
Natural Food Quotes

There are 96 quotes

"Cooking from scratch, using real food that man didn't have any hand in at all."
"You are what you eat, so whenever possible, eat from the earth and you will feel alive."
"There's nothing in real food that is trying to kill us."
"Did God make a Twinkie? No. Did God make an avocado? Yes."
"We should be eating food as close to what our bodies evolved to eat, which is whole, real, unprocessed food."
"Glutamine, found in protein powder, can be obtained naturally from food sources."
"Mother Nature has packaged vitamins in food in combinations that are just right."
"Your fruits should have seeds in them... eating something that cannot reproduce itself... that's poison."
"If your food doesn't go through photosynthesis, it's not food."
"Avoid overly processed and denatured foods. Eat food that's more natural, whole, and real." - Holistic Hilda
"When you ferment the food, you keep it alive so you're eating live food."
"Eat a steak, cook up some spinach, eat some meat, get some iron the natural way."
"Real food comes dirty" and "Store-bought tomatoes taste like disappointment."
"I think that all of them share the commonality in my opinion this is the conclusion that I've come to of if you are eating real food stuff that is meant to be food came that way the closer you can eat to that I think the better."
"If you can't pull it out of the ground or out of a tree, don't [expletive] eat it."
"Did the food grow on the planet? Did it swim in the water? Did it run on land? That's food."
"Eat real food, straight from nature. Food is the fuel you need to succeed."
"Harvest your garden when you can. None of those things are make or break. It's still food and it's still probably better than any food you're going to buy at the store. It's still good food."
"When you eat a whole apple, it leaves you feeling fuller for longer; it doesn't spike your blood sugar."
"Eat the food that God made, leave the food that man made."
"...so that's reason number one and then reason number two that's very important as well is that this food has not been tampered with..."
"Make sure you're eating things that are real that man has not messed up."
"Eating real food... foods that don't come in packages, foods that are not processed."
"I'm turning into a bit of a hippie in my old age. That's natural food grown on the boat."
"Probiotics and fermented foods are so important to try and eat real food."
"The closer to nature, the better. If it wasn't food 100 years ago, it's not food today."
"It's funny how when you feed your body real human food, like meat and eggs, things will heal that you just thought would never heal."
"Don't get rid of animal fat. It's the best fat. It's natural and it's delicious."
"Just get back to basics. One of the best things you can do is eat real food."
"Natural ketchup, yeah, it tastes like regular ketchup except there's no high fructose corn syrup in it, it's more natural."
"Food that comes from nature, that comes from the ground and trees, that electrifies our body because it has energy in it."
"Unpasteurized raw honey... to get the full benefits of the nutrients and all the goodness that God created there."
"The food we eat, if you eat food from a factory there is zero vibrational energy from that... if you eat plant food, you're getting food from the earth."
"Nature's true fruit is not as fructose rich as it is now, nor is it common or normal to eat like 10 fruits in a day."
"Who needs cereal when you have mulberries?"
"Use real food to do the body good."
"Honey, natural honey is one of the best things you can eat."
"Honey's the only food on Earth it never ever goes bad."
"They have no artificial flavors or high fructose corn syrup, no certified synthetic colors or synthetic preservatives, and they're made with 100% whole grain."
"For over 85 years, Roman Meal has given America natural whole grain goodness."
"I staunchly believe that we want to do the minimal amount of processing to our food as possible."
"Stay away from anything in a bottle... it's straight food: green leaves, vegetables, fruits, lean meats."
"They're naturally tree sweetened, so it's the kind of sugar that just good energy."
"Stick with olive oil and vinegar instead of all this weird processed junk."
"From the farm to the table, as fresh as possible, no preservatives, no additives."
"Goat milk is the closest thing in nature to mother's milk."
"Dates are an excellent source of natural carbohydrates and nutrients that improve brain function."
"The basic premise behind people that live a long time is that it's the void of processed food."
"I cannot make you worse by giving you real food, whole food."
"The question that looms large: Are we ready to invest in naturally grown food to safeguard our health?"
"Most of your meals, as much as possible, should be natural, minimally processed foods."
"It's like food grown from the ground, if you've ever had a tomato from your grandma's garden, it doesn't even taste like a tomato, it's amazing."
"The food actually is more natural; we don't have all those preservatives."
"Fructose is a poison, but wherever there's fructose in nature, there's way more fiber."
"Real food grows out of the ground, real food grows off of a tree, real food comes from animals that were standing by the tree."
"We need to get back to basics and feeding normal food to our kids, to our dogs, and their food is meat."
"I like to eat food that resembles what it is in its true, natural form."
"Basically, if food comes in a package, I'm not eating too much of it."
"Once upon a time, everything that human beings ate was free-range and organic."
"I eat a lot of very natural, healthy food."
"Burdock root is a food, it is valuable, it's a good powerhouse of antioxidants."
"If it doesn't grow from the earth, it is not real food."
"Try eating raw fruits and vegetables."
"I don't eat processed food. My rule is if you can't fish it or shoot it, don't eat it."
"This is not a genetically modified chicken but a natural chicken whose characteristics date back more than 50 years."
"This is what a lot of people have been asking for, to kind of get away from a lot of the processed foods."
"If you want to eat better, eat stuff that's never been in a box."
"It's actually like probably the richest source of potassium of any natural food in the whole world."
"Flowers are very natural for birds; it's something they'd eat in the wild."
"If you can't pick it from a tree, grow it in a garden, or hunt it for meat, we shouldn't be eating it."
"Fruits appear to be the only portion of a plant that are actually meant to be eaten."
"A fruit you don't have to peel... pear."
"Once you start feeding real food, they go nuts for it."
"If you eat healthy, like stuff that's not processed, then it really helps you lean out."
"The mango is the best option; it's healthy, it's natural."
"The beauty of fruit is you don't have to have a seasoning; it just comes packed in the perfect package."
"Nothing to do with instant soup. No, this does not contain chemicals, it is one hundred percent natural."
"It's the best comb you'll ever have, healthy and totally untouched, uncontaminated."
"Our ancestors never ate fruit all year long, and the fruit they ate was tart and bitter."
"You need to look for food in its natural state the way nature gave it to us."
"Eat whole unsullied food as close as it comes to its natural state."
"Food is from a plant, not a manufacturer plant."
"Avoid energy drinks... real food is never going to be better than that. You can't compromise, and you'll never fail by choosing to fuel with real food, real fluids."
"We reverted back to his raw food natural instincts working dog diet."
"Fruit is living, it's colorful, it's sweetly satisfying, it's energizing."
"After you roast them, the natural oils come out of the almonds, so it's already essentially almond butter without any added ingredients."
"Eat food in its most original form as much as possible."
"If you cut out those processed foods, those fast foods, and you get back to natural Whole Foods, it's gonna be hard for a while, but do it over and over again."
"Leave the food that man made, and eat the food that God made."