
Software Functionality Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"You can actually create headings within a project."
"QuickTime now has a picture-in-picture mode so with the click you can leave QuickTime and keep watching your video in a floating, resizable, repositionable window all of its own."
"Auto completion is a feature that really helps out with the user experience."
"Search and replace capability comes in very handy."
"If you temporarily want to disable something on your edit you can hit V and that will remove it without deleting it."
"Let's say we wanted to do something like get name and we wanted to provide that name."
"All their functionality of their desktop app is also in their mobile app as well."
"Now you can also move clips around on your timeline."
"I just shrink it down, put it where it goes, that's kind of amazing, thank you for that."
"There's an app for that, like in our rx Java, that's probably an operator that you just like give all of this for free."
"Software updates come that not only refine what's there, fix bugs, but also can unlock new features."
"Pop!_OS offers a recovery partition with a refresh option, something every single distribution should have."
"Volley provides a really powerful request cancellation API where you can easily cancel a single request or you can set blocks or scopes of requests to cancel."
"Volley lets you tag any request with an arbitrary object that you can use to set up a bulk cancellation scope."
"If the user has selected all accounts, then the result is blank; otherwise, the general journal equals before."
"Just click import and you have your material right there."
"You get enough functionality to make a decision on whether you want to progress to a paid plan."
"That's how we add items, so it's really powerful."
"The slide tool lets you move a chunk left and right... it could actually be a bunch that you select so they happen earlier or later but it doesn't affect the entire timing and length of your timeline."
"A slide lets you move a chunk left and right and it doesn't have to be just one clip it could actually be a bunch that you select."
"How cool is that? We're returning all four videos!"
"So if you have a video file and you want to export that, you just go to render video."
"Using the navigation menu across the bottom of the screen, the second tab you will see is the chart tab."
"You can use the crosshair tool to inspect the chart with more precision."
"This is just displaying the date right now and what I want to do is only get the entries that are created today."
"Adding a to-do item is as easy as clicking and typing."
"We will refresh the order total and all the calculations each time the quantity or the price is updated."
"Remember, everything is updated automatically, saving you time in entering data if it's in a sequence."
"The beauty of Excel: if I change this bunch of numbers, the total is going to change automatically."
"I dreamt that one day Photoshop will work like that. What I just described is Camera Raw today."
"We really haven't even written any code all we did was change up some configurations and we already have all of this functionality."
"Creating reports? No wizard needed, full control preferred."
"We apologize for not having the functionality sooner, but definitely now it's just go slash command, so big quality of life upgrade."
"Who tested the game, brother, and then thought 'Oh, do you know what we don't need a search function?'"
"So now if I click this and go to cheese, I can now see the cheese product."
"The quiz is working, and that's super sweet."
"California sucks in a ton of categories but it's impossible to deny the nearly perfect weather beautiful nature and amazing economy."
"Git tracks every change that has ever been made to the code you tell it to manage."
"Git allows you to change back to previous versions of your code with a single command."
"Reflection allows you to look at an object at runtime and get the properties."
"Here's my task manager, you can pause it if you're that bored."
"Being able to use the middle mouse... to do the transformation scales and translate some things... it's very fast."
"Similarities between Loki and Prometheus: a seamless transition for Prometheus users."
"What that retain layer sizes allows us to do is when we open up our composition all of our layers are still separate."
"That's a great warning for us to have, I'm glad that it told us about that."
"You can resize from all the corners... every corner can rotate."
"Incredibly good, it allows you to basically go in there once you're logged in and create these beautiful templates and within a few minutes."
"So if I go here and go to hearthstone and click play if it opens up properly which it should then we're going to be able to play hearthstone here."
"Scripts and plugins open up an entire world of extra functionality features and control."
"Hot reload is great for existing objects that have already been built."
"That's a key handler when I press ctrl shift b, I insert dot build."
"When I click on this, the button changes, meaning that we achieved our goal."
"Everything works the same if it doesn't work the same it's a bug you can report it to me."
"If it's successful, it should respond with a single to do."
"Just because the new Lightroom desktop doesn't have the menu item for intersect doesn't mean that you don't have the functionality."
"This does allow you to share limited access to your Airtable data only in the way that you want your users to interact with it."
"Vim achieves this through four essential modes."
"You never lose any of the data upstream or downstream; you can always go back to a different node and change some parameters."
"You can just drag them and drop them like this, super easy."
"It's also useful for things like building undo and redo systems."
"One thing which I think you guys might need to know is if there is any property you would like to solo and see or preview within your viewport, you can simply do that."
"A lot of people don't know this about Audacity, but it's basically what is going to allow us to export these files into different files once we get it all done."
"With table data types, you can often hit the little drop-down that will expand and it shows you your whole table."
"That way the animator has access to everything and can't break anything."
"If you plan to use Beatrix 24 as project management software, workgroups are the same as projects."
"I can edit things in context just the way I want to, and it updates quite well."
"NAV has a broad range of functionality: financial management, customer relationship management, project management, supply chain management, and more."
"Let's try this again. Now, the selection is saved properly."
"Change the state of our multi-state text object to 'Celebrate Diversity'."
"Now we have an appropriate function here, an appropriate check that looks when the form tries to open and checks to see whether or not the user has access."
"We let you reuse these functional tests to actually start doing that with a couple of clicks."
"That's another reason that Expand and Expand Appearance are important."
"One of the really cool things we can now do with Revit is actually swap views on drawing sheets."
"We're able to create new files, open existing text files, save, save as, and have all those functionalities ready while also keeping track of the currently opened file and changing the title to suit our file."
"If the number, the extended price, is greater than 50, give us a number state of error, or give us another state of success depending on the outcome."
"This app is basically a Twitter app."
"This will basically validate that the data is in the correct format."
"Shape recognition feature which is awesome as well."
"It's really nice, this is a ton of functionality that we don't have to write."