
Segmentation Quotes

There are 112 quotes

"It's really effective at segmentation and automation to make sure that you're getting as much money as possible from your traffic."
"The muscles are also segmented right in this picture you can kind of get a sense of it right here each of these was a separate somite."
"We have five distinct customers at the Kevin Cookie Company."
"Tags are a great way to separate different parts of your audience based on where they came in or what they're interested in."
"You can create audiences to report on particular groups of users."
"The easiest way to take over a great big Market is to Define a segment of the market that is underserved by the market leader."
"Our default Network can talk to our iot Network, but not vice versa."
"Sending the same email campaigns to all users can lead to poor engagement and high unsubscribe rates. It's important to segment your email list and send targeted campaigns based on user interests and behaviors."
"The main idea of clustering algorithms is that we provide a k number of clusters."
"Targeting segments one thing to keep in mind is let's say I come over here to homeownership status and I target renters."
"Separate ad groups by the type of segment you're targeting."
"So what we can do is next create your data which remarketing has also been rebranded to your data segments."
"Pick an area where we could win and serve the market distinctly."
"If you can find five customers who have exactly the same need, that to me is a great segment."
"Segments should be based on common sets of needs, not just industry verticals or demographics."
"Matching needs and enabling customer references are key for effective segmentation."
"The Minimum Viable Segment (MVS) is crucial for narrowing down your product definition effectively."
"They're going to target specific people."
"So bottomline, when you're coming up with value propositions, try and brainstorm ideas by segment."
"This kind of segmentation will reduce unsubscribes, allowing you to communicate to your customers for a much longer time."
"Segmenting your email list by geographic relevance can be a very useful method of implementing marketing localization or tailored content to a specific place."
"Marketing is done in one segment, one offer, one customer avatar at a time. You simply can't go super broad and try to appeal to everybody because everybody aside from being just too many of them, well, they're all so different."
"Your goal is to find those perfect people and to ideally avoid and repel everybody else."
"Tell me about your enterprise segmentation strategy."
"Review audience segmentation demographics for refined targeting."
"You might segment people by gender or whatever it might be. This allows you to tailor the messages that you're sending to each part of your audience."
"Have you seen the videos on TikTok where there's four things going on in the video at the same time? It's like they've segmented it into four or five different things. That's the TikTok equivalent."
"We're actually choosing customers instead of niches because not all niches have customers that have consistent spending habits."
"Humanity get segmented and broken up into smaller groups and for one reason or another become isolated from the larger Galactic community."
"Segments are used when you want to group people together who share a common attribute or common attributes."
"Now the firewall becomes the divider between those logical segments of the network so I can have the switch port one going to a switch, firewall port one I should say, firewall port two going to another switch and never the two shall meet except for at the firewall."
"... maybe for Paul and disc craft it is cuz they're just trying to go after the the beaded putter people instead of just the not Beed."
"We might have to break this into a couple of different [videos], I'm thinking so, yeah."
"Target your marketing through segmentation."
"Segmentation: target your marketing effectively."
"...once you know that 20% of users are doing 80 percent of the work and 80 percent of most importantly the good work, create a different tier, they're a different segment."
"Understanding the unique needs of each niche makes it possible to speak directly to them in your marketing."
"The way people are dealing with this is they're targeting smaller and smaller groups. Why? Because one of the things we learn if you target a big group and you average them all together, your product doesn't fit everybody very well."
"It's very easy to make money off people if you divide them into discrete categories with no overlap."
"You want to devise a clear message for each segment and not confuse them."
"You don't want the crossover from one to five different product categories to all bleed into one."
"I think going into the tournament, I kind of considered it as three divisions."
"To accurately divide this data up, we're going to chunk it based on time."
"Almost every car you can think of can be pigeon-holed into a specific market segment."
"We're going to create this system by having separate head, body, leg, and torso mesh."
"There's a lot to this story so we're going to break it down into two parts."
"CLV is used in many different purposes, you can use it to actually segment your customers and find the most profitable ones."
"Hyperlocal is actually about listening to customers and solving what their needs are in a segmented way."
"I think we are going to start segmenting in such a way where people want to get to like 'I want to get to the Conor McGregor topic, I want to get to the boxing topic,' whatever they can skip right to it. I think that's fair."
"If your ideal client is ABC, it's a millennial buyer who's 27 years old, who's got a FICO score of 710, who wants to get a deal because her parents got a deal when they bought a house, you're super deep, you're like that's my avatar."
"The cool thing with this technique is that you can decide to show different ads to tier one, tier two, and tier three."
"The agenda is very simple, guys. I will divide this class into three major segments: Terraform, AWS, and Hands-on."
"I enjoy having everything separated and segmented into its own thing."
"NN-UNet is a segmentation method that automatically configures itself for arbitrary biomedical data sets."
"Here is how you segment your images using Gaussian mixture model."
"Tapestry Segmentation classifies neighborhoods into 67 unique segments based not only on demographics but also on socio-economic characteristics."
"Let's talk about using U-Net for semantic segmentation."
"The beauty of uplift modeling is that even if your overall campaign results are neutral, you can still find out the subgroups which will have a higher incremental value."
"The interesting fact about data is that the encoder already learns to do some sort of instance segmentation."
"I would highly recommend using custom segments and using similar segments based on your data."
"What is the difference between a VLAN and a subnet? Each VLAN is a group of ports on a switch or switches, but each VLAN has to be in its own subnet."
"The figure-ground relationship tends to segment our visual world into figure and ground."
"Micro-segmentation... the ability to put a software firewall around every single virtual machine."
"If you can detect objects, you can also segment images."
"It's the best segmentation algorithm in the world, hands down."
"The industry can be split into three sections: upstream, midstream, and downstream."
"If a firm has market power, is able to segregate the market, and if resale is not possible, then a firm may be able to price discriminate."
"Market segmentation is the process of separating, identifying, and evaluating the layers of market in order to identify a target market."
"Watershed segmentation is a pretty common and very powerful way of segmenting different grains or different cells."
"You need to be able to identify your target audience because you're not going to send one email to your entire audience list."
"Segment your list based on user behavior."
"Now is the time to use that saved model and start segmenting multiple images."
"Now let's actually see the right way, the right way is to divide this into patches."
"As anything becomes more popular, becomes bigger, it naturally evolves in ways and different sub-segments are formed."
"You can segment your customer list, your leads, your email addresses."
"A VLAN is a virtual local area network; it defines a broadcast domain in the layer 2 network."
"I actually think I'm going to break these Vlogs up."
"Instead of focusing on all the thousands of product, they will actually do an ABC segmentation in order to categorize based on the revenue."
"This is why ABC and XYZ segmentation is so important."
"The goal of video object segmentation is to generate accurate and temporally consistent pixel masks for all the objects in a video sequence."
"Title screens like these are super useful in breaking up a video into segments, adding some visual interest, and emphasizing what is being said."
"Segmentations are one of the easiest ways to break your problem."
"There are infinite ways to segment whatever you're segmenting, but some of these ways are more insightful than others."
"Segmentations are powerful because they lead to create these more targeted, focused hypotheses that have more chances of being correct."
"Panoptic segmentation is basically a combination of both: instant segmentation and semantic segmentation."
"The segmentation problem is grouping pixels together that have similar visual characteristics."
"Snakes as such and balloon together are some of the most robust and most widely used techniques for segmentations as far as active contours and surfaces are concerned."
"It just breaks the page up nicely."
"The market segmentation Theory is based on supply and demand in different segments."
"The solution to homogeny was very simple, we segmented the output space and then used WFC to fill in details."
"Through market segmentation, we can identify a specific group, a specific customer base that all have shared characteristics."
"Demographic segmentation is simply dividing the market into segments based upon certain characteristics."
"Psychographic segmentation goes a little bit further than simply demographic or geographic segmentation."
"Behavioral segmentation is looking specifically at consumer behavior towards various products."
"RFM analysis, or Recency, Frequency, Monetary analysis, is one of the most important and crucial customer segmentation analytics techniques followed by marketing teams all around the world."
"We have customers under three groups: average customers, lapsed, and whales."
"Factor analysis is a data reduction technique which is used highly all over, at least in the marketing space, to identify the customer segments, to understand the choice of customers, to make a right pricing system."
"Customer segmentation, social network analysis, city planning are big with clustering."
"Split it down into small segments."
"That is very useful to be able to bring those segments that you've built into your analysis very quickly."
"You'll always have the ability to bring a segment into a particular report that you're looking at."
"Let's dive deeper into the similarities and differences between those segments."
"Segment comparison allows for smart segmentation and identifying the differences and overlaps between your segments."
"Segmentation at its most basic level is... to extract or identify a subset of data that is more interesting to you for some reason."
"Graph cut methods are some of the most powerful methods for segmentation."
"One of the simplest methods for segmentation is threshold inquiry."
"RFM segmentation is the basis of the way in which most companies decide who are the valuable customers and who are the non-valuable customers."
"We're mapping almost a thousand different services and different technologies and we have over five thousand dimensions on that that can be relevant for segmentation and websites."
"Segmentation goes a step further... instead of just saying this whole image contains a fold, I'm going to make a prediction for every pixel in the entire image."
"Every time you're doing a segmentation project, it's always a good idea to remove any noise before you proceed."