
Legal Requirements Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"Always get your visas, get your paperwork done right."
"Any content I've ever been sponsored to post has been labeled as such as required by law."
"Ultimately, you can't not sign contracts with your legal name."
"Law enforcement has to provide... all information that they know or should know a issuing magistrate would want to know."
"If you're not a citizen, you shouldn't be allowed to vote."
"It's a legal mandate to wear a seat belt because of the safety. The safety is so outweighed by your from your independent decision like you may not want to wear a seat belt but seat belts save lives."
"You do not need FCC certification to manufacture product... you need it to sell a product."
"It's pretty much legally required at this point for companies to start disclosing the odds of their loot boxes."
"Hey, it doesn't matter how old you are, just get the right paperwork, get the right insurance, and go sell the service."
"You shouldn't just be asking people, 'hi well I would think but at the very least if you're going to have it they should have to have a warrant to get it."
"If you have your driver's license or state ID added in your wallet application you can now share your ID information in applications that require your identity and age verifications."
"Mandated by law of the government: every MMO is required to have proximity voice chat."
"They cannot count the ballots without the public being permitted to view the proceedings under Georgia law."
"You must obtain a permit before filming a protest on the Washington National Mall if you plan to post that protest on social media."
"No religious assembly is legal without His presence and His transaction."
"The fact that Patricia Buyers transferred into state to South Australia where they enacted the nobody no parole legislation has meant that she's had to admit to the murder of Carl Gotchens and provide an explanation as to where his body is."
"This order meets none of the requirements for a constitutional gag order."
"Deferrals will only be permitted to couples who can prove they love each other."
"Proving a crime requires proving the state of mind and overt action."
"Don't tell me we don't need new laws to ensure the integrity of our elections."
"The four centrals of a valid contract: competent, mutual consent, compensation, legal."
"The cancellation process should legally be required to be as easy as the sign-up process."
"Before any couple can get legally married in most cases, they must give notice at a register office. This is often the only chance to spot a sham marriage."
"The city needs to comply with the state law that requires community input and public hearings."
"Federal law requires states to take reasonable steps to clean up the roles."
"Disclosure is key, it's a legality issue."
"There are two different things that make a firearm or an object legally required to be registered as a destructive device: the firearm it's based on bore size, the projectile it's based on explosive."
"Mandating civic duty for every High School senior who graduates from high school in the form of passing that Civics test at minimum I think is a good place to start."
"I need an order fashioned in a way that says Mr. Wood, you will provide the names of the witnesses that you've interviewed or talked to in this case."
"It's pretty much the reason why influencers and celebrities now legally have to disclose when they're being paid to promote a product or service."
"Federal law requires an election day, not an election week, not an election month."
"Authorized disclosures shall not be subject to a non-disclosure agreement."
"When you build your document destruction program you've got it taken to contact knock in in to consider it's not just the securities laws but other state local document retention requirements you may be subject to."
"The legal requirements are that the rifle used should produce a minimum of one thousand seven hundred and fifty foot-pounds of energy and two thousand four hundred and fifty feet per second at the muzzle."
"Failure to add a child who is not yours or to say you don't have a child and after winning you are going to, having that DS-260, this is my child, you will be denied the visa."
"You have to follow these steps: get your license, gain experience, find a niche, do all of your legal stuff."
"There are certain kits that you have to have on board and if you're stopped by the police and you're not carrying this kit, they can and they will fine you."
"By addressing IT risks and weaknesses, organizations can better protect their assets, improve operations, and ensure they meet legal and regulatory requirements."
"If you want to use copyrighted music, you must obtain the necessary permissions or license."
"No lawyer will admit that it's basically a requirement for the employer to act reasonably, but that's pretty much what it is."
"So that your shop is legally compliant."
"The law requires a landlord to provide fit and habitable conditions."
"Check your insurance, check your tax, check your MOT, and even check your license because your license does expire."
"Applying for ABN does not automatically mean that you're carrying on an enterprise."
"The law says that staff must do as much as they can to avoid taking someone's liberty away."
"Birth certificates are mandatory for spousal sponsorship."
"Birth certificates are highly crucial documents for your spouse's sponsorship application."
"Each person, including children, needs their own separate work permit application."
"There is actually zero requirement that you actually work for the company that is sponsoring you for this whole green card process."
"The obligation being created either through legislature or a constructive obligation."