
Next Steps Quotes

There are 96 quotes

"The question at that point is where on earth do you go from there."
"You've got to open yourself up to the next step, what would be the next level."
"I'm really loving what we've got going on so far, and I think it's time to take it to the next level."
"Once you tear down one wall of impossibility, that is just the next obstacle for you to overcome."
"Congratulations, you've made it through to the next round of auditions."
"Next play, how can I focus on the next play and be ready for the next play?"
"It's intense, but when you beat the level, it's like what's next?"
"You are being divinely guided to take the next step into the unknown."
"You're ready to go to the next phase, the next step."
"Just be able to look at the next right thing to do that's in front of us."
"Gold medals for Kai, very creative. Okay, here's what we're going to be doing next."
"The whole idea is to simplify the process of managing but keep it flexible so I always know what are the next steps to move my project."
"When I reach one goal, it's what can I achieve next."
"This person will tick certain boxes that makes you want to see them again and that makes you want to take things to the next level."
"Give this video a like and I'll see you in my next video."
"There's a completion that's taking place here...coming full circle and pausing before you take the next big step in your life."
"You are soon going to be shown the next move that you need to take, but everything else is going to be unfolding."
"I now own a one billion streams plaque. But what do I do with this from here?"
"If it's not happening for you, what's the next thing you do?"
"Anytime you feel something, ask 'What's next?'"
"It feels very much like the next thing you should play."
"I will get back to it with my next guest and who is my next guest."
"After all you've been through, you are confirmed to go to the next level."
"We're done. What do you mean we haven't even fished a tournament? That's the next video. So this is like a lot of stuff, man."
"Now maybe you got this far and you were like okay now what? And that's a great question, now what?"
"Okay so now that we've had the horror pep talk what's next?"
"One of the best ways for you to do that is simply by going to life dot Church slash next."
"...the macrophage is going to look at this and say, 'Okay guys, what next?'"
"We're getting started with this next chapter."
"I love the honesty on to the next video."
"I love you. I love you. Now what?"
"What happens now? You start fighting back."
"It's the chase. You have that moment, you win. What's next?"
"I'm going to leave it here and I'll talk to you in our next lesson."
"Just coming down to the mesh next."
"Thinking about the next right step is the best thing what you can do, that's a really amazing advice."
"That's perfect we're ready for the next step."
"Our next step is to find the algorithm that best suits our model."
"Let's jump in and check out the next steps."
"At that point, what do you see as the next step?"
"For many of you that are unsure of your next step, I hear the Lord say your next is now."
"The next step is complete and we're going forward."
"You know what do you do when you win at something? You look at what the next step is."
"Life is above my pay grade, and I need You to show me what the next step is."
"We are very close to our very next step."
"We are not looking for arriving and completion, we are looking for what's the next step."
"What would be the process, what would be the next step?"
"The base album is complete, we are now going to move on to decorating the outside."
"On that note, we will see you on the next one."
"That's one problem solved. What's next?"
"Our back panel is done; now time to move on to the front."
"Thanks for watching, and we'll see in the next video. Peace out."
"I'm ready to take the next steps to be free."
"Once you do it all, it's kind of like, 'Okay, what's next?'"
"So there's my warning, let's move on to the next step."
"We're ready for the big next step."
"Always know what you want to do, like what are the next steps in this whole career."
"I'm happy to take the next steps with TLA."
"Just do the next thing you can do."
"Appreciate you, love you, I will see you in my next video."
"The most important shot in golf is the next one."
"I lost my job... I was like, what am I supposed to do?"
"We're ready to go on to the next step."
"What could I do better next time?"
"When you've identified a pupil and you know what stage they're at, you'll know what would be the best thing to do."
"Let's create more fun stuff. I'll see you in the next chapter."
"We're now ready to move on to the next step."
"The only move that matters is your next one."
"Confirm next steps. It is more than okay for you to confirm next steps as this interview concludes."
"Eventually you just have to take the next step and build your website."
"We are not in control. All we can do is the next thing."
"Confusions will lift like the fog lifts from the Golden Gate Bridge on a good summer day, and we will each see our next step and will take it."
"What is the very next thing I need to do? Let's talk about it amongst ourselves, me, myself, and I."
"Especially in times where [__] hits the fan, now more than ever, I need to internalize this, sort out what's the next step we need to take."
"Once you sign the contract, you're just so focused already on the next stage."
"What's the next step that we can take to help people solve the problems in the reefing hobby?"
"It's so cool, that's the next step."
"Now that we have our bowl of perfectly peeled... it's time to cook them."
"All you can do is make the next trade."
"You don't have to have everything figured out; you just need the one next step."
"You have been waiting for something for so long, then you have it and you don't know what to do next."
"What do you do after massive success?"
"Remember, all you have to think about is the next right thing, the next step, just do that."
"You're just ready to kind of take your next steps in life."
"Alright, thank you very much, and I will see you in the next video."