
Obliviousness Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"I breathed the clean forest air and listened to the birds singing their merry oblivious song."
"The perfect guy's right in front of them the whole time."
"Spring is here, I hear the birds singing. It's amazing thing about a bird, none of those birds know anything's going on."
"Were we so blind to the world teetering on the edge that we never straightened up from what we were doing to consider things more clearly?"
"I'd miss all the red flags, I'd be so blind."
"They act like they don't even see this [ __ ]."
"How was it possible that all of these people around her missed the signs of demonic possession?"
"The ex-roommate who never saw anything bad going on with people he works with."
"The bird flies through the sky from tree to tree, it has no idea that it's free."
"I continue every day as normal, very ignorant the situation that was now starting to build."
"I'm not even realizing that I'm missing anything."
"I was completely out of my depth. I had absolutely no idea. I never ever knew or picked up on the fact that someone was interested in me, attracted to me, trying to get me to ask them out."
"What's going on, guys? How long is even doing this every man in the world is Leo meanwhile he's just sitting there oblivious to this."
"But on this day, the crowd inside the stadium was so caught up in the game that they actually didn't notice this horrible tragedy taking place just a hundred feet away from where they were."
"No one on this beach either noticed or cared that a giant freighter floating above their heads is being boarded by heavily armed government agents."
"Obviously, like what, he didn't even notice the TV?"
"Your first impression of them, you're going to be so oblivious. You're going to have no idea that this person is like crushing on you."
"Guys don't even know when their breath stinks."
"Iceberg what iceberg? Smiling as the ship goes down."
"We're just like oblivious, I mean you're oblivious because you just, you're numb."
"I was actually like strapped to the train tracks and I was just looking the other direction while the train was about to hit me."
"He hadn't noticed the changes in Constance."
"What's worse," Drake asked, "not noticing and carrying on as the world gets more dangerous, or people just start winking out?"
"It's got to be so obvious that we're missing it completely."
"If they all drowned in the fight like if the [ __ ] reflecting pool just flooded because of the rain and they all drowned he wouldn't even notice so perfect"
"It was not even super bright outside. Everyone was just busy with Christmas, not paying attention to what was going on outside their homes."
"It's kind of funny in a way that there's all this stuff going on, and we just kind of waltz through our lives oblivious to it."
"Nobody seemingly heard the shots."
"You two have like crazy chemistry," Bri remarked. "I feel like everyone around you knew except for you two."
"I wouldn't even know it was there."
"Bob is known for sometimes being a bit oblivious. Not to the level that Otto’s at, but still a bit more oblivious than the average Minion."
"You're completely oblivious to all of this because you're just in all your gorgeousness, right? It's like you've fallen in love and now you're just skipping through your life, you know, kissing people's cheeks and giving hugs and telling everybody how much they mean to you."
"He is a running joke, and he doesn't know the joke is on him."
"She's completely oblivious to the fact that her city, there's like so much [ __ ] going on right now and it's all over the news, and she doesn't even realize it because she's so in her own world."
"The thing I'm blissfully unaware of so much drama and so much going on it has to be explained to me because I kind of tune it out."
"He's got no idea anything's going on."
"There's more people that's just happy and don't really notice other people out here being unhappy and [ __ ]."
"She looked like she didn't see a wet paint sign."
"It just occurs to me we've not done any scenes where Gordon Curry's amusing himself by playing Carpathia is clearly coming on to Buck but Kurt Cameron's too stupid to notice it."
"Professor von Inglefeld takes himself very seriously, and a lot of the humor in this comes from him being such an oblivious character to the thoughts and the feelings of the people around him."
"So intent was Frank upon solving the puzzle of the Lemarchand's box that he didn't hear the great bell begin to ring."
"She's practicing cello and she doesn't even notice me flying around."
"It's like a red flag but you're colorblind."
"I love how oblivious Luffy is at times."
"The castle where she lived was set on fire as knights swarmed inside, but she is busy cooking, unaware of what is happening outside."
"I slept so well last night and I woke up and like you know dozens or hundreds of people have driven by going to work and like I just slept right through all of it."
"Did I really cause that much trouble? Funny, I hadn't noticed."
"...the towns in the valley went about their daily life deaf to the moaning of the earth..."
"They had fallen in love in a way that made them not see the world around them anymore."
"Funny thing how a man can have eyes and still he cannot see."
"This stuff is terrific," said Augustus, taking not the slightest notice of his mother or Mr. Wonka.
"I was in love. You didn't worry about blizzards; you didn't even see them. You just saw the woman you were in love with."
"Everyone knows two people like each other except those two."
"I'm glad that you know, somebody recognizes how adorable she is since Adrian is a literal wall of friendship."
"I was too busy enjoying my own to notice."
"He was so shrouded in melancholy that he didn't even see the person he walked into."
"It's incomprehensible that you can be so immersed in the profundity of what is happening to human beings in this inner city, and the rest of the country is completely oblivious."
"We're on a battlefield, and most of the soldiers who should be on our side of the supernatural war are completely oblivious to the fact that they're in the middle of a war."
"You couldn't tell that there was handwriting on the wall?"
"How he walked without a care in the world, briefcase in hand, just ambling along without any protection in sight."
"It's amazing how much people ignore the signs."
"Two fools in love who might be the only ones who don't know it yet."
"Blinded by greed, those fools rushed towards the treasure box without even noticing the monsters hiding in the corner of the room."