
Narrative Appreciation Quotes

There are 92 quotes

"Metal Gear was love at first sight when it comes to storytelling, a well-executed combination of grounded and unorthodox is simply irresistible to me."
"Exciting, riveting, intense, emotional, suspenseful, captivating—there's so much to appreciate about it."
"But I love the entire ending sequence of this game."
"I can say with confidence, that Robin´s character arc up until the time skip is one of my favorite ones in fiction."
"But I thought that like generally the storyline was great."
"If you do watch a streamer and they are playing a very narrative heavy single-player game, maybe try to find a way to support those developers."
"I really appreciate and care about this show works and all, Anne's journey to become a more selfless and responsible person was beautiful."
"The character interactions and stuff that we're getting here are delightful, and I love love love love love so much."
"Every time he's on the screen, I'm like, this is great. I care about this story. I care about what's happening."
"Watching her struggle and slowly get better would be nice."
"We don't love stories that have those things because we love those things. We love the humanity behind those things."
"The story gets really good. I really liked the story a lot."
"What if this is how it all ends? I like it. It's a fantastic story."
"Red Dead Redemption was so good man... the ending to that game got me."
"Mass Effect, what a game, what a series, what a story."
"There are just certain topics that are best enjoyed when you can actually sit down and dedicate time to the intricacies of a story."
"It's so nice to see these characters having a sweet moment."
"Fire Punch is a must read now I think I have to add it."
"I think it's such a beautiful story, more than that I think it's also an important story."
"Everyone I talked to about this game, that's one of the bright spots for everybody, is seeing them get to have that father/daughter relationship."
"I like the fact that you're bringing narrative lists, I really like your list."
"Oh, the family does come back! Oh, okay, good, good. I'm interested to see. I like all, like, the cutscenes. I really like the story mode. I've been loving it, loving it a lot."
"Story is the thing that I'm most fascinated by, it's the thing that I most admire."
"So just sit back and remember that the exact thing you're annoyed about is also more than likely the reason why 'One Piece' captivated you to begin with."
"A great story is a great story and if a great story is well told you got to give it up it doesn't matter what the story is about or who the protagonists are."
"The ending of BioShock Infinite makes all of the rest of it retroactively much better."
"This story again is a true love letter for Superman and demonstrates why Superman is easily one of the best superheroes ever created and a true beacon of light and hope."
"It's not much of a match but I do appreciate the story they told here with Spike and outsmarting real yet again."
"The music, the story, and the characters are really likable."
"Darkrai showed me that even something commonly seen as nothing more than a fighting tool can, in fact, be a beautifully deep and wondrous piece of writing."
"Interesting combat, good systems, and a pretty great story."
"The character is cheated on and put through the ringer but to me she's absolutely the best character in this series."
"I ended up very much enjoying the story overall."
"The story is one of my favorite parts of Genshin Impact."
"It's an interesting concept, I'll definitely say that much, and I can definitely say that it's very well written."
"This is just straight-up cut and dry awesome storytelling."
"They maintained a heart throughout this entire film."
"Dragon is doing something that actually makes sense and he's not being an idiot."
"The show gets it right for people who would not seek out this type of story."
"I love what Digimon Survive is doing, sheerly based off premise."
"Is Jaime misunderstood? His character arc is just so awesome in my opinion."
"I just loved the dynamic between the two main characters."
"Bendis brings humanity to the characters." - Coin
"Shout out to Fred and George because they may be the cleverest Wizards in the story."
"Overall, it's a great bunch of characters. Shifting perspective from the side stories allows you to relate to their growth and the way they support each other, especially as the game progresses is nice to behold."
"Dark Souls 1 is a fantastic game. It's got a wonderful story."
"It's lovely to see a story like this; humanity is fundamentally good."
"I can't sing those Show's Praises enough it's the story the writing the arcs that the a lot of the characters are having are so good."
"They didn't rush it and I really appreciated that."
"FNAF 3 is Messy as hell as a game but taking the story on its own merits it's a rather satisfying conclusion."
"Absolutely adore Demon Slayer. Every demon has a sad Naruto backstory. I love that dude, that's just right up my alley." - Appreciating storytelling.
"Every subsequent chapter of this arc makes me appreciate Punk Hazard, Dressrosa, and Zou more and more." - Narrator
"The Hound's kind of like, he respects it. No one has ever done this to him."
"I think we're in consensus, we really like Saint-14 and we like the storytelling surrounding him."
"It's the story more than anything else for me that just is so compelling."
"Superman is inferior to all other superheroes. What I love about Superman is that when he's written right, he's just a guy, you know?"
"The story and the world of this game were just really cool."
"He said the things man, what a gorgeous scene that was..."
"There is stuff worth celebrating and there are a few characters quite as interesting as Shard."
"I really appreciated Luke's tragic story in this movie."
"Quite clever on the writer's part if I do say so myself."
"This is among my favorite sequences of any DC anything worth doing the work."
"Arcanum did a lot of really cool unique things that are frankly a bit too numerous to mention here but the World building in the story especially were really captivating and some of my favorite things about it."
"Enjoy what you want to enjoy. Personally, I think the story's still very good."
"It's like they took the character seriously."
"Reviewers were taken by the title’s well-plotted story and the introduction of new held items and game mechanics."
"People like Gench and Impact for the story and drama as always."
"It made so much sense of course it's that way yeah I love that I didn't see that."
"You guys will complain about anything... it's fine because it's good writing."
"From a storytelling perspective, that is absolutely wild. I love it."
"Shadowbringers expansion is possibly in my top three favorite Final Fantasy narratives."
"I thought it was a really cool moment for a bit of insight into Yamamoto's mind." - Analyzing Yamamoto's actions
"This is another story where I highly enjoyed the exploration of family..."
"I really hope that was Hopper in the prison. But man, I just love the characters and I love the story."
"There's nothing more satisfying to me than a great story."
"I think it's just a brilliant two-part. Absolutely got it."
"I love this storyline, love this storyline. This setup is great."
"I dug the fact that Lila was so smart, so on top of the situation."
"I'm a lover of stories and storytelling."
"I love the combat system. I love the story that it's telling."
"Once you get into the swing of it, you just appreciate the genius and the power of the narrative."
"It's weaving together. I love it."
"That's a really good story, though."
"I am liking this different view of Batman."
"I love how this is combining elements of like multiple types of stories."