
Shopping Tips Quotes

There are 129 quotes

"Wednesday is the absolute best day to shop at Aldi."
"Always scan the area that has clearance tags on it because you're gonna find stuff that isn't marked clearance but it actually is clearance."
"So watch this very closely, watch what happens. So as I approached the lawn and garden section, there's gonna be some epic hidden clearance in the section."
"Value, value, value. Look out for discontinued models."
"This isn't just a lineup list, this is going to equip you to make a purchasing decision for yourself."
"These are 100% counterfeit so little tip for people if you ever deal in liquidations make sure you have knowledge to spot counterfeit items because sometimes you will get counterfeit items and liquidations."
"Please don't even waste your money, I promise you, you can find it somewhere else for cheaper."
"Call them and get a deal. If you don't handle phone negotiations very well, just click the chat button."
"Focus on the quality of your Basics... you are literally going to want to save so much money."
"Do not be afraid to shop in the men's section, ladies."
"Check out the smaller privately owned grocery stores for unique cuts of meat."
"Don't experiment, gamble, buy something that kind of looks good, and then hate it. That's the goal today: help you buy stuff that you're likely to really enjoy."
"Buying in bulk is a brilliant strategy to be able to save money."
"You don't have to wait until you get to the parks to start buying your exclusive Spirit jerseys and Lounge flies you should start shopping for those items now."
"I love to get slippers, especially if I'm not really sure what to get somebody."
"You're going to find unique items less frequently but when you do they're going to be a lot more punchy."
"If you avoid one of these purchases on this list, you will save yourself time, money, and potential heartache."
"Before we start this Costco haul, really quick mom hack."
"My mom's trick for grocery shopping is to always park by car corral."
"The key to thrift shopping and finding things you love is increasing the amount of times that you go thrift shopping."
"Razors are something that couponers get really, really cheap, okay? Packages like this, I can buy from couponers for around $2 a package."
"Make sure you're on the mailing list of your favorite retailers... they will actually send out an email before the sale starts to the public."
"Buying something that's maybe a year old can usually actually save you a lot of money off of the brand new price."
"But did you know there are coupons galore all waiting for you in not so obvious section of amazon.com?"
"Underrated comment: don't you know all good deals end with 97."
"Buying a single pair of socks or buying a single unit of underwear is almost never worth it compared to buying a multipack."
"If you have a narrow foot, you're gonna want to look for shoes that have a mid foot strap."
"Buy in bulk, you'll save a lot more money in the long run."
"I hope this was a fun and helpful video. I hope you head to the store with some more confidence when you make your ranch purchase."
"Either of these 2000 milliamp power banks will provide enough juice to revive a smartphone or tablet for $5 plus everyone will want to know where you found it."
"I'm just gonna be honest, everything in there, in that store that I'm pointing to but not at the same time, everything inside that may or may not be inside that store, $15 or less on Amazon."
"So there's just a few ideas that you guys might want to look for next time you're in your thrift store."
"Slow down your impulse buying by using wish lists."
"Beware of hidden costs that aren't immediately apparent to the buyer."
"Items within the 1 to 2 K or price range I think are some of the more cost-effective items."
"Just a heads up for anyone still looking for the systems."
"If you want to lock in mortgage rates sooner rather than later, my one piece of advice is just make sure you shop around."
"Three items to look for when you're shopping to look taller."
"Go earlier in the week to find all the best things."
"As soon as it opens, the thrift store is less busy and cleaner."
"Always keep an eye out for the unique items."
"Look for natural fabrics for quality and sustainability."
"There's a lot of fantastic stuff on the marketplace, but be really cautious what you buy."
"I get asked all the time where I get these little non-crease clips."
"Don't follow the crowds; some of the best finds come when others are preoccupied elsewhere."
"Y'all if you guys get offended by seeing seasonal items out too early either avoid Dollar Tree or you're gonna have to overlook it."
"Consider areas of compromise; buy generic, you save a lot of money on generic."
"Always eat food that you bought at the lowest price possible."
"Huge tip at pawn shops: ask them if they have any other video game stuff in the back."
"You can use expired Kohl's cash up to 10 days after it has expired."
"Look for the kiosk - you can get items delivered for free."
"I feel like you can find some awesome products and some nice bundles in good price points."
"You can definitely get these at a really good price if you know where to look."
"There are deals out there, y'all, you just have to keep your eyes peeled and be savvy."
"Deals can change in an instant and can sell out quickly, so keep an eye on all of the deals in that video description box."
"Thank you so much for watching this video today about things that you could pick up from your local Lowe's for RV life."
"If there's something that you like, I do really recommend that you get your hands on it quickly because it may well sell out."
"Look out for brand-seller mismatches to increase your chances."
"If you want to pick up any of these combos, do pick them up as quickly as possible because they probably will go out of stock really quickly."
"To be 100% honest with you guys you know what to save to even have to worry about real and fake the best way to do it is having a receipt."
"If you are looking at this I'd really recommend trying to find version one which will probably be a little bit cheaper."
"Have no fear, fab tax is here with more than 25 last-minute gifts around $5 or less."
"Basically everything you would want as I know money spent budget baller out up there and I know I got you guys covered."
"There's never been a better time to shop for a used EV."
"We believe you'll get an extra five to ten percent off if you purchase around Christmas time."
"Know the power of Sundays... Sunday morning outside the garden center is sometimes a goldmine."
"When shopping for vitamin C, look for the active form, L-ascorbic acid."
"Go in-store and buy the holiday items after the holiday is over; stores discount Holiday items at like 70 to 90% after the holiday is over."
"One of the best things you can do for your budget is try to find a grocery store where you can get great food for you and your family at lower prices."
"It's nearing the end of the car boot sale season here in the UK where there's still quite a few around so now is the time to get down to them to see if you can find any Bargains for yourself."
"Keep an eye on their regular prices, not just the sale prices."
"If you see a price tag that ends in 97, this is Costco's secret code for clearance."
"You're also going to want to pay attention to the name plates and the titles of every section that you're shopping in because they will explicitly say if you were in a section with cotton fabric and fleece and blanket type fabric."
"Real bargains are everywhere and I'm going to point out where they are, what to look for, and how you can succeed."
"Don't go shopping when you're hungry."
"So check out some of these smaller consignment shops you might get lucky."
"Here's where things can get a little more complicated but also some things to help when you want to get the best deals you need to look for armies or Lots single minis are great but they're usually priced pretty high comparatively"
"It is all about discernment and I hope that I've given you a couple tips today to make you a better Shopper at Costco."
"End of season sales to pick up most of these items for a relatively affordable price."
"And I absolutely love that. So if you are looking for a nice, if you're looking for a nice colored blazer because this comes in two other colors, I got this blazer in a size 6 because it fits a little oversized, so I'm happy that I got it in a size 6, which is a size medium."
"It's better to shop from an actual Crystal shop because you're guaranteed to get authentic pieces."
"Don't shop from Shein, shop from literally anywhere else. Shein is not a good company to shop from."
"Buy food that's expiring the next day. Go at night, between 8 to 10 o'clock at night. That's when they have all the discounted rates."
"So if you notice that the first ingredients include sugar, refined grains, or hydrogenated oils, put the product back on the shelf."
"Another little tip if you're in the supermarket, go to the world Foods aisle because often this stuff is cheaper."
"Always check the freezer section for deals on fruit."
"Demand better, shop on the outskirts of the grocery store."
"Always look not just at the price but the price per weight."
"If you live close to a thrift store, try to go as often as possible."
"If you want to shop and save money, whatever the store is, if there's an app, go ahead and use that."
"That is really the biggest thrifting tip that I have in general, is look everywhere because you never know where you're gonna find stuff."
"Where can you get parchment paper liners for your air fryers? Dollar Tree, baby."
"Visit a market at the end of the day... that's where I'd be going end of the day to get my bargains."
"The biggest tip I can tell you is to go to different dollar trees and when you do, go up and down the aisles twice just in case you missed something."
"Always check out that clearance section or the sales section at your local craft store or Home Decor store and just keep in mind that you can always repurpose things."
"If you're on the market for a budget-friendly Barefoot shoe that retails under 100 USD and often less because you can find them on sale with coupons, then the Merrell Vapor Glove 6 makes a lot of sense."
"For 24-hour stores, they usually will stock things and remake things overnight when they're not super busy, making it a great time for you to get the best selection."
"My biggest tip is to buy in bulk. That's a huge money-saving tip anytime you're buying pretty much anything."
"I'm so happy that I was able to give you guys a number hack to make sure you get one of each and avoid duplicates."
"It's good to check the eggs, make sure that they're not cracked, but what you did by taking the eggs from the top was you took the eggs that were above what we call the cold one or the load limit line."
"You could always buy pre-loved, which means you can get quite a good discount."
"These are my tips for purchasing mid-range bags that look very high-fashion and pack a ton of style."
"Look for bundles, that is the way to find great cameras."
"It's just a nice time to save on things that normally don't go on sale."
"I love to show you guys so many things like suggestions."
"Let me know down below what I need to get, what is a must-have that I need to buy, what do I need to try."
"I hope these tips and tricks were really helpful for you as you think about exploring more luxury items on a budget."
"If you are on a budget and want a cute little hat for the spring and summer time, definitely look at Dollar Tree."
"The best time to avoid the crowds is as soon as they open on a Tuesday or Wednesday."
"If you missed my first Nordstrom sale video, I covered all the key dates as well as must-know shopping tips for the sale."
"I'm gonna be showing you the direct comparison, the price differences, and what you need to look for at Home Goods to get the exact same look for like a fraction of the price."