
Tension Relief Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"I made this post in order to ease some tension off the player base."
"Humor always breaks the ice in times of intensity."
"Sometimes it's nice to have something silly those moments of brevity breaks the tension"
"Humor is an awesome thing. It deflates a lot of the problems and tensions that you might have in a conversation like that."
"Nicolas Cage does it so well - he broke the tension!"
"This hobby of yours isn't making my job any easier or safer. Maybe so, but it's all that's stopping me from being so bored I take a space walk in my skivvies."
"But then baby Yoda shows up like a ninja slurping on his soup to break the tension."
"Their exchange lightens the mood, providing a moment of warmth amid the tension."
"With each breath you take, you feel more and more tension melting away."
"Laughter serves as a social glue, breaking tension, connecting us with others, and helping to establish bonds."
"Why do we laugh at this joke? Well, we release the tension because I've been critical of myself and my father."
"It is a handheld percussive therapy device that releases your deepest muscle tension."
"Comedy can get you through the most tense situations and especially now in America, we could use it. I think so."
"Slowly but surely, you will start to loosen up those tight muscles."
"It diffuses the tension if things are escalating and makes people feel more comfortable."
"Even moments of levity can break through tense debates."
"Someone came up with an idea not long ago that intrigues me. He said everything we do is either goal achieving or tension relieving."
"Comedy is about taking tension out of the room, it's about naming things that everyone's like walking on eggshells around and just saying it so everyone can kind of just"
"You let one go at the right time, hey dad's funeral, now we're cooking. Funeral farts are solid, oh it's a lot of tension exactly."
"Your levity is good. It relieves tension and the fear of death."
"They want to make you laugh, keep things fresh, and ease any tension."
"Well, I think it's for those of us who are a little too tense, a little too clenched, a little too obsessive. A version of it is, 'Lighten up.' Easy does it."
"Humor has had a tremendous psychological influence; it also has a tremendous power to relax the individual away from tension."
"The chocolate wrapped in red tin foil really broke the tension of the moment."
"You're the sort of person who, when there's tension around a dinner table, could say the thing that makes people laugh and kind of all be able to back off."
"It releases the contraction in me that has me so often getting headaches."
"I have to admit I laughed at that one and the jokes helped break the tension and calm me down."
"Cracking a joke with somebody it can just break the tension immediately in it it can be all you need in that moment to just totally recover from whatever effort you just did."
"It was nice just to have a day where tension wasn’t constantly simmering at home."
"With each exhale, letting off any residual tension that you've stored in the shoulders and the upper back, rolling it away."
"Stretch away the tension and embrace mobility."
"Whatever tension you're feeling, it goes away when you do that."
"Developing empathy and exposing vulnerability as a way to relieve that built-up tension."
"His tongue was sharper than a samurai sword, and he could slice through a tense moment with a witty remark or a playful jab."
"Massage therapy helps relieve muscle tension and it just feels really a de-stress kind of thing to go through."
"I need to find a way to break the tension, I need to find a way to bridge the gap and make people feel comfortable."
"Laughter definitely helps break tension."
"Find any pockets of tension and send the breath there to release."
"As we exhale, release ear to shoulder, chin to chest, move into some full or half neck rolls, just releasing any tension we have in the neck and the shoulders."
"Stretch your neck, lengthen your neck with your hands, feel the neck stretch."
"It helps to break up any tightness and tension that naturally builds up in our back."
"You're wanting to lengthen but you're also wanting to move toward the center so you're creating the natural extension that you need to alleviate some of the tension that you may have with your back and your hips."
"Extend your arms long, and feel the stretch on the outside of your shoulder."
"Having good flexibility in the hip flexors can relieve a lot of tension and stress on the low back."
"Taking some sort of action to help on any level will release the tension and it is the right thing to do."
"I was just trying to bring a little humor to an otherwise tense situation."
"Yoga has really taught me the importance of breathing into areas of tension rather than avoiding them."
"As we know, the neck and the shoulders hold a lot of tension usually for us, so we're just going to start here, gently loosening things up."
"If you're feeling any tension in your neck, bring your chin to your chest."
"I'm just hopefully here to relieve some of that tension."
"It just generally massages your facial muscles and relieves tension there."
"The whole point is to pull the shoulder back away from the chest and to ease the tension on the upper back that's associated with rounded shoulders."
"Detente is easing of Cold War tensions."
"Laughter relieves tension, lowers stress hormones, improves neural chemistry, settles the heart, boosts the immune system."
"It really helps loosen up most of the places that we feel tension in our bodies throughout the day."
"Let your breath really move into any areas of tension that you feel."
"We're going to show you how to use these to relieve some of that tension in your hips and gluteals."
"Inhale through the nose and out through the mouth, sending oxygen to wherever there is tension."
"Notice where you have some tension and breathe into that tension."
"I think we can all just use a good chat and chill for a while, like play a game or something, just to loosen up any tension left."