
Replica Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"It was like I was walking through a replica of the warehouse but different."
"This is almost a one-to-one exact replica of the vehicle you see in the movie."
"I'm making my Lego City 100 times smaller by building this microscale replica of it."
"This Nerf lmtd dart firing Blaster replica captures the look and feel of the powerful Galah horn rocket launcher."
"Replica can motivate you to build Healthy Habits Like exercising and practicing mindfulness."
"The design and size of the device itself fully replicates the original center console. Your friends will not even guess that this is not a standard part from the manufacturer."
"...this is an incredible 1 to 7 scale replica of the u.s presidential air force one..."
"...created by a team of lego master builders and over 1 million lego bricks..."
"The final result is an accurate and beautiful replica of Johnson's original frame."
"This is an exact replica of the Castle of Lions' control room."
"Of course, no collection is complete without a bat boat replica."
"I don't need mine to be a perfectly screen-used replica. I just want mine to be my DL44 blaster pistol from Star Wars."
"This is a full-size replica of the Ark of the Covenant. It was created by a company that had the designs through Paramount."
"A cool Serene replica of Martha Stewart's 1925 Farmhouse, the Bedford."
"This is the world's first replica of Otzi the Iceman."
"We stand at Mt. Zion in heaven, not the earthly replica, but the true heavenly Zion."
"I read an article recently that the one I saw at Goodwood is valued between 25 and 35 million U.S that's its current value so I sort of say I'd like to own that you know but uh but no it's uh it's not it's a replica."
"This is a replica of the Master Sword of Zelda, of Link."
"As with a little time, patience, and precision, it ends up being an almost exact replica. Nice."
"This thing is really starting to come together to look like a miniature Buffalo rifle."
"...it's going to be a replica and clone of my R34 GTR."
"A factory five roadster is the world's best-selling replica automobile."
"My goal for this build is simple: take this unassuming 40-year-old dealer promo car and transform it into a detailed replica of the real thing."
"The Nerf LMTD dart firing blaster replica captures the look and feel of the powerful Galahorn rocket launcher."
"This is a replica of the SMLE that will give everyone the SMILE!"
"Looks just like the Sail Barge straight out of Return of the Jedi. It's amazing."
"This missile command station is a detailed copy of Cobra Command's super-secret headquarters."
"I think it's the most accurate that I've seen."
"This is possibly the best single layer replica WWE have ever produced."
"The dupe looks literally identical to the real item and it is only 79 dollars."
"I am blown away, this looks exactly like the one from the movie."
"That's a life-size replica of E.T."
"It's a beautiful replica of an antique fan."
"Technically, I think this watch is spot on. They totally accomplished their goal of creating what seems to me to be essentially a one-to-one replica of a 1918 trench watch."
"In 1935, Lionel set off on its most ambitious project to date: the creation of a true-to-scale replica of the famous New York Central J3 Hudson locomotive."
"Hey, it's AP and today we're going to make a replica of the house from Nightmare on Elm Street."
"That's what this MP5 offers, a platform to build the very best replica possible."
"They have this really cool pyramid that is a replica of the Chichen Itza pyramid."
"A Lincoln rocker by Carlton McClendon: solid mahogany, hand-carved, an exact replica of the chair that Abraham Lincoln used."
"This is without question the best replica strap I have ever seen."
"This is a declaration house, and this is a replica of the house where Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence."
"Something that embodies the greatest elements of a fine prop replica but with the robust nature of the actual sonic from the show."
"This is an exact replica of Excalibur, it has magical powers."
"The Emory estate was constructed in 1903 to be a replica of George Washington's Mount Vernon Home in Virginia."
"It's a pretty authentic replica of a modern 1911."
"The Maritime Museum is a replica of the Portuguese ship which sank in the coast of Malacca while on its way to Portugal."
"It's a replica of a classic Italian icon called the Lambretta."
"It's still a beautiful replica of the iconic, very expensive, very rare German rifle, the WA 2000."