
Exclamation Quotes

There are 521 quotes

"It's like Central Park for holy crap, look at that!"
"Oh my goodness, Jesus and double dualies! It's spicy!" - Zipfix
"Whoa, dude. Bro, there's another crack! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!"
"Can I get a rip? Holy, what! That's power though, that's definitely power."
"What the fuck is up with that? What's up with that?"
"Oh my god, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!"
"That's nuts, crazy, yeah, be careful, Jesus Christ!"
"That was fire! Yeah, yeah, this one ten ten ten amazing amazing life."
"Oh my god, they went there and it worked, oh my god."
"Oh my gosh, you're such a Savage! Oh my gosh, you did it, you did it!"
"We need prophets who cry out 'thus saith the Lord.'"
"Holy [ __ ] dude completely agree holy [ __ ]."
"The interior, the decoration! I'm like, Jesus!"
"Every time you read, you'll be like, 'Oh my, oh man, God!'"
"Oh my god, mad world. Okay, wow, they're heaving. When did this happen?"
"This is the greatest timeline we have ever lived in, ladies and gentlemen!"
"Praise be! Your followers shall worship you."
"No one has ever done that. No one has ever ever."
"Oh my god, you're pushing you are those ice broken my god should be Jason."
"Jesus Christ, that's what I have to say about that."
"Stop doing that! Where do we rank now? Rank 9."
"We are brave people. And we are alive! Fuck!"
"Which time when I threatened It Well I obviously there's more one threat oh my God."
"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh! Dude, oh my gosh!"
"Oh my gosh, hey brother, these little succulent tidbits of wonderfulness."
"Just when you think we're done, dude, what's with the glass?"
"Reggie Bush, holy [expletive], there's nothing better to say than that."
"Super mansion, super mansion, oh my God, oh my God."
"How freaking good am I? This is crazy, gosh."
"What in the actual flying spaghetti monster!"
"He can't keep getting away with this!" - Narrator
"It is just unbelievable, absolutely unbelievable."
"That's so good, man. Oh my god, that's badass!"
"What in the name of Helen Keller just happened?"
"Life was promised, and it was not, hallelujah."
"Oh my God, it's beaming, absolutely beaming!"
"Oh this Dragon needs to chill, all right Dev I'm off on my mission."
"Wiama oh misses the dunk, what the [ __ ] is going on Wiim Yama, what the [ __ ]."
"I'm having so much fun. Damn, Jimmy!"
"If you're happy and you know it, shout hooray! Hooray!"
"That's such a cheat code, oh my God."
"That's insane, dude. That is such a cheat code."
"Oh my God, what is going on with this place, what, pistol guys!"
"Holy moly, that was quite the morning."
"Super baby, super baby, what the heck."
"Oh [__], shouted one of the men before all hell broke loose."
"They do, oh, they do," exclaimed Miss Lefan.
"That's a damn [__], that's crazy."
"Hold the [ __ ] up here, I see titties."
"Very appropriate let's [ __ ] go."
"For the love of God, this is madness! It's madness, I tell you."
"For the love of Pete, oh my god, my knees are shaking."
"Oh, my God. Uh, okay, nerd on the March."
"This right here is some [ __ ] to, oh my God, genocide."
"Goodness gracious, good Lord, have mercy on my soul, that is a lasagna."
"Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, take the wheel. This is madness!"
"Holy [ __ ], he rode in on a rainbow carried by a unicorn eating a cupcake."
"Oh, scream scream scream, Jesus Christ!"
"Oh god, I got a giant! I got a giant!"
"Dude that's a bigot that's a freaking giant dude it's the giant it's the giant it's the giant it's a freaking monster dude."
"My goodness, look at that. How cute!"
"Holy crap is it already a holy grail."
"... but god damn it these are good cookies."
"... but holy [__] this is a good cookie this is so good."
"What's here in here, oh my yo yo."
"Holy smokers! That's got an interesting shape to it."
"Oh no! The nose candy Bandits! Oh God!"
"Tanya exclaimed that this could not be and malson called on the magic of air and earth and said that he could use everything."
"It's the cutest stinking thing I've ever seen."
"I turned into a kraken. Oh my God!"
"Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, y'all."
"Wow, okay, there we go, look how Squishy look, she looks like a superhero, awesome."
"Oh my God, those chicken chips are so good!"
"What the [ __ ] is going on? This is like a [ __ ] table in front of you."
"Holy [__]! There was a loud scream."
"Damn, what the [ __ ] was that about?"
"'Holy [ __ ], that came out of nowhere,' she exclaimed."
"She said oh my God he killed her."
"Deng dong dingus! 12 plus eight is 20 and it hits!"
"Dude, what the heck just happened? I somehow won!"
"That was a freaking shark, Fletcher. That was a freaking shark."
"Yo, that's some Payback right there, my God damn."
"What the heck, that's the biggest thing I've ever seen!"
"What a fantastic thing!" - Grandpa Joe
"'I went ‘Whoa’ and it freaked me out.'"
"Oh my God, it's so hot, hand me my element."
"What is this? What the hell? What the [ __ ]?"
"Oh my God, look at him! He's so cute!"
"That is so stupid. That is so stupid!"
"Great heavens!" my father cried. "What a wonderful thought! What a beautiful idea!"
"Oh god, there's a giant dog on the loose!"
"This is what happens, Larry! You see what happens, Larry?"
"...insane that's absolute Madness honestly..."
"What was that move called? Good Lord!"
"It happened, it actually happened, oh my God."
"Man exclaims how OP her skill is."
"Y'all, it is freaking hot out here. It's so so hot."
"You've lost your goddamn mind, Charlie!"
"Yee-haw! That's the official redneck noise right there. Yee!"
"Guys, the pool is completely frozen over, this is crazy!"
"Yo, what's that? Big fight, big fight!"
"I'm gonna tell you right now it is not it's not this is actually insane."
"Wow, wow, wow, what the heck! Oh my God!"
"Ouch, my ankle, and I have hit my hips, busted."
"Son of a... That's going to leave a mark."
"Oh my God, what is happening right now?"
"That's a torch that's a [ __ ] torch!"
"Holy frozen snowballs! It's Ice Rex, a fierce beast famous for his boost of appetite!"
"That ball was in hell. Jesus, that ball was in hell."
"Don't touch it. Don't look at it. Don't look at it. Pull it out. Oh, Jesus Christ!"
"he's the sarcastic guy and he's the dumb guy oh my God"
"Oh my goodness, it's the jello! It's the jello!"
"Oh my God, the excitement, the excitement."
"I honestly was not expecting this, holy [ __ ]."
"Hallelujah, my gosh golly, look at that folks, look at that!"
"Can you believe this weather? It's wild!"
"Boulder dash, sir! Exclaimed angrily, pure balderdash!"
"This deck is crazy, what the heck!"
"Oh my god that's pigmented as hell."
"I had is I had diesels uh Batista oh bollocks right we're on are we no no no no some of that not a good oh Jesus Christ mate whoa okay he's tough that was really really quick."
"Guys, holy [__], you're not gonna believe what just happened!"
"Thank you, Jesus. That's awesome, dude."
"Barbie's on fire! Barbie's on fire!"
"Every language has a word for Wow and many of them are very similar. From the very beginning of language, wow has primarily been a totally natural exclamation."
"Exactly! Oh no! Shot! Was that why all the R-pods were going on?"
"Are you the evil spirit then oh you mother what oh come on dude whoa."
"Hot damn, Uncle Sam, they call me Rattle Can Dan."
"This was a big twist, oh my gosh."
"He's alive, he's alive, he's alive."
"Holy [__], we win! Holy [__], we win the game!"
"Oh my God right down your chimney."
"I'm back from the future, Great Scott!"
"What a cool day today had been," she exclaimed happily. "It was my most interesting day in so many years."
"It's the Yankee Staten Island. Oh, that's really cool!"
"That pork driver is just screaming bloody."
"Oh my God, he's just allowed it, oh my [__] God, he's just allowed it, oh my [__] god, oh my days."
"Yo, what the freaking heck is going on?"
"No, baby, not me, man. Dang on, not me, man!"
"Let's count it out finally, oh my gosh."
"I think it's marinara sauce and black beans holy [ __ ]!"
"I saw that thing, that's crazy Bo."
"Oh my gosh, some pepper, some, what is that, salt, zaffron."
"Look at all this, it's straight crazy!"
"Oh, it's so good, holy [__] she is, yeah. Oh my!"
"This is insane. Spleen Mountain, Ladder Falls, Pirates of the Pancreas!"
"Oh my God, dude! Oh my God! Oh, oh my God!"
"He groans. Jesus [ __ ] Christ," he says, still tense."
"Oh my God, that is one drop, someone hold my feet."
"Holy [__], holy [__], holy [__]." (said by the old farmer)
"Holy moly, this thing is fantastic!"
"That is absolutely unacceptable. Yah! Oh [BLEEP]! God [BLEEP]."
"This is so dang cute, are you kidding me?"
"Hallelujah! Somebody needs to shout."
"I cannot believe it. It's a freaking double rainbow!"
"Oh my gosh that's a Megalodon right there."
"Oh no, it started. Oh no, historian. Oh [__]."
"Like look up right now oh my god."
"Wow, it's a balloon, it is an absolute balloon!"
"I won, I won, I won, I literally just won!"
"What a huge stack of dirty dishes!"
"Oh my god don't do that freaking meat!"
"Here we go, here we go, oh holy [ __ ]!"
"They're here, it's Jeff Jarrett, oh my god!"
"Holy schnitzel, that is beautiful."
"Oh my God the food oh God it's so good."
"Cheers, cheers on that, get off there, you [ __ ]!"
"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, this is huge!"
"Oh my, oh snap this... oh sorry I said snap again."
"Droids, droids, droids, oh my goodness."
"That sheep's head 12 inches dude that is exactly like just barely over 12 inches holy freaking crap."
"Holy stinking bananas, that one got me."
"And bam shakalaka, they came back to life."
"My goodness gracious dude, oh my God."
"Hello, you didn't hear those kids screaming? Oh my god."
"Surprise, bitch, alive! Oh my god!"
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, 7-1-3-5, dude! Wow!"
"He just had a goddamn heart attack!"
"Oh my God, he stole your shrooms!"
"He tasted it. It tastes just like ichiraku ramen," Raymond yelled out with delight.
"...he exclaimed: 'L'un a tetric!'"
"That's a huge deal," Kurama and Anko yelled.
"Right, that it sounds like one... what the [__]."
"Bingo! It's just a very excited exclamation expression that we use quite often in English."
"Oh, I just destroyed the front of his car, stop it!"
"You're the third one, I'll be standing up and going, 'What the [ __ ]?'"
"Jesus Christ," that's the first thing Hawks hears as he lands behind the group of heroes that had been called onto the scene.
"I think we need a holy [ __ ] counter."
"I can't do it I can't do it oh my God I had never done anything like this"
"Sweet baby Jesus, Phil, if my heart's still beat I have had a heart attack."
"Oh damn what the hell was that taxi cap"
"Holy Cannoli! Alright, here we go!"
"Oh no, no, no, no, no, oh boy, oh boy."
"Murdering someone is a beastly thing to do," Amelia exclaimed.
"LA! Fuck, we're gonna get arrested after this."
"Oh my, oh, this patient is dying!"
"It's a miracle, Mommy! He has brought many captives onto Rome."
"Bloody hell, it's a hot one today."
"How dare you!" Anne exclaimed, outraged.
"Holy cow, it's like you never have enough."