
Shopping Strategy Quotes

There are 87 quotes

"Aldi fines: one-time only products you better show up early for."
"I know I've said it before and I'll say it again, always scan that section. I call these random areas and essentially it's like if you have a catch-all drawer in your house."
"Start slow, buy a little, but better quality, and you won't regret it."
"You don't get discounts very often, when you get them, you buy them."
"If you find a good shoe, you buy it in a number of colors."
"Shop from your pantry. This will save you so so much money."
"It's not super daunting if you write the whole list down and you go to Walmart today and you try to buy it all at once."
"One of the biggest mistakes I see people make is walking into the grocery store without being able to answer the simple question, 'what am I actually cooking this week?'"
"I saved 67 cents per gallon on my first purchase at a gas station. I did have to drive a little bit, it was like 10 minutes, but to save 67 cents I'll drive 10 minutes all day long."
"That's a cost of $2 a clamp...way better than retail."
"Buying in bulk is a brilliant strategy to be able to save money."
"Study the sales. Don't accept that first sale that you see upon initial promotion, specifically if you're not a seasoned shopper for that specific retailer."
"It's great to go shopping with what you want in mind, but it's also good to sometimes just grab a wild card because that ended up being the one that I think we both liked the best."
"The key to building a cohesive wardrobe is to keep in mind everything you already have when you're buying."
"The key to thrift shopping and finding things you love is increasing the amount of times that you go thrift shopping."
"Have a game plan before you go in, know what you're gonna get."
"On days like today, you're not stuck like a deer in the headlights, you know exactly what you're going to do in whatever scenario, that is why everyone listening right now needs a highly specific trading plan."
"Wouldn't it be fun to put together like a full face of situations where the stock is so low on these certain products?"
"I'm all about cost per wear... I would much rather buy less but buy better and get so much use out of these pieces."
"We're getting almost 13.8 piety per month and that brings us up to 5k piety which is going to be more than enough to reform our faith and we're gonna be able to pick up pretty much everything we want."
"Make a wish list, it gives you more purpose, you are focused."
"The group buy is always going to be your best option."
"Thrifting, it's all about developing that eye for the styles that you like."
"Once you've done all of that you can move on to the next step... honestly have fun the thrill of the chase I think is really nice."
"It actually all starts with your shopping strategy. It's a fine balance between what does your closet look like, what does it need, and how are you shopping, and forming that all through the lens of your own personal aesthetics."
"Shopping actually doesn't start at the mall or when you're online scrolling. It starts with your wardrobe and your personal style goals."
"Always keep an eye out for the unique items."
"If you love something and it comes in other colors, get all the colors."
"You have to be patient when you're thrifting. You're gonna most likely spend a lot of time looking at pieces you don't like but that time needs to be spent in order to find the one piece that you do like."
"Finding a good thrift store...the Messier the thrift store, the better."
"Getting in here 10 minutes after they open could be the difference between getting a really good item and missing out on it."
"If I could get Etsy under 225, that's when I'll go shopping."
"Why any way you can buy them to seven dollars plus shipping that's a pretty damn good deal."
"The best stuff gets picked over very, very quick."
"Consider areas of compromise; buy generic, you save a lot of money on generic."
"Buy in bulk; you will save 30 to maybe even 50 or 60 percent on some of the food."
"Those trials are tools God is using to mature you and I. So think and thank."
"The first hour is where all the value is. That's where you're gonna go find stuff because it gets sold out pretty quick."
"If I walk down the aisle and just buy Kirkland brand instead of Huggies brand I will be walking away actually paying less."
"So it is important to get to know your local Costco and what tends to go on sale and when."
"Definitely look at the clearance section, you might score, you never know."
"All you have to do go to one store find all the profitable items and I guarantee you you will be better off the next day then you will today or the day before."
"Quality and good pricing, that's why thrifting is the first place."
"The easiest way for me to keep track of my budget because then as I add things to my cart I can make sure I'm within my $200 a week budget."
"God I pray that she would understand that just as she has been forgiven from her wrongful ways it is okay for her to forgive those who have been wrong to her."
"Expand your search zone... you're gonna get better finds probably outside of a city center."
"Wait before you buy; it'll save you a ton of money."
"Shopping for fabrics without a game plan is like going to the grocery store hungry."
"Life is not perfect but hidden clearance keys everybody knows I'm in the Walmart biz."
"Shop your shelves before you shop the stores."
"Give your regular thrift stores a break and then come back to them after like a few weeks off because they will deliver time and time again without a doubt."
"I'm just convinced that the best thrifting tip that I can give anyone is give your regular thrift stores a break and then come back to them after like a few weeks off because they will deliver time and time again without a doubt, they will deliver."
"Memory is one of those things that you can just never go wrong with. I wait until Black Friday or like the holiday season to purchase memory just because it goes for such good prices at this time."
"I'm gonna get the cheap one first. I was trying to think of how I could confuse him into getting like the cheap one to be funny."
"Just goes to show when you go to these sales, you need to be flexible with what you're buying."
"One of my best thrifting tips is to take a couple of passes through the store."
"If you go to Costco, you get the biggest discount right if you buy in bulk."
"The first one is look at everything; check the high shelves, the low shelves, move things aside, and unstack piles. You just never know what's hiding."
"I love to buy my coats when the season's almost over because I like to get things and then wear them next season."
"The secret to buy at Ross and Burlington, you need to know more or less the time that they will have products around."
"A good general rule of thumb is that we're looking for items we can pay half of what the price is on Amazon."
"Sunday is fun day, especially with bulky items. Vendors mark stuff down because they don't want to carry it home."
"Sticking to a shopping list can be really helpful to prevent those temptations."
"If you can wait for the sale, obviously it's a big win, so you can be patient and wait for sales and get the items as you need, you can save a lot of money."
"I'm trying to get my shopping done today to maybe avoid a little bit of the traffic and the crowd."
"The best way to buy tools on eBay is to look up 'vintage tool lot'."
"It's a great way to know exactly what you have in hand before you go shopping."
"Now's the time to shop for Christmas sweaters and sweaters in general because no one else is looking for it right now."
"We're getting a lot of household items as well, like toilet paper, paper towels, freezer bags, sandwich bags in bulk."
"Everything in this store does go 50% off at one point or another."
"Happy Black Friday, as tiring as it does get to see Black Friday slash about everywhere, I think it can be a really good way of actually shopping smart."
"Just remember in your head: Buy basics, okay? Because it's something that we always forget to do."
"No matter how you eat, finding the lost leaders at your food stores, hitting those clearance racks will really be to your advantage."
"Price matching... sometimes what happens is the item that you want is on sale in one place but they may not necessarily have your size, but they have your size in another store but it's at full price."
"Cost per wear is what I keep in mind when I'm shopping."