
Unpreparedness Quotes

There are 111 quotes

"Our world is changing in ways that we simply have not been prepared for."
"The household supply chain for toilet paper simply wasn't built for the level of demand it's now experiencing."
"We are not equipped to handle crises because crisis management isn't profitable."
"This person desires you, they feel like you're perfect but they just weren't ready."
"Most people have no clue, and therefore they're not prepared."
"This is a very tiny market... and most of the people out there that you all love, well, they're going to be caught completely blindsided."
"The Storm Dragon herself could be present in a city so woefully underprepared."
"I have prepared for everything my whole life except one thing: old age."
"It's what happens when you're told you're gonna be wearing an outfit and you don't have one."
"You guys aren't ready. Like, you guys are not ready!"
"What if a crucial outcome fell under his responsibility? He had never been trained for that."
"Almost nobody was prepared for the market crash of 2022."
"With the entire world watching their every move they began their dig without any preparations."
"We cover a lot in our cases and we talk about how not to get caught unprepared."
"The staff wasn't ready for what could happen, what the potential dangers that just lurked and just wait for the opportunities to occur."
"I'm not prepared nor do I know what I'm doing."
"Hampton County wasn't ready to react, the world at the time didn't know Steven Smith existed..."
"Nobody will be prepared and ready if their pastor is telling them they will be raptured out of here."
"It's a respiratory virus, we weren't ready at all, no, not at all."
"Nobody could have prepared for the pandemic, nobody could have prepared for what has occurred within the last year."
"Yeah nobody closed the door I wasn't ready I wasn't ready I wasn't ready."
"I don't have it in my hand right here though."
"He wasn't ready, love, was there for you to lose."
"The West is totally unprepared for this type of scenario."
"If my house catches fire I don't have them in a safe."
"When disasters happen, some people aren't prepared."
"After the Battle of Wolf 359, Starfleet realized it hadn't been prepared for the encounter with the Borg."
"I just wasn't prepared for things to change."
"Nothing I've read or watched had prepared me for the encounter."
"I wasn't ready for it, I really wasn't."
"No one was prepared for what happened next."
"There was nothing in our minds that prepared us for it, nothing to tell us what was going to happen."
"Nobody was prepared for this, Shane."
"He's sleeping on the beach, I was not ready for that."
"John had been raised in the expectation that he would never have any power, so he began his rule woefully unprepared."
"Okay, okay. All right, let's take a minute. That's a good edit, that just wasn't prepared for that."
"I'm not ready for this you guys you know how it is."
"...when it came to going into the woods I was not prepared."
"Nothing could have prepared you for when it actually happened."
"I wasn't prepared at all for the reaction."
"Oh, that wasn't ready for that, wait a minute, hold on."
"I honestly don't think I'm ready to talk about this."
"Every one of us was unprepared for what that officer's hesitant touch disclosed."
"I realized I don't have training for this and he has a gun on him now."
"I was caught off guard, needless to say."
"Imagine you just join your military, your country's been invaded, and they don't even have a uniform for you."
"The whole landscape changed, I wasn't prepared for this."
"I think that none of us really knew just how woefully unprepared we were to handle sexual assault when it really happened."
"I was completely unprepared for what happened."
"The pro-life movement... they weren't prepared for what would happen when they actually got it."
"You, my friend, just brought a knife to a gunfight."
"It's pouring rain right now we can't even get a fire going I did not come prepared for something like this."
"His coming is a surprise for those unprepared."
"I wasn't prepared for feeling so guilty. I feel so bad."
"I thought an embarrassing afternoon because he was so intent on going into the heavyweight ranks and really did not prepare himself for what took place here today."
"I'm unprepared for today's video."
"I'm not ready for Halloween. You saw me get scared by a five-year-old in something that looks like a trap house."
"We're not ready for this. It's gonna be the biggest wake-up call of Alex's life."
"That took a... I was not... not prepared for the end. Um, it's very, uh, heavy and depressing."
"Nothing can prepare you for that. Nothing."
"That was like a parade, we were only prepared for some people back at the stadium."
"Life can prepare you for pretty much almost anything, but having an experience like this, yeah, you're definitely never prepared for it."
"I don't know why I didn't have my hunting rifle in the car at the time, so I didn't even know what I would have done if we discovered whatever had made that sound."
"We didn't prepare this at all. Chaos is our theme."
"No part left out. And most of us, you know, we're not prepared for the intense feelings that engulf us sometimes when we least expect them."
"No King had been so little prepared for kingship since 1066 as Henry Tudor."
"Ethelred the Unready is just that, he wasn't ready for war as much as anything else."
"It's during this time when the world will be caught off guard."
"I was not emotionally ready, I was not financially ready."
"The most recent example of a big recession was the 2008 recession where people who were not prepared suffered significant financial losses."
"Anything that happens in your life that just catches you off-guard, something that you are not prepared for nor do you know how to handle, can make you feel scared or helpless."
"We have never seen snow this thick before, and as Texans, we are not used to this cold."
"The only reason we weren't shut down or the people weren't dead was because we were lucky, not because we were prepared or efficient at responding to emergencies."
"Operation Barbarossa had begun, and despite all the warnings, the Soviet Union was not prepared..."
"We're not ready; we open on Wednesday, and we are not ready."
"My biggest fear in life is being unprepared."
"I wasn't prepared for that, but I think that there's so much to learn about living with a partner."
"I really wasn't prepared for this massive success that we had."
"Trust me, it doesn't matter what you do, when you bring your first little kitty around, you won't be prepared."
"First of all, I want to say that no one prepares you for this."
"Are you guys prepared for what is about to happen to your lives? I'm an answer for them: absolutely not."
"No training can prepare soldiers for something like this, a sea of human trauma."
"Equestria was a peaceful nation, and its guards were unused to war."
"Nobody prepares you, nobody trains you, nobody knows how to respond to that."
"An improbable group of adventurers, woefully unprepared to fight a God."
"The men of the Sheffield battalion couldn't have imagined the horrors they'd face on the first day on the Somme."
"I love my Doberman, Arlo. He's about a year and a half now, but man, do I remember what it was like bringing home a new Doberman puppy and just being completely unprepared."
"I'm painfully ill-prepared for the awesomeness that is going to be this trip."
"If you're unprepared, then you are preparing to have a shocker, and when the waves are 30 ft, those shockers are not fun."
"There were times when concert venues were simply not ready for the magnitude of a BTS concert."
"The next catastrophe is right around the corner, and we are not prepared."
"I was ready for the start of something new but I was not prepared for how tough it would be."
"It's very cold for England because we're never prepared for anything ever."
"No one is prepared for cancer; it's devastating."
"The winter came before we were ready for it."
"They were completely unprepared for a creature of SCP-682’s sheer power, intelligence, endurance, and ferocity."
"It's here that we too must part, you heart, and I, both so unprepared for separation."
"I have that feeling of being unprepared."
"You're never prepared for success."
"You're never prepared... it's like a whole new level of wow."
"Christmas is in what, two days? I'm not prepared, I'm not ready for it."
"I wasn't prepared for the importance you would have in my life."
"Losing a loved one is a pain that no one can prepare you for."