
Financial Trading Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"Most traders hear words like support, resistance, or trend and immediately stop paying attention and turn the other way."
"Paul Tudor Jones is the ultimate defensive trader. He's like the Floyd Mayweather of finance."
"Protect yourself whatever your risk and reward is before you get into the trade."
"Congratulations on selling your first covered call! Take it small, paper trade a lot, manage your risk carefully."
"I ventured off on my own, relying on objective material and studying things like chart patterns."
"Trading will humble you. The market is always right."
"Inside you will find a full course that teaches everything from the complete basics of forex to profitable and advanced strategies you can use to pull profits out of the market."
"What if trading was a video game and there was a cheat code for this game that would help you predict exactly where markets are going to go with a high degree of accuracy?"
"Nothing's guaranteed... but when you can use the chart and use all these data points with the candlesticks, then, you know, your decisions become much more educated."
"Momentum trades can do that, momentum trades they're great when they're hot but when they're not man they they just they can kill you fast."
"What we found out is that SAC knew the hand before everybody else did and acted accordingly."
"The worst way to learn how to trade is by copying somebody else."
"You can enter, manage and exit positions directly from the trading view window."
"Teaching is not the main goal, facilitating learning is."
"This is pretty good right here, setting a higher low."
"The ability to relax and slow down your breathing while you're in a trade that is against you, while you're in drawdown, is extremely important."
"Feel free to post your trade ideas, feel free to post articles you find interesting."
"IMX Traders, if you are holding IMX, this is your level."
"In trading, we're not trying to find something that's 100% accurate; our purpose is just to gain an advantage over the market."
"Once they taste all that other stuff, if the bug of trading has bit them, they'll more or less come back to me in time."
"So cheers to anybody that took that trade, it's doing quite well."
"Volume and liquidity: keys to successful trading."
"VWAP and moving averages: tools for the informed trader."
"The goal is to always remain objective as an investor or as a trader." - AI discussion
"The market is the truth and the market went up on it and that's what we trade we don't trade the underlying but underlying it's a lot of this PPP extension."
"Stop orders allow price to give more support and evidence."
"You slowly ratchet up your risk, your leverage, and you get that sense that you really, you can't meet to defeat it, you're too good, you're the best at it, you were just like the king of the land in that sector."
"It's always risk management, you know, how much are you willing to lose if the trade doesn't go right."
"It's the same idea of Elon, he wants to get us to Mars."
"So that's why using 10x then you can actually go into the market with the initial margin of 43 of only 4 300 which means that you can add 10 more nine more bitcoin to your trade."
"If you're interested in swing trades, that's where I put out my live trades."
"Trading is a risky thing, and as I always say, although I can do it doesn't mean you can replicate the same thing."
"Partials pay every single time but you don't know and the people that bloviate about how Parcels are not good you don't know they don't know if their next trade or the one they're in right now waiting for a full Target is going to go there."
"When spot prices change, the value of the contract changes, the value of that futures contract itself is going to change."
"Impulsive moves are the trends we want to capture."
"Options trading offers both risk and opportunity."
"Bitcoin has entered the optimism phase amongst traders."
"5.90 one more pip over here one more pit started demo trade last week had 85 percent win ratio so I thought to start my live"
"Profit's always the most fun part of any trade."
"When they drop price they are building longs and closing shorts, that's the name of the game."
"If you want to make money, you have to be a cold-hearted and emotional trader." - "To make money, you have to be a cold-hearted and emotional trader."
"Q2 and Q3 are kill zones... those are the best times to trade."
"Price doesn't care about your entry or your ideal take profit."
"Never forget that the dynamic is always so that the first short sellers to cover get the best deal."
"The ultimate aim of my approach is to identify, if I want to simplify it, a short-term bias for market movement." - Lance Beggs
"This tweet 'let them trade' did not age well." - a stark reminder of the volatility of social media posts.
"Literally how to trade with a small amount of money."
"For every sell, there's a buy. You can't sell Bitcoin if there's no one on the other side that's willing to buy it."
"Price will give you everything you need. The open high low and close is all that is necessary."
"Traders that are really good can change their mind on a dime and and though I think I use a line in the book but according myself here and it's that good traders liquidate when they're wrong great traders reverse when they're wrong"
"For me, it's all about the small wins. And for me, the small win was getting out of AMD for the spread."
"Twitter partners with etoro to let users trade stocks and crypto as must push this app into Finance."
"Trading is the hardest way to make easy money."
"It's about support and resistance, it's about price having to move up and down for short-term traders to make huge amounts of money."
"Timing of the entry is one of the most important factors when it comes to trading."
"I always say I take revenge trades and never gonna do it again... and that is the problem."
"I'd probably be looking for a move towards two and a half cent on any sort of a break of yesterday's low."
"Realism is about to come back... All these fake people out here abusing mt4... That's gonna stop."
"They're putting up those clickbait thumbnails so you guys put in the leverage trades you know you put in the large trades not them they don't put in trades guys."
"I really have fallen in love with the Ichimoku cloud. I really don't know how I could possibly trade without doing the Ichimoku cloud."
"The v-wop is giving an incredibly strong Buy Signal on the price of Bitcoin right now."
"Despite everything that has happened... it's still a top three traded asset."
"It's not as simple as kind of black and white in trading."
"We don't look to trade with the Central Bank dealers range in our repertoire when the range is greater than 40 Pips."
"If you cannot identify its direction, don't trade it."
"I'm a hunter of volatility. I want to trade something that has the potential to go up 50%, 100%, or more."
"The sheer amount of volume which he trades is most impressive."
"Day trading is buying and selling assets within the same trading day and session."
"You can effectively trade profit account by honestly, profit accounts are not account to keep for life."
"If you're not out there being relentless every single day, understand that you're competing with traders who are."
"It's all around supply and demand, identifying where banks are buying and selling in the market so we can buy and sell there also."