
Gaming Mods Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"I love the fact that we don't have to go and hop through hoops with like melon loader and whatever else just to get mods within the game."
"If you like the Warhammer Fantasy universe I would highly recommend downloading this mod and sinking a couple of hundred hours into it."
"It's really one of the best years for Skyrim modding ever."
"But the idea behind our mod list is that we've already tested it completely so you guys can install it in order and really not have any issues with it."
"Mods, for me, are a form of personal expression. You can change the inner workings of a game you enjoy, personalizing the entire experience. There's really nothing else quite like it. Plus, you get to learn how some super cool games work."
"If you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself. In this case, it's just... I'm not saying I'm some genius for doing this, I'm sure many people have installed these mods before. But to me, it's completely new and it's a lot of fun."
"First Impressions Mod: drives your game, helps you determine things about people."
"Welcome to the dark side, because today I am showing you some base game mods for The Sims 4 that you can put into your game."
"Thermal expansion is pretty straightforward and makes every tech-based mod much easier and a little bit funner in my opinion."
"FNF's continued popularity is largely attributed to its talented and creative modded community."
"If we don't give people the room to grow and change and better themselves, then what's the point in doing a lot of things?"
"This time I've bundled all the mod configs into an actual mod that you can download from the workshop and it will set everything up for you automatically."
"And that's gonna do it for our 100 mod showcase in All-Star Battle R."
"Slice-of-Life mod: a massive overhaul adding realism I adore."
"So the next mod that I absolutely love is camera positions utility, and the reason why I say that this is a either a 20 or 21 mod tutorial is you need two mods for this one."
"UI extension mod for convenient gameplay features."
"Sometimes a good mod can really elevate the game."
"Interesting NPCs, a mod that adds over 250 fully voiced NPCs."
"One thing I was worried about: Is it going to be one of those mods where it's really cool and all they give you new social interactions but then there's no moodlets? However, this gives you new moodlets and it's incredible."
"It's one of the best creature mods out there."
"I think some of these creations are genuinely impressive."
"This mod does work with 1.31... and you will definitely enjoy this mod."
"After having this mod installed, it actually makes the vanilla weathers feel embarrassing to have."
"This mod does several things in the game, the main thing it does though is it gives you the ability, no, the lore-friendly privilege to dress your character any way you [__] please."
"This mod makes nights in the Commonwealth even darker, interiors are also affected in the game as well."
"Start me up is an alternate start for Fallout 4 and in my eyes the best alternate start for Fallout 4."
"This mod is just really detailed and I've been loving having it in my own game."
"Well, at least we can turn them down in the mod options."
"As of late, we've been getting several mods adding in new NPCs to Fallout 4, and I'm just really happy about it."
"Hopefully, I gave you a nice collection of mods to make Fallout 4 feel a bit more like some of those other Fallout games."
"Kudos to you, mod maker. A simple idea that has turned out excellently within the context of this game."
"What is GTA 5 mods come to? This is ridiculous, dude!"
"They're all brilliant... they are all PC mods... so it does give us the benefit. Don't get mad with giants... it's locked down by the manufacturer."
"This is a great mod that in a lot of ways is a must-have mod in anyone's playthrough of the game especially if you want realism in Fallout 4."
"Vividian ENB has been my personal favorite and has honestly taken Skyrim to a whole 'nother level for me using a weather and lighting overhaul made of three immensely amazing parts."
"This mod includes an assortment of new assets for your settlements including neat meet ceiling racks meat hooks meat chains clothing line racks hooked meats hanging bodies and much much more."
"There's so many kinds of decorations, but also stuff you can use. It is just insanity how fun these mods get."
"Just pull the trigger to hit the Buy Now button the game reloads and hopefully we should have a bunch of splendid absolutely splendid Oakland professionally made mods."
"It's a huge mod with so much in it and it should be in most people's games at this point but just in case it's not the link is below in the description."
"Mods can solve a number of unique problems and fill content gaps in the game."
"When this mod is released it should transform your game..."
"I feel like it just is one of the best mods of the year when it comes to just having your couples do more like I don't know just interactions that seem more romantic."
"Everglow is a comprehensive content mod dedicated to adding rich and interesting playable content to Terraria."
"Mods that make your game look absolutely fantastic."
"The animations just look amazing for this mod."
"This weapon mod it would even have E.T. rubbing his tiny alien nipples with his weird giant fingers."
"Just go to the stream, I do have the mods I ended up using in there."
"I mean, I got to talk about other mods but I would love to see a Game of Thrones mod"
"Mods very quickly, if you're using a Lord Vader, I see next to zero reason to put speed on this guy."
"Now Fallout 4 with a couple of mods almost becomes like this hub of Fallout game features that you could modify into one game or another."
"Armor looks great. This is a really cool armor mod that makes an excellent addition to Fallout 4."
"I think this mod is awesome I think it's really cool to be able to turn into a ghoul both from a gameplay but also a visual perspective."
"Finally, something from the weird and wonderful modpack."
"Modders are building Fallout New Vegas 2 in the Fallout 4 engine."
"When in doubt, just search. There's probably a mod for that."
"Mods coming to Fallout 76... I'm super excited for the future of the game because of modding."
"Personally feel like this is probably one of the best mods that I have seen ever."
"This is the Stardew Valley Expanded mod. It adds tons of features and is one of the most popular mods ever made."
"So you might as well get in on the ground floor while you still can and with this mod, well, you could sure do a hell of a lot worse."
"I am so excited for this and I do know that there are mods that you can install."
"Smash mods help bring these ideas to life and there is so much talent out there making cool stuff."
"I like the idea of simple formal quarters I like I like simple and I like teleporters and I therefore like simple teleporters as a mod that it sounds cool."
"Let's hope EU5 has a mod for that because EU5 is going to look exactly like this, man. You can bet your ass on that."
"All in all, I think they did a great job on this. They actually produced a pretty nice mod here."
"The mod makes clever use of the limited vanilla voice types as well as editing and splicing together the vanilla voices to create new dialogue."
"This is a mod that makes shelters actually protect you from the rain or snow."
"And that's the one piece mod pretty damn fun mod pretty cool devil fruits damage wise not so great but they're still currently working on the mod and upgrading it to make sure everything is good but I just showed you the version that I was in."
"You'll never be bored again with mods, endless possibilities."
"I keep seeing these people with these ridiculous hair mods this one the hair has a much finer look to it you know you can almost see the individual strands which i think looks a lot cooler than that Matt used to be on top of their head."
"There's just always something going on. I love that about this mod."