
Tool Effectiveness Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"Programming isn't actually as bad or as complex as people would imagine when you've got a tool as powerful as that at your disposal."
"The tool doesn't make you better. It's the person who determines the quality or the output, not just the tool."
"It's gonna give you a much more straight cut. It's gonna ensure that your cut angle is very consistent."
"I am so happy right now, I hope that you guys have fun with these tools because they are amazing!"
"At the heart of this knife, though, the backbone is that great AXIS lock."
"The best tool for the job is one that is designed for the job."
"Never before in medicine have we had a tool so powerful in our toolbox."
"It really is an amazing tool for crafting exactly the sound that you want to hear from your guitar."
"Bezier curves and corner options: making shapes smoother and more precise."
"And that's very, very fun and powerful tool to use."
"It's not the camera, it's the person using it."
"This tool is so powerful that that's all it needs, is for you to talk to it."
"This is one of the best tools that I have seen."
"Excal draw helped me communicate in ways I never had before."
"It's nice. It's there. It's easy to work with."
"Using the right tools can make or break your makeup."
"Testing with the antigen test, the tests that actually look for the virus, can be one of the most powerful tools we have today."
"It's like you know instead we're going to have we're just going to have another tool that helps with that."
"It's not very good for combat honestly, but it is at least pretty good at cutting the grass."
"That tool makes this so easy, like it's not even close to difficult now."
"Just because some people don't use a tool correctly, it doesn't mean that those who do should be punished."
"Ozempic is certainly just a tool, and even the best tools are worthless if the person doesn't know how to use them."
"Let's tackle that question: our tools in 5e? Kind of garbage, my friend. You need to see all the possibilities for tools."
"The pad itself can significantly impact the quality and the efficiency of your sanding."
"It's a nail gun dude it claps more than actual guns."
"The accuracy on it is awesome...using it has been a pleasure."
"Steroids aren't the solution to everything but they are a massive tool."
"How little we know, but more importantly, how our tools are limited."
"You know, definitely did a better job of mulching."
"Use a brush that gives you a sharp edge. No point in having an unempowered shadow."
"But it's still a highly effective tool, like I said, then one of the surprising things about this knife, especially given we've only got about five and a quarter inch blade, they're not a terrible chopper either."
"Watching the power of this giant saw in action is truly breathtaking."
"The philosophy was to get the tip, the blades kind of meeting here and then overlapping."
"You're going to have a hard time losing your grip on this knife quite honestly."
"This is amazing. That's the first time ever my tub remover tool didn't work for me."
"If your tools are not powerful enough that you can make ugly things, they're not powerful enough for you to make beautiful things either."
"...this tool has made me thousands of dollars when it comes to ranking on Google."
"A tool is only ever as good as it is applied. None of those protocols are bad; they can actually be excellent, but only if they're used properly."
"If it's used as it's intended, its capabilities are spectacular."
"Yield can be a really powerful solution in your toolbox."
"That's very powerful, that's one of the things I know that a lot of people love about the DBT tool, they're these tests that they have."
"Good pencils will help, but they won't make you an artist."
"Worker services are really powerful tools when you use them right."
"It's really strong, I mean I've had to cut a couple padlocks in the past with this tool, and it zips right through metal."
"The best project management tool in the world is the one you like."
"It's incredible to see like a tool that was developed 10 years ago still works to this day."
"It's honestly such a great tool again for kind of adding a professional feel to a lot of your productions and mixes."
"This tool has the best bang for buck."
"Its simplicity and effectiveness make it a popular choice for both amateur and professional woodworkers seeking reliable and aesthetically pleasing results."
"So, for algae, using the right tool for the right job. Most of these will not kill algae. This guy will."
"Visualization can be a very powerful tool."
"I hope you can see how powerful they are and how going past just using the temporal threshold sliders can really yield amazing results."
"You know a tool is useful and has legs when it becomes a part of someone's workflow."
"New tools are great, but skill building is better."
"The constructions are a very useful tool."
"If you're building interactive features that people will actually use on your website, then this example we just looked at is the right tool for the right job."