
Positive Development Quotes

There are 108 quotes

"It does seem like these are positive moves anyway."
"What a shift has taken place since then for the better, I think, and more of course way more to go."
"People can make positive changes in their lives."
"Wastelanders is a step in the right direction finally."
"Sony's change of heart really turned an impossibility into a possibility and at the end of the day it's just good news for everyone."
"The future of Apple's health initiatives look positive."
"Wow, this is turning into a really nice space."
"So now Jupiter can give some very important actually positive development in certain area of your life."
"Thankfully, it's only gotten better with age."
"Adding new skill to the game is a really good thing."
"The paradigms are shifting, and I think it's great."
"Warzone is one of the best things to happen to Call of Duty in a long time."
"It's so much better in California, hospitalizations are dropping, deaths are dropping."
"Kyron was said to be well adjusted and a happy little boy."
"I've seen a change in Caden's temperament so you know I think there are very subtle but good changes that are happening in this family."
"Consciousness is moving to the next level, allowing transformation of negative structures into positive realities."
"Final Fantasy 14 is in the exact opposite position in a state of constant growth."
"Crashes has been one of the most pleasant surprises I've seen in the pro scene."
"It's no use trying to say we sort of say let's let's abandon this what we have to do is learn how to mitigate the possible bad effects and accentuate the positive."
"Diablo 4 seems to be making big strides in a positive direction."
"The connection has just gotten better with time."
"I think we, right now, probably have the best relationship with Japan that we’ve ever had."
"Updates like this are an incredibly good sign."
"I think it's a positive thing for the entire VRChat community and I'm excited to see what it'll bring."
"I actually think this is a fantastically positive development if we can get it right."
"This is a blessed connection or a blessed union... things unfold for you in the most beautiful way."
"Trust in that... things unfold for you in the most beautiful way."
"This is awesome, this is a great development."
"I think it's a good sign that they're individually rebalancing tanks now."
"Some sort of positive news, positive movement forward for you, Sagittarius."
"It's a very big positive to see that treasury yields are rising."
"I think Bungie's got a really great framework right now to work with I think they've done a lot of good things in the recent years."
"I think this is a major shake up here but it's a step in the right direction."
"I think there's a lot of valuable feedback and paying attention to your community as you develop the game instead of just getting tunnel vision is really really cool."
"Long overdue... it's a reboot, a change... ultimately, it's a positive thing."
"Most people are seeing that a lot of these changes are positive."
"This news is huge... a step in the right direction."
"There's a lot going on, a lot of good developments."
"Not only is it great, but it's getting better and better."
"Every step that they have made so far is the right step and I think that's great and it's such a contrast to last gen."
"Your relationship is changing, the dynamics of it is changing for the better."
"The glitch is getting fixed so that's really good."
"Because it isn't going away it's maturing it's getting better it's becoming more accessible this is fantastic stuff."
"It's like, oh my gosh, how did I not see this coming? And that, I think, is going to be a positive thing though."
"Finally, the wheels of justice are moving in the right direction."
"Here's hoping we continue on this road with our positive momentum."
"Great to see Merlin doing more events though, of course."
"I really thought they would end it with a new villain in town, but instead, they topped it with more positivity."
"She represents some of the best growth that I've seen on the show."
"More updates, more changes like this one would definitely be a positive."
"I think it's definitely a positive sign... the momentum gathering behind the pushback against all this."
"Bitcoin's Network more decentralized, a positive shift."
"They're expecting positive progress and communication."
"What a big step forward it is... better in every single possible way."
"You're free from all that... You're doing everything you can to continue to invoke positive change in your life and most importantly wonderful well-being."
"You are going to start to make a lot of great strides in this situation."
"This update seriously is a great step in the right direction for Dying Light 2 and its future."
"Anytime you remove a leader like this this is an also a moment of celebration opportunity but also of enormous danger." - This quote speaks to the complexities of leadership transitions and the potential for both positive and negative outcomes.
"That's why I think it's such good news, they're gonna start getting more creative freedom."
"It seems like Ubisoft has finally gotten its act together and given the mapmaking community exactly what they've been asking for."
"Your material well-being starts to come together in a positive way... it all gets better all together at the same time."
"Your ideas are starting to bloom, and it's looking beautiful."
"I'm starting to really feel like our fortress here is making a turn."
"It's been eight years for us looking for justice for Dana and something really positive finally happened."
"Positive changes are happening and we just gotta push through."
"Everything's falling into place perfectly. Honestly, I didn't anticipate things turning out this well."
"This connection is definitely making progress, it's moving forward."
"Things are changing in a positive way, I sense more stability coming in."
"This is really, really good news for Rivian."
"In positive environments, they display good health, social competence, creativity, empathy, and the like."
"...to take a brand that's known for one thing and even just start nudging it in another direction, and I actually think that's an awesome thing."
"It's just so nice to see that we're building this organization the right way."
"One positive thing we had recently was China's economy that actually saw solid growth in the first quarter."
"That's quite the turnaround D could have brought about such a change in attitudes."
"Feels different, seems intelligent, very humanlike. This is an extremely positive sign for Tesla."
"He's really changed his life around."
"I love Toronto, I love what they're doing."
"It's clearly a great step forward."
"It's given the saw 20% better cutting performance which means it cuts better, great news."
"Great bananas, things are starting to play out very nicely."
"Life is definitely changing for me, so I know everybody else on my channel, you guys gotta adapt to the new change because it's for the better."
"It's a really exciting time for our city, something to be excited about and proud of."
"Your love life changed you for the better."
"We have shared responsibility to prevent this scenario, which looks like a grim dystopia, to ensure instead that our development takes a different trajectory: positive, harmonious, and creative."
"They celebrated each other's birthdays together and things really look like they were going well for them."
"That's the definition of the perfect start, just got a little bit better, didn't it?"
"I think this is a great thing for The Chosen overall."
"It seemed to just start flowing and doors were opening for us."
"Drill results that just keep coming in... a story that just keeps evolving in a positive way."
"We're seeing really good positive signals about this in Washington."
"It is starting to look pretty good."
"We've had a pretty good relationship lately, and I feel like we're getting somewhere."
"The President views this as a positive gesture and a step in the right direction from the North Korean leader."
"This was obviously a very positive sign for Disney."
"The continued maintenance of the occupational health and safety management system certification will help the organization develop a positive safety culture."
"You're moving forward, things have completely shifted, things have turned around."