
Microscopy Quotes

There are 138 quotes

"We can use microscopes, a completely new window into the universe."
"I spent five years at UCI looking at this stuff under electron microscopes, do all kinds of bizarre things... What you're seeing right here is something that the devil himself has designed."
"Collecting material which isn't biased and can put it in front of a microscope, that alone is mindblowing."
"The effect is somewhat like looking through a microscope suddenly when you look to a microscope you discover that there's an invisible world around you that you hadn't known about before."
"Knowing that I have to cover a microscope slide will help us select what kind of film we need to use."
"Seeing it in the microscope is really profound."
"So hopefully that's helpful and maybe just as good as if I was able to figure out a system to show you magnification of the samples I have, but I wanted you to see how cool sand looks like when it's magnified."
"... looking at magnification alone is a very misleading thing for new people that are getting into microscopy."
"... the primary advantage of this microscope is that number one it's relatively low power or low magnification."
"I work with microscopy and imaging techniques that allow you to look at materials at high magnification."
"A wide variety of biological structures and biological systems can be investigated by the storm type of super resolution imaging."
"...the light can then pass through them when you're viewing it under the microscope..."
"Every species has its own unique pollen and images from modern microscopes show how some is spiky helping it to cling to insects."
"Can we see atoms? Electron microscopy does image atoms. We have seen atoms which this now is widely used technique for probably well over, I can't remember, 20 years."
"Recent advances in electron cryo microscopy mean that we can now obtain density maps representing the structure with essentially the same detail as x-ray crystallography."
"Nowadays, we can actually visualize this very easily by light microscopy."
"Another very common source of error in your image comes from microscope aberrations, what's called shading correction or non-uniform illumination."
"If we use something called a confocal microscope which blocks that autofocus light, you see that this image now gets much sharper and much crisper."
"The microscope has done for biology on the scale of nanometers to microns."
"Robert Hooke's simple compound microscope."
"Spinning disk confocal microscopy is much kinder to samples than wide fields or laser scanning confocal, meaning photo bleaching and photo toxicity are much reduced."
"Stack is a way of taking a 3D image, or it is a way of taking just multiple layers for if you have a particularly thick sample with multiple focal planes."
"Super resolution microscopy methods break the diffraction limit, offering resolution beyond traditional light microscopy."
"This is what a blade of grass looks like under a microscope. Next time you take a walk outside, know that the grass is happy to see you."
"Trophozoites of malaria can be seen within red blood cells."
"Germs are very, very tiny. Even a magnifying glass can't see them. You can only see them through a special machine that's way stronger than a magnifying glass called a microscope."
"One of the greatest inventions that humans have come up with has to be the electron microscope."
"The condenser is responsible for collecting and concentrating light rays onto the object on the slide."
"Putting Tyrannosaurus rex under the microscope."
"So, maybe we can see something a little under the microscope, that's gorgeous, man."
"Think of your working distance as a balance between depth of field and resolution."
"Once our acquisition is complete, we now have a raw Airyscan dataset that is ready for processing."
"The fast mode is ideal for experiments that require resolution at or above the limit of the light microscope but benefit from reduced exposure, improved signal to noise, and speed of acquisition."
"As soon as I bought this microscope, it was a game-changer."
"Microscopy is not just a technique to generate beautiful images, but those images contain a lot of quantitative information that can be extremely important."
"The electron microscope actually has a very high resolution."
"Confocal microscopes use lasers for excitation, so we use a white light source like the HXP-120 along with filters to visualize our fluorescence through the eyepieces of the microscope."
"The NA directly influences the resolution of the lens, so choose an objective that allows a high enough XY and Z resolution for your experimental needs."
"Resolution is more important than field of view, so if your resolution needs demand a higher magnification objective, we can increase the field of view later on by using the tiling feature in Zen."
"If you are using the Airyscan, we recommend that you close the chamber as small air currents and temperature fluctuations can have an effect on the image acquisition."
"Ideally, you want to center any area of interest as the confocal scanner will only see about 60 percent of the overall field of view you see through the eyepieces."
"The sequential method is generally the preferred approach to imaging fixed or immobile specimens."
"This microscope employs a complex spectral array that can simultaneously collect an image every eight and a half nanometers over the entire visible spectrum."
"Channel one is for blue shifted fluorophores and channel two is a special red sensitive PMT for near-infrared fluorophores."
"We now have a three-channel sequential acquisition setup that is ready for imaging."
"Increasing laser power will yield more signal but it will also induce negative photo effects such as photobleaching and phototoxicity that can permanently harm the sample."
"One Airy unit is a good starting compromise between resolution and signal."
"There is quite a big difference in quality between the images collected at the optimal settings versus the default settings."
"The longer you spend at any one pixel, the more signal is integrated and thus the lower the noise for that pixel."
"This is a significant difference in quality, so depending on your master gain, it will be beneficial to use a reasonable averaging value."
"It's well known that the discovery of the cell and its parts depended crucially on the development of the compound microscope."
"If you're doing live cell work, do you have a microscope that can keep your cells alive?"
"This sort of goes along with fixing and mounting, but it's definitely worth considering for thick specimens."
"Microscopes are not uniform over the field of view, both the illumination intensity and the detection efficiency."
"Two Photon microscopy's real strength is that it can image very thick specimens."
"There's really no other technique that can do this."
"Without electron microscopes, there would be no smartphones, no modern materials such as Kevlar, and no modern medicine."
"A human eye at its best has only a resolution of 2 mm, while the optical microscope has 2 ten-thousandths of a millimeter, and the electron microscope has up to 50 picometers."
"When the microscope was invented, suddenly we saw a new world of living things in our water, our food, and in fact everywhere around us."
"Placing the molecules transiently in two different states has allowed us to crack the diffraction resolution barrier fundamentally."
"This lens system is a real lens; this is a real microscope lens... it is an apochromatic, high magnification system that will rival most any microscope objective you're likely to come across."
"Differential staining is a technique which involves many chemical stains being used to stain different parts of the cells different colors."
"Microscopes allowed the study of things at a whole new scale, so it allowed science to happen, but it also allowed a new kind of art and design to happen."
"We can begin to combine the power of mouse genetics to photomicroscopy and whole-cell recordings."
"With electron microscopy, you can see things down a thousand times finer."
"Spider mites are really hard to see up close... true identification takes a good microscope."
"This small wavelength allows us to see much smaller things with the electron microscope than we can do with a visible light microscope."
"Electron microscopy laid the foundation for a lot of what we understand about nanoscience."
"The three most important topics in fluorescence microscopy are photons, photons, and photons."
"In the early days of discovery, we had the advantage at least of having good microscopes and good cytological stains, so we could see things and correlate them with clinical conditions."
"I hope you have a chance to get in the lab and to play with a polarizing microscope."
"Dark field microscopy is an excellent form of microscopy that we can use to increase contrast when we are looking at transparent organisms."
"Electron microscopes use electrons instead of light to give you a really good sharp image of things that are very small."
"The total magnification is the objective lens times the ocular lens, which is 10x."
"The eyepiece graticule is a scale that you can insert on a glass disc to measure the size of the object you're looking at."
"As cells leave interphase and enter prophase, the DNA fully compacts and for the first time becomes so compact that it's visible under a light microscope."
"Pay attention to what nature does, and probably the most important tool that you need is a microscope."
"Look at the gold, how chunky it looks under this darn microscope here, that is fantastic."
"These layered, in-focus, three-dimensional visualizations of a zebrafish's lymphatic system, for instance, using fluorescent proteins to light them up, it's just... ah, you know, I must harken back to the reason why I really like this contest."
"We do a lot of our work underneath microscopes to slow us down, to see what we're doing, and to make sure that we're not damaging fossils."
"This allows us to do a whole bunch of very interesting image captures that normally are not possible with a single capture of these microscopes."
"We have the virtual microscope in which you can do an acquisition like digitalization of all the specimen with a very high resolution."
"Interference figures appear when an anisotropic crystal is viewed in the back focal plane using a Bertrand lens."
"These five form the foundation of polarized light microscopy."
"I began my career in science as a cell biologist and microscopist."
"Python for microscopy on YouTube, these tutorials are for beginner coders who can be students, researchers, or anyone who's interested in image processing using Python."
"Doing some image processing functions like edge detection, image deconvolution, and finally look at one of the classic use cases from microscopy which is scratch assay or wound healing analysis."
"This is the convolution, I'm not sure how useful this is going to be for you, especially if you plan on applying this on light microscope images."
"Using that highest power lens on our microscope, it is able to magnify an image a thousand times what we see with the naked eye."
"The world's most powerful electronic transmission microscopes can now magnify an object up to 50 million times."
"The actual size of structures can be measured using the microscope if you have an eyepiece graticule in the eyepiece."
"The magnification of the microscope is referring to how many times larger the image that you look at is compared to the actual size of the object."
"The resolution of a microscope is the minimum distance between two objects which they can still be viewed as separates."
"The resolution or the resolving power in an optical microscope is determined by the wavelength of light."
"You can use modulation for a lot other things than communication... here was a completely different application of modulation to improve microscopy."
"The optical microscope fails you because all the details in which you're interested are below its resolution capabilities."
"The electron microscope is a compound microscope, meaning that given an object, the first lens might produce a first real image of that object at perhaps a hundred times magnification."
"Depending on what you put under the microscope, you get totally unexpected results which is always really fun to see."
"Whenever we do microscopy to get crystallographic information about the sample, we should be able to get information about the crystal structures essentially from that diffraction pattern."
"Electron microscopy is one of the best techniques."
"If you look at beeswax under a microscope, it almost looks like a sponge; it's porous and it absorbs things like fungal spores, heavy metals, pesticides."
"With the electron microscope, we can see the virus and even go further still."
"Modern compound light microscopes can magnify an object from a thousand times to two thousand times the specimen's original diameter."
"Microscopy is any technique for producing visible images of structures or details too small to be seen by the human eye."
"Most cells are so small they can only be seen with the aid of a microscope."
"The photomicrograph shows a cell from a type of aquatic plant; chloroplast and cell wall are features only in plant cells."
"They first solved the structure of ChAdOx1 at three angstroms by single particle cryoelectron microscopy."
"One of these methods is near-field optical scanning microscopy, where the field is probed so close to the sample that the evanescent field hasn't decayed yet."
"By activating point sources in your sample sequentially, and localizing them using their diffraction limited spots, you can obtain a super-resolution image of your sample."
"The position then is called the Eucentric height."
"Using software to automatically target and track objects of interest during a tilt series."
"I don't know that anybody, ever, has taken something like this microscope and showed it to an audience that wasn't a bunch of academics at a conference."
"That is why this microscope is so wonderful, to be able to show you some of these little creatures."
"The more rings we see, and the farther out the rings go in frequency space, the higher resolution information we can be sure that the microscope has captured."
"We're looking for anything that indicates that an image has plenty of particles but the thinnest possible ice and the least possible motion."
"That really is so spectacular, it's so much nicer to look at living things under this microscope because you really get an impression of this kind of micro world."
"We now have atomic force microscopes that allow us to build atom by atom."
"The celestial microscope slides have a UV coating."