
Reselling Quotes

There are 224 quotes

"This is for people who are getting into reselling, newer people, and this is also for the experienced people."
"Each year that you're a reseller, it's a stepping stone to something new."
"If you're working some dead-end job and not even making 20, 25,000 a year, you can really make some serious money, at least more than you're making now, doing reselling."
"If you live in an area with low cost of living no kids no health problems no credit card debt no car payments and you only need 650 bucks a week to live your current lifestyle full-time reselling is looking like a pretty good option."
"Exclusive merchandise from the resort is already being resold on eBay."
"The shoe that started sneaker reselling, standing in line, buying it for retail, reselling it."
"I just stopped in my tracks because my family calls it my superpower it's my ability to see value in things that I can buy and flip for a profit."
"Reselling is not just about finding stuff, it's about detailed information."
"Just wanted to say, watch the channel every day, you guys are very informative on a business aspect of the reselling scene."
"We just sold a pair of these guys, check the price of these. I remember seeing them sitting in Foot Locker for 90 bucks, now they're going for a lot more than that."
"How could someone even think about reselling such valuable items?"
"Joining a cook group is an excellent first step for beginner resellers that want to take reselling seriously."
"Buy, flip, repeat. Find something you can purchase at one price, then sell it for more to someone willing to pay a premium for it."
"Even if you're in the thrift store and people know that you're a reseller, they still will help you out."
"The vast majority of what you see in a thrift store is worthless for resellers, but if you know what to look out for, almost all thrift stores can be a gold mine for finding valuable inventory."
"Media can be a friendly category for new resellers because almost everything you find here has a barcode making it quick and easy to scan."
"That's the beauty about reselling; you don't have to know almost anything about something."
"Oh this you and me sign I know I could sell this this is made out of enamel and it's only 2.99 we can easily get eight to ten dollars for it."
"Even if you have to drive a little bit of a distance to find one of these pallet liquidators, that puts you at a strategic advantage back in your hometown for reselling."
"We always try to pick a pallet that one or two items will pay for our entire pallet."
"We're looking for stuff out at garage sales that we can flip on eBay for a profit."
"...the rise of hustle culture, more and more people are interested in starting eBay reselling stores and...finding really good deals."
"The more organized you are, the better your reselling business is going to be."
"Make really smart decisions, make sure that whatever you are picking up to flip really fits your business model and aligns with your goals."
"Learn your average cost of goods, learn your sell-through rate, learn your average sale price and figure out how those numbers help you to meet your goals."
"Everything with reselling can be solved by simply doing analytics and looking at the numbers."
"Part of becoming a really great reseller is constantly refining."
"Thank you guys so much for watching I hope this was helpful and I hope that you guys are successful in your reselling business."
"They do this in a way to prevent reselling."
"I cannot believe like I hit it out of the park, first yard sale of the season."
"$300 at this yard sale, the estimated resale value of everything is anywhere from $1,800 to $1,900."
"Again, I am Margaret and with my partner Juan, we have a combined 10 years experience of being full-time resellers."
"We make videos helping resellers like yourself become more successful."
"Listing is everything. It's bigger than sourcing, bigger than shipping, bigger than sales and profits."
"Listing is the single most important thing to master as a reseller."
"Hello everyone! It's Tiffany with thrifting Vegas. I shop at thrift stores, estate sales, garage sales, and discount stores for items I can resell for profit."
"A lot of resellers out there also talk constantly about the movie Cars."
"Because of that video somebody reached out to me James if you're out there listening he said he picked this VHS up at a garage sale because he saw me talking about VHS and he bought it for a quarter."
"Reselling has become more popular, but treat it as an opportunity, not an obstacle."
"I've always been on the quest to make more money from my reselling side hustle."
"These provision cards are awesome to look for when you're in the bins, especially this Aussie Smith, The Wizard one, picked it up for a buck. It sold the next day for like seven dollars plus shipping. Thank you."
"Reselling only exists because there's demand."
"The reseller ruler, by saving me one hour a day, has made me millions of dollars."
"A shell is just one of hundreds and hundreds of parts that make up a car. It's perfectly legal to reshell a car as long as you reshell it into a brand new manufactured shell."
"Some of these vintage clip-on earrings go for money. Super easy to list and sell and ship if you are a reseller."
"More screw backs. Some of these vintage screw back earrings are also money."
"You say we buy stuff from Alibaba and then resell it on Amazon super marked up."
"One thing on products, and this is a crossover with some services, is reselling of goods."
"I'm expecting it to be really busy possibly no shopping carts available but we are going to see at peak hours on a weekend if I can still find treasures to buy and resell."
"Not only am I finding treasure out in the wild and reselling it, I get to make friends with all of you guys."
"...my first don't would be don't list things that are out of season, not trendy anymore, and brands that don't retail for a good amount."
"A lot of people within the week are messaging me saying thank you I watched this video and I found some stuff at the thrift store that you mentioned in it made a lot of money."
"You guys should be proud of yourselves you guys are coming on here to learn more about eBay and learn more about business and reselling good job guys I hope you guys all get really really good sales I appreciate everything you guys do for me."
"You want to become well-rounded in everything you possibly can. As a reseller, you want to become well-rounded."
"Our Lives as resellers are over we cannot no longer compete with a robot that's free you just run the robot 24 hours a day and we're done."
"Vintage Y2K Abercrombie & Fitch stuff performs extremely well."
"I'm a full-time reseller on eBay and I have made this channel to show you guys and share with you guys what I'm selling and what I'm finding when I go thrifting to yard sales to estate sales all the good things."
"We were making a full-time household income just from reselling."
"I just hope that it helps even one person out there kind of discover the beauty of reselling and seeing that you can make a little bit of money from home."
"The statistics are brutal, 90% of people that start in the reselling game completely quit within six months."
"If you decide to branch out and start picking up all kinds of different stuff, don't expect to be selling a lot of it right off the get-go."
"We did find actually a whole bunch of Walmart pins and you wouldn't believe that some Walmart pens go for like really good money."
"You know, if you're looking to make some extra money in the hobby, look out for things like this. It can make all the difference in the world as you turn into a reselling champion."
"Make sure you join that Discord because it is a very, very good group of talented resellers."
"Poshmark holds a special place in my heart because they are one of the easiest platforms to resell on."
"...this shoe is meant for people who want to wear it, so they're killing resellers by constantly releasing more and more of them."
"Thrifting in the 2020s is about making content or reselling."
"Storage units are the best for resellers because you're not really committed to a large amount of money."
"Just in case you didn't know, I'm a full-time reseller so I sell predominantly on eBay but also I use whatnot and a couple of other platforms as well."
"I've learned so much from resellers sharing their knowledge."
"Facebook marketplace is becoming a viable legitimate place for online resellers and e-commerce experts."
"Reselling is a grind, but it's the bread and butter things that keep us moving forward."
"It is impossible to resell and make zero. It is damn near impossible to run an eBay store and not be profitable."
"There is no reason, no excuse for anybody to be reselling on eBay, Mercari, Poshmark, whatnot, any platform you want to be on, there is no reason, no excuse for anybody to build a reselling business not making profit, not making money."
"...sometimes you do have to sit on an item for over 2 years to sell it for less than you thought. All that stuff is real."
"...and sometimes even if you've been reselling for over 20 years like I have, you buy things that you know you shouldn't buy when you buy them but you still buy them."
"...sometimes you buy stuff and you don't even end up listing it because it doesn't work or maybe you shouldn't have picked it up to begin with."
"Knowing the specific style names of the items you are listing on your reselling platforms can help you in so many ways and help you make faster sales."
"One of the easiest ways to find the style names of the items you are listing is using google lens."
"Having those two models is going to set you really far ahead as a reseller."
"...the quality of your sourcing decision making has a massive impact on your reselling business..."
"...mistakes are really learning opportunities that will make you a better reseller..."
"Every item has a story and profit potential."
"Turning thrift store finds into profits, one item at a time."
"But it's a good business, reselling business, it's a good business."
"Poshmark is my first love. It was my gateway into the reselling world and a gateway, I think, for a lot of people because it is just so easy to use."
"Isn't the best part of reselling the hunt?"
"Reselling is like a drug because you go to the thrift store and you find things and it's like this constant treasure hunt."
"It's not just for collectors, resellers can come to these shows and do well too."
"Our main purpose when going to yard sales anymore is not necessarily to find stuff that we can flip and resell."
"This is all for good to help you guys out with your reselling and stuff."
"Literally the best thing I've ever found in my five years of reselling."
"If I can give any tip to somebody who's new at reselling, it's to figure out an effective and efficient inventory system as soon as possible."
"My name is Laurie, I am a full-time reseller on Poshmark and on eBay."
"There are so many ways you can get rid of those clothes, recoup some of the money so that when you've lost even more weight and you need even more clothes, you can resell them and get some money back to buy more clothes."
"Always so much fun to be with Kim, and I just love that she is reselling now because we have so much fun out and about."
"Definitely sub up the rebel reseller, she specializes in plush but she is a bolo finder."
"...and that's how I became a scumbag reseller..."
"Honestly, I love drifting and reselling, it's definitely what I am passionate about."
"This brand I have heard from a few other resellers sells pretty well."
"I am also a full-time vintage and antiques reseller over on eBay and my main channel is th junker vintage Hunter."
"Instagram is a great platform to learn from other resellers."
"Etsy does not allow mass-manufactured item reselling."
"Reselling sucks sometimes, it does, it sucks."
"I'm really excited today. We usually have tremendous luck here at this Goodwill, so I'm really excited. We're gonna head in and see what we can find that we can flip for a profit, so here we go."
"If you're a collector or if you're a reseller like myself looking for those big dollar value items that you can flip or add to your collection at a lower price then this is a video for you."
"if you're a little store or a little shop or somewhere online this could be a good place to do some reselling"
"...love your channels my wife, my daughters, and myself have been inspired to start our own YouTube channel for reselling."
"but if your goal is to find one you will find one okay or two or six I had so many before I was like doing content creation and it's just by talking to people getting out going to local swap meets talking to people who are reselling truckloads of brand new on clouds"
"We film ourselves going to places like garage sales, thrift stores, estate sales, pawn shops, wherever we can buy something super cheap and then we try to flip that online for a profit."
"You can dig through all the junk hoping to find the good stuff that you can flip online for a profit. So that's going to be the goal for today's video."
"This whole reselling thing... it's not a get-rich-quick, it's not a quick hustle."
"I want to help as many beginner resellers or even people that are like me and they're into it for a year too."
"Reselling really has changed my life."
"Before I discovered reselling, we were living paycheck to paycheck."
"I have learned how to make some really good money reselling part-time."
"I discovered reselling in December of 2017."
"If you're looking for a side hustle that can change your life as well, this could be it."
"My goal with this channel always is to help part-time or full-time resellers make the most work less and earn more."
"Community is huge when it comes to reselling."
"I tried being a full-time reseller and it failed. I failed and that's okay."
"You need to list more items than the high asp seller in order to achieve similar levels of gross profit which means more time spent on the tiresome less fun tasks of reselling."
"I think it's maybe the easiest time ever to be successful as a reseller because if you look at the competition, you could be priced half as low and still make money."
"The way you make money on eBay is listing items. It's very easy to put it off and say I'll do it tomorrow and it just keeps building up building up forming those death piles."
"The dark side of reselling is you're going to get scammed at some point and you're going to get returns at some point, you're going to lose money at some point on an item."
"The reselling Community is just amazing. There's so much support, there's so much positivity, there are meetups, there are conferences."
"I picked up this Ben 10 RV and a bunch of figures. Ben 10's a bit of a bolo, a lot of the toys and Ben 10 stuff goes for good money."
"I hate the data and the numbers and the stuff, you know. I want to take good pictures, make decent listings, and put a good price on something that somebody wants and make profit. That's what I want to do."
"You know, everybody out there who's gaining knowledge, whether it's me or from somebody else, you're hopefully becoming a better reseller."
"I think it's really important in the reseller community that we not only show in our videos what we're finding and what we're purchasing but what we're selling and what kind of price the items are bringing."
"I do bread and butter all day long and I think everybody should. If you just focus on items that are going to sell for a hundred dollars, you're gonna come home with very few items from the thrift store."
"My job is I'm a full-time reseller. I sell video games on eBay and Amazon."
"If you're really into reselling, you're probably going to want to go over there and check it out."
"There's so much more out there you just have to kind of dip your toes in it and try it. If it doesn't work you move on to the next thing but you still have your foundation that you've built as a reseller."
"Empowering individuals to make money and resell things is better than throwing them out."
"Why doesn't everybody make three to six thousand dollars on this side as a reseller?"
"You figure out what items sell for 20 profit and where to find them."
"...this one sold for 97.49 plus the buyer paid shipping I am about ten dollars into this and this one's gonna be about a 70 to 75 dollar profit."
"...this one sold for almost a hundred dollars."
"Reselling is voluntary. We can all go out and get a job. I didn't want to go out and get a job, so I did whatever it took."
"Half the battle to winning at reselling, winning at thrifting, winning at the flea market—y'all gotta get out here early. If you're asleep, you lost, man."
"If you're just starting out in the resale business... then I would say no."
"My beautiful wife Haley and I are resellers, meaning we go to flea markets, thrift stores, garage sales, wherever we can buy things super cheap and then we try to flip those items online for a profit."
"If I can make a quick 400 bucks, he can make money, I can make money. It's about the quick flip and reselling, and that's what all matters."
"I think slow steady sustainable growth might be the best choice for a lot of resellers."
"Online arbitrage is simply buying an item off of one site and selling it on another site."
"The main thing that you guys need to remember if you're planning on starting to resell and Instagram is do not get discouraged."
"So what's your advice to resellers to make $10,000 well look you can do it the traditional way you can do it the Oscar Souls way but it's a lot of work and it's going to take a lot of time or you can just do it on your laptop and I could show you."
"Just be cautious of the people you follow you guys and if you notice that someone in particular is being super super negative about reselling."
"I'm making like $80,000 a year with the little job I had just off of reselling."
"Vintage slide rule, sold for 175.49, over a hundred dollar profit."
"It's being sold for $40 and it's being sourced for just $2.79, leaving you with a potential profit over $35."
"I think we're pretty easily a little more than double our money after fees."
"I think we should be able to get at least 150 dollars for that."
"The only money I can spend at the boot sales or charity shops this month is what I make selling at a boot sale."
"Reselling is a long game; it is not a get rich quick opportunity."
"Who doesn't like to watch other resellers on YouTube while they're running a reselling business? It seems to make perfect sense to me."
"I absolutely love reselling. I love going to garage sales. I love finding little trinkets that I can make six bucks on and help support my family, my future, my retirement, get out of debt."
"One of my favorite things about reselling is the community."
"Using reselling as a vehicle, you can accomplish anything."
"Reselling has given me the luxury of having options."
"Reselling is a job, it's more to me, it's like a way of life."
"I personally still love the thrill of going out to a thrift store, finding a super cool vintage shirt for five bucks that I can sell for 400."
"Typical profit margins of folks who source from like thrift stores, garage sales, auctions, libraries, beginner sourcing strategies like that is typically around 40 to 70 percent."
"I will always have a special place in my heart for Poshmark because it introduced me to the reselling community."
"It's always just good to get out there, connect with other stores, connect with other resellers, chop it up with them, just see the boys in our community."
"This golden age of reselling will not last forever, and we have this opportunity."
"Every single store, even Walmart, they're a reseller, they buy stuff for cheaper, mark it up, that's how the world goes around."
"Turning $10 into $67 automatically and then still having a really nice high dollar item like that, that we can still move later on in this challenge, is huge."
"Come back next time for another awesome adventure in reselling."
"I started with one item... and I grew that into a $5 million a year reselling business."
"I could buy those books for the cheaper price and then resell them on Amazon."
"We're always looking for one item that will pay for the entirety of the purchase of the unit."
"Good way to start out the morning right there, easy money."
"If you feel like you can sell it for $14.99, pick it up for a buck or less, then you're looking at ten to eleven dollar profits, so it's definitely worth picking up."
"Turning around and then selling it for more money and then eventually trying to live off that money."
"The learning process never stops with reselling, but the learning process can become faster and more efficient."
"Awesome meeting some other resellers out on the yard sale trail."
"If you love to shop but you don't like to spend a lot of money, you might want to think about reselling as a career."
"Paper items are one thing I always center on, I sell a ton of them, I make a lot of money on paper."
"Flipping name brand products on Amazon can be life-changing."
"I started reselling when I left San Francisco... I had some clothes I wasn't wearing anymore, so I decided to start selling them on Poshmark."
"I think the key thing with reselling, whatever the platform is, is buy stuff for cheap, list it for more than you paid, and list consistently."
"I think it's a great time to get into reselling; there's a whole generation of people that are trying to do something good for the environment."
"Do I see myself reselling for the rest of my career life? In some way, shape, or form, absolutely."
"I'm here to help you succeed with your reselling, with your collecting, with identifying those valuables."
"You have to stick with items you love; if you don't, something you enjoy starts to become a job, and that's the beauty of reselling."
"We have a special unique strategy that we use to buy products and resell them."
"If you ever have the chance to do a 40-hour week, I highly recommend it, especially if you're thinking about jumping into full-time reselling."
"Value is subjective unless you're a reseller."
"So you've decided to try reselling. You've listed things you no longer want from around your house, some of them have sold, and you're starting to make a profit. So now what?"
"Let's head inside and see what we can find to buy and sell on eBay and Amazon."
"Hey, I am a couponer, I do extreme couponing, and I want to resell the products in my stockpile."
"Curiosity is the driving factor for being a good reseller."
"Organization for reselling anyways is being able to find the item you sell when you sell it."
"Knowledge is key in the reselling business, but also right along with knowledge is patience."
"It's more worth my time to go ahead and list it because it's a sure profit."
"We are not hoarders, we are resellers."
"We film ourselves going to flea markets, garage sales, thrift stores, anywhere where we can buy things super cheap and then flip them online for a profit."
"I'll make easily four hundred dollars back, so it's already, I'm already in profit."