
Volcanology Quotes

There are 89 quotes

"Volcanoes are among the most potent natural occurrences on Earth. They create new land, destroy the old, emit gases that alter the atmosphere we breathe."
"Basalt is what geologists call igneous rock, and that only comes from one source, a volcanic eruption."
"Dating the oldest lava here reveals that the Siberian Traps first ripped the landscape apart 250 million years ago."
"The ground deformation gives volcanologists another important clue in their quest to predict the coming eruption."
"You get to notice the raw power that the volcano has and how insignificant you are in comparison to that power."
"But the way that lava flows is not the only unpredictable event accompanying volcanic eruptions."
"Maybe we can use this new technique to help predict volcanic eruptions and save people's lives."
"Usually these eruptions are small reaching about one to two on the volcanic explosivity index."
"Yellowstone super volcano: It would kill 5 billion people if it erupted."
"Geologists and volcanologists keenly monitor every hiccup and churn of this volcano for any signs of danger."
"Venus is a planet that has long been perceived to be geologically dead for millions of years, but as active volcanoes were recently detected on the planet, it has brought new questions to the debate about Venus's surprising geology."
"The eruption of Mount Saint Helens was one of, if not the most catastrophic eruption the United States has ever experienced."
"Scientists are very optimistic about the research, hoping to spot future super eruptions in the making."
"A perfect example is Kilauea in Hawaii or Stromboli in Italy."
"Volcanoes are bountiful as well as destructive, they give as well as take."
"In the wake of the tragedy, two agencies came together to launch the International Volcano Disaster Assistance Program, VDAP."
"Studying these creatures could provide us with new ways to study volcanoes and volcanic activity."
"The VEI 5 lateral blast eruption at Mount St. Helens flattened 600 square kilometers of land and killed 57 people."
"Venus: Home to potentially 85,000 active volcanoes."
"In the Cascades, each peak, each hot spring, each hillside of ancient basalt, hints at the invisible volcanic plumbing beneath the surface."
"25 years after Mount Saint Helens showed us how destructive volcanoes can be, scientists still dream of the big breakthrough."
"With millions of people living and relying on volcanoes, the need to understand their processes is vital."
"The volcanologist knows that the little island's days are numbered."
"Many volcanologists say their primary concern might be to understand the volcano but the reason they're doing that is because they want to protect people."
"Despite the immense progress achieved, volcanology is still in its infancy."
"This huge task falls to a new generation of volcanologists."
"Like all the volcanologists of her generation, Alim Peltier was inspired by a legendary couple of adventurers."
"What evidence do we have that North America is moving? Well, there are progressively older volcanic deposits that stretch into Northern Nevada."
"Indonesia's unique position along the Pacific Ring of Fire makes it a hot spot for volcanoes."
"Number one on my list, with a bullet, no question about it, has got to be the lava flow."
"When low viscosity lava flows relatively slowly, it will form a pahoehoe type lava flow."
"Magma that reaches the surface is called lava."
"For the first time, a large explosive volcanic eruption took place when there were enough observers spread around the world to really get a global synoptic picture of what happens."
"The volcanic explosivity index, or VEI, is a scale used by scientists to measure and classify the explosiveness of volcanic eruptions."
"Lava is made of molten rocks from below the Earth's surface... when these rocks melt, their temperatures can reach around 2,200° F."
"Volcanoes are one of the really key ways to bring carbon from the deep earth store up into the atmosphere."
"The correct answer is Mount St. Helens."
"Volcanic activity actually when you have magma that erupts out of the earth's surface and becomes what we call lava."
"What in a magma chamber causes it to become unstable enough to erupt? That's my expertise."
"I care about what's happening in the magma chamber beneath the volcano before it goes boom."
"Volcanoes are like ticking time bombs; some remain dormant for years while others erupt with little warning."
"We have learned many lessons from Mount St. Helens experience and surely will be better prepared to cope with the next volcano that resumes activity."
"In ancient Rome, volcanoes helped make concrete; after they erupted, people would mix the volcanic ash with stones, lime, and sand."
"Volcanoes can be a good thing, especially when concentrated close to the equator."
"These volcanoes are not only the tallest mountains, but they're the tallest volcanoes in our solar system."
"This supervolcano has had at least three very large eruptions."
"It would be impossible to talk about the Mediterranean region without talking about the volcanoes."
"Everyone knows that we cannot predict earthquakes, but at the same time, everyone knows that we can somehow predict volcanic eruptions."
"Uncertainties dominate our volcanic forecasts; they are really dominating."
"Calderas are really very, very difficult to understand, and that's the message for forecasting the occurrence of an eruption; a caldera is much more complex than for stratovolcanoes."
"This is part of the Columbia River basalt lavas or the plateau lavas or the German chocolate cake."
"It's an interesting time capsule kind of a thing where the ghost volcanoes can be pinpointed in a particular spot."
"The volcanic explosivity index... is a logarithmic scale starting from zero to seven."
"These volcanoes are very different to the type of volcanoes we find at ocean ridges because they have a very different type of lava."
"With this technology, geologists have been able to predict a few hours or days in advance most all of these smaller volcanic eruptions that have occurred since 1980."
"By shedding light on these shadow volcanoes, we can further our understanding and appreciation of our planet's complex and ever-evolving story."
"The combination of volcanoes and the idea of alien life continues to captivate and unsettle the public."
"Detailed geochemical studies will take us deep into the source of the volcanism, helping to create a clear picture of the volcanism of south-central British Columbia."
"We see all these different volcanoes and these different volcanic systems doing all these interesting unique things."
"Obsidian is an igneous rock that forms naturally after viscous lava from volcanoes cools down rapidly."
"The eruption of Mount St. Helens in 1980 was a watershed event in our understanding of volcanic hazards."
"The Pacific Ring of Fire is famous for being a ring of volcanoes and earthquakes around the Pacific Ocean."
"Volcanologists have concluded that these eruptions in 2010 were the most powerful and explosive that had been seen in nearly 200 years."
"He has been able to tell us more about active volcanoes than any man alive."
"Continuous monitoring of volcanic activity is crucial for predicting potential eruptions."
"It goes without saying that Yellowstone remains one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the world."
"I study volcanoes in a lab on Mount Vesuvius."
"We've got our basics and for the rest of my little presentation, I want to give you our current understanding of where this lava came from."
"It's estimated that approximately 14 million cubic meters of magma has been added to the chamber."
"South Sister is definitely capable of erupting again in the future."
"Volcanoes generally we do get several days to maybe two weeks of warning before a volcano erupts."
"To look at the lava that Pele still sends us is to catch a glimpse of the deep interior of the earth, a seething Inferno hardly changed since the formation of the planet more than four billion years ago."
"The first recorded evidence that there is a link between earthquakes and volcanoes."
"Mount St. Helens was the youngest one of the youngest in the Cascade Range and certainly probably the most active in the last 4,000 years."
"Crater Lake got a mountain that a volcano that blew up on itself so much that it actually collapsed into itself and formed a lake."
"These volcanoes are called composite volcanoes because they're made of layers."
"Our goals are pretty straightforward: research into volcanic processes, monitoring earthquake and volcanic activity, and education and outreach about Yellowstone's geologic past, present, and potentially the future."
"If it does erupt again, more than likely we would see more of those lava flows."
"TAMU Massif holds the title of the largest known single volcano on Earth."
"So I’ve been very interested in how volcanoes and magnetism are related to tectonics."
"Stromboli is the last island of the volcanic arch of the Aeolian Islands and is the most remote."
"Why the eruptions were longer, it's a good question. Could be there was a bigger magma reservoir."