for clicks that really aren't worthwhile."
"It's more efficient to just expand into the emergency lanes and the shoulders and open those up for more traffic."
"Low traffic neighborhoods make driving in residential areas slower and more difficult on purpose."
"Most of the town center can be designated low traffic."
"Wi-Fi 6 gives you your own little special HOV lane."
"Not causing traffic and overhauling our mass transit system, any other tips you've got let me know in the description below."
"I don't know why people are telling the left lane, like there's a police car saying 'get off the road now.' Go ahead."
"I'm really excited about the direction that they're taking the traffic AI."
"The only solution to traffic is to give people choices."
"Roundabouts are not only more efficient, they're safer."
"It was a blast tonight, really a historic night in banana land."
"It's all about traffic management, sending them to where they need to go."
"You do get a good response when it opens because you could see the actual difference between the congestion."
"Roundabouts are the best. Things like this, they're basically designed so that you can like keep your speed everywhere."
"Already look, that's cleared up all of this down here, kept all of that moving."
"You can ban heavy traffic in specific districts."
"This expansion will add 77 new lane miles, saving drivers countless hundreds of hours a year."
"Stressing the need for a space flight traffic system like we have for air traffic control."
"More people riding bikes around the area means better conditions for motorists too because there's less congestion."
"On a switch network, the switch makes the determination intelligently on where the traffic happens to go."
"Guess what, bitch, it's Sunday and it's high traffic now."
"SEO is about staying ahead of the game. When you're able to understand the direction Google is going, you can prepare your website beforehand, and you end up with nice, steadily improving traffic graphs like these."
"Zero crashes, zero emissions, and zero congestion."
"The rat runs... strongly encourages driving which generates insane amounts of car traffic and ultimately leads to busy congested streets."
"The plan today is very simple: we're going to cause as many traffic collisions."
"Google announced it will use AI to optimize signal lights at intersections in an entire city."
"Roundabouts are very nice at reducing traffic."
"So now pedestrian access to all of this has increased, which is exactly what we want to keep the traffic flowing at 100 would be nice, but there we go."
"There's no doubt that having speed camera signs posted makes driving more pleasurable."
"Autonomy is about controlling for the unpredictability of all the human-driven cars around it."
"The problem with roads is if you build more roads people want to drive on them."
"Your auto hold, this is where you're sitting in traffic you don't want to hold the brake the whole time it will hold the brake for you while the vehicles and drives that way as soon as you push the accelerator it'll release it and let you go."
"Traffic patterns change between day and night, giving opportunities for roadworks and a thriving nightlife."
"It fits quite well, and it's not something that is really obvious, so it's an easy alternative to a roundabout."
"Road users were gradually being taught to imagine traffic as something that can be managed by fixed rules rather than by personal judgment."
"It's a nice place close enough to the big city and far enough away to where you're not gonna be stuck in traffic."
"Is it really worth it? This seems like it's worth it. Eighty percent reduction in accidents, how can you argue with that?"
"Tons of traffic was coming down here just to go around the roundabout."
"Routers basically determine the path for traffic into the network."
"I don't know what the plan would be to take them off the road."
"The congestion pricing goes into effect, this is insane."
"This is like how traffic could work with cars if we did it right."
"It looks really good, the cars are stopping where they should and they are slowing down only when they need to."
"Route 53 is the service where you register your domain name you register your traffic policies."
"The town has been able to narrow roads, remove lanes."
"This brand new smart traffic light system is changing the way we drive."
"If there are spikes in traffic, you would have a large number of users not getting the response that they want, so you would have to keep tweaking the size of the bucket."
"Traffic Manager is used to route the client request to the best possible endpoint."
"To reduce the dangers, a new motorway management system called smart motorways was introduced on the M25."
"If you need more stop signs, you send a request out to the fleet."
"Istio uses admission control to communicate with the API server and manage traffic."
"It's a common thing with anycast: you have the ability to essentially turn off incoming traffic."
"Routing traffic intelligently ensures a balanced and responsive network."
"You should only drive into a box Junction if you know that you won't get stuck."
"Most importantly, in such a deployment, for example, the 'blue' could currently be serving real traffic to real clients, and we might have another one, the 'green', on standby, or vice versa."
"Carpool High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes are reserved for carpools, buses, motorcycles, or low emission vehicles."
"Using turn signals in roundabouts makes the traffic flow better."
"As with most types of signalling, three colours are used: green, yellow and red."
"Traffic officers are authorized to stop and direct traffic."
"Software-defined networking routes the traffic into these now virtualized or software-based services running on servers in the network."
"The city's Better Market Street Plan aims to fix this by removing private cars from entering the road."
"The Azure Traffic Manager is a DNS-based traffic load balancer that enables us to distribute traffic optimally across Azure global regions."
"Adaptive Radar Cruise Control... is automatically able to speed up and slow down to help maintain speed with the cars in front of you on the road."
"With Istio, it does not matter how many pods you have. You can still intelligently route traffic."
"The signals and switches are operated by push buttons from this tower, surely a remarkable advance in safe, fast handling of traffic at congested points."
"This has enormous implications for our ability to do things without interrupting traffic, and that's becoming critically important."
"A firewall policy is a set of rules for how we handle traffic on interfaces and it has a default action."
"We're going to solve traffic because it's a nightmare around the world and it doesn't have to be this way."
"DigitalOcean is now responsible for blocking or allowing the traffic, right, not your own computer."
"The network load balancer is suitable to manage a massive amount of traffic and is also suitable to manage the low latencies."
"It's actually fully stopped for the roundabout now, that's never happened before."
"The idea behind a reverse proxy is that if you have several different containers or applications... it splits up the traffic where it needs to go by who's requested what."
"This is an example of how sections in a service mesh configuration get translated down into the data plane which is actually responsible for passing the traffic back and forth."
"We are trying to enhance the security and compliance by keeping the user and device and application traffic separate with end-to-end segmentation."
"An extra crawler lane may be provided for slow-moving vehicles to allow faster-moving traffic to flow more easily."
"When we raise the middle of the street, traffic flows better and everything is safer."
"Help with smooth and safe traffic flow."
"How a signalized intersection is designed and operates is really a statement of a city's values."
"It's a quasi-biblical miracle that you can actually open a road and cut the traffic in half."
"Roundabouts allows a four-way traffic to keep moving."
"We saw how easy it is to selectively decrypt traffic based on user and URL category."
"Canberra is renowned for its long straight roads being broken up by hundreds of roundabouts."
"The creation of this new resort area will help alleviate World Drive on peak days of attendance."
"Building the bridge alongside the road before moving it into place is a construction process called accelerated bridge construction, which reduces on-site construction time and minimizes traffic impact."
"Variable message signs will tell you there's an accident or congestion ahead."
"If there's a lot of traffic and using that middle lane helps you make more progress, it's fine to do."
"Spiral roundabouts... it's like a little marking that deviates away from the middle air from the right lane and it brings you into a better position in general."
"Other vehicles that have entered the roundabout as well, they can use that to take their exit as well, helps the traffic flow more."
"You don't make a bus faster by reducing how many times it stops; you make it faster by not having it share traffic with other cars."
"Your job will be one, to maintain the free flow of traffic; two, attempt to prevent accidents; and three, to apply the requirements of the law to misbehavior on the road."
"Load based teaming... detects every 30 seconds... and then makes a decision to rebalance the traffic."
"Flaggers' sole responsibility is to flag traffic; don't assign other duties such as placing cones or turning signs."
"Your first priority is the traffic in the lane you're controlling."
"The City Pilot can recognize typical problems on the road and solve just about any traffic problem that may arise."
"On the backups tab, we have our backup settings; you want to pick the time that's of lowest traffic."
"Our aim in small subdivisions is to slow traffic down and to force drivers to slow down."
"It's pretty inexpensive, especially just considering how much traffic it can handle and how scalable this really is."
"To drain traffic from a pod during maintenance, you would use the 'kubectl drain' command."
"Priority Flow Control is a link layer protocol that allows high priority traffic to flow while temporarily stopping the low priority traffic when network congestion occurs."
"This makes it highly scalable and it can handle large volumes of traffic with ease."
"The Readiness probe tells Kubernetes that the container is now ready to accept traffic."
"It's like there's traffic on the roads, and so the paramedics aren't getting to the accidents fast enough; we've got to get the roads cleared up."
"If you learn the three basic skills, of stopping, releasing and slowing traffic, you’ll be well prepared for any flagging operation."
"A roundabout is a junction designed to improve traffic flow, keep the flow of traffic across roads moving."
"Load balancer distributes incoming application traffic across multiple EC2 instances in multiple availability zones."
"In the Netherlands, there are two priorities at traffic lights: first is to minimize conflict... The second is to optimize the movement of as many people as possible, not just as many cars as possible."
"Why do we have roundabouts? To help keep traffic flowing."
"We were able to handle traffic of the order of a hundred million individual HTTP requests coming in every minute, which is profound."
"If you have a system where you have lots of requests into the memory system... you want something with a much wider kind of highway to support lots of traffic."
"If you can command traffic, you can always make money."
"A router is used to manage traffic, control the flow of data packets, and then send them to the right destination."
"We're going to address the issue of congestion but we're going to make sure that we're doing it in an environmentally sound way."
"Zip merging... it's been studied, the experiment led to a 15% increase in traffic flow through the work zone and a 50% shorter line."
"It's like your private highway; everyone is stuck in traffic, and you are driving on your private highway."
"Uber's going to redefine traffic in major cities."
"We think these new traffic regulations would make a lot of difference."
"In a busy intersection, our system can reasonably predict 20 people crossing the street one after one, and the car in front will wait patiently and then assert once the crosswalk is all cleared."
"It's very much like what you've seen in the kinds of areas in London, Stockholm, Singapore, Milan."
"If I lost any percent of my servers, I don't even want to alarm on them because I can lose a certain number of web servers and still maintain the traffic load to the site plus some headroom."