
Educational Funding Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"I don't want it to stop there. I want that to be just the jolt that we need to make sure that we're funding education."
"We can do is have a modest tax on Wall Street speculation which will raise more than enough money to cancel all student debt in this country and make public colleges and universities tuition-free."
"We need to make sure we're utilizing the ARP dollars to help our students in reading and math and go beyond the data that we had in 2019."
"A state need not subsidize private education but once a state decides to do so, it cannot disqualify some private schools solely because they are religious."
"We managed to make enough money to support three PhD students this summer."
"Dramatic increases in funding hope to revamp the healthcare and educational systems."
"Despite clear evidence proving their efficacy and long-term cost-effectiveness, few schools can get funding to implement these solutions."
"Nurture groups don't just lead to improved behavior; Glasgow City Council spends 3 and a half million pounds a year on nurture groups and has been carefully monitoring the progress of children they are trying to help."
"How petty is that? They literally sat down and calculated how much these school board members get paid."
"For every kid, if you can get one Bitcoin per child, that should cover their college fund."
"Look at our records when it comes to funding our HBCUs."
"Property-rich areas tend to collect more in property taxes and therefore schools that are located in wealthier areas usually get more money than schools that are located in poorer school districts."
"We invest in jobs and education rather than jails and incarceration."
"What we're realizing today is the problem wasn't separate but equal, the problem was fully funded versus underfunded."
"For [__] sake, these people are fighting over $500 to help their students and their classrooms."
"This is the one way you have to build equity to be able to finance it possibly in the future, pay for your kids' college education, leave your kids a little bit something."
"We need to invest in community programs and in our schools."
"All HBCUs' endowments combined are 10 times less than Harvard University."
"We should be setting our young people up to win, not cutting them off at their knees."
"Her rich family could even pay for the whole four-year education for someone else who deserves it."
"You have to have some sort of endowment tax... You have to make it so that exact areas of spending for some of these colleges with public money is just off the table."
"If you give money to the universities, and your university is doing this... stop. It's the easiest thing."
"Joe Jorgensen wants this stuff to be opt-out so that if you don't have kids in school, you can opt out of that portion of your taxes."
"We keep pumping cheap federal dollars into this system and there's no accountability whatsoever where the money is being spent."
"The Caliph lavished such support and attention on the center of learning that today he is credited as the founder of the famed House of Wisdom."
"The purpose of giving funding to school districts is to ensure that teachers and kids are safe."
"I think we should drive for a time where we don't need these grants we don't need FAFSA we don't need these federal intervention in higher education."
"We've raised an entire generation of people that think it's their responsibility to pay for kids' schools... we've got to start thinking a little bit more rationally."
"I've put the whole dynasty of their future kids and grandchildren through college."
"Teachers and principals are filling the gap out of their own pockets."
"There are ways to make it less expensive through financial aid or grants or scholarships."
"Every person has a path to Prosperity, funding public education, making sure that we hit Top 10 in terms of literacy in the country."
"The difference between everybody going to school for free on scholarship and athletes is the athletes are generating revenue."
"It's actually the biggest increase in the Pell Grant award sent in like 12 years."
"Our children suffer, and we're programming them wrong. So we have to put more money into our school system."
"I'm willing to give more money to states... I'm ready to give $105 billion to states to keep schools safe."
"He reached into his own pockets to purchase five kits for the school for the students because they didn't have a budget."
"Taking some police funds and using them for education and mental health resources."
"Education funding exists to educate the child not to prop up and protect the government monopoly."
"President Trump restored funding and increased investment for historically black colleges and universities by 14%."
"Education has to be at the heart of it. I think we under find education for the people who most need it."
"Raising a small but significant sum for the classrooms of the 93% is I believe one further very small step in one very long but important journey."
"I want to see a family of schools and I want to see them properly funded."
"The Indian Emerging Scholar Fund is a great scholarship for Indian students."
"Investing in communities ravaged by systemic disadvantage, funding educational initiatives, establishing healthcare programs rooted in racial equity—these are not handouts but overdue investments in rectifying a historical injustice."
"We put extra money in for school places; we're seeing improvements in school standards."
"The program itself will fund all of your tuition, you'll get a subsistence payment if that makes sense for you, and the sky's the limit on the program."
"The United States looked at itself, felt that they were behind, and began to increase funding for education."