
Testimonials Quotes

There are 122 quotes

"Leverage your success by getting testimonials from satisfied clients."
"They really do make dreams come true." - Ashley Fleetwood
"Many viewers report testimonies of miracles, signs, and wonders."
"We're pretty much hooked on testimonials for a good reason."
"Glad you're okay. If that had been any other car, it's questionable whether you would've walked away."
"People have been getting really good results in their financial situations and also in their love lives."
"Let's talk my Omega brain alpha brain alpha brain now Pete Holmes turned me on to the Alpha brain and oddly it completely works 100% and it's all based on science."
"Sky's the limit. We've had affiliates that have made $50,000 in a month promoting my course, and we've paid out well over a million dollars to all of our affiliates, so I'm gonna give that a 10 out of 10."
"They were like, 'You and Missy hit home with me and my wife.' It helped a lot of people."
"I love them. They stay on my fabric. I can move this around."
"I just read a letter on the radio today... 'This is a miracle.' Try Relief Factor if you're in pain. You can get your life back."
"Reviews speak for themselves - customers love it."
"Testimonials build trust: 'Feels super secure!' - Brandy"
"Huge fan of the videos and reviews, I've bought and loved more than a few items based on your videos alone."
"Video testimonials are super powerful because people get to see people who look like them, who sound like them, that they could relate to."
"You only ever really hear the bad news, but with the crash protection, we've got so many testimonials."
"It's just nice to be sat there amongst people who are saying obviously really nice things about a boy that I've known for the best part of 10 years." - Mike Dodd
"From testimonials and from personal experience, we have enough information to conclude that it's possible to design and build an extraordinary life."
"Make every page a testimonials page."
"Testimonials from legitimately highly knowledgeable experts that speak to our idea or our product or service, that's going to work."
"Testimonials are gold; they will help you book more clients."
"I've been saved by the plant. It's changed my life, man."
"Every month, millions of people use Zocdoc. It's my go-to whenever I need to find and book a quality doctor."
"Join over 2 million people who have seen their mental health vastly improve with the help of an experienced professional."
"Six weeks after joining my clinic and using the Mind gut immunity method, lots of valuable information here about how the program works, you're not going to want to miss this."
"I absolutely love this. Probably the only products I feel like have genuinely transformed my hair."
"...but I've heard people have had amazing responses from it both from an energetic standpoint and from a healing standpoint."
"I'm a big fan of putting testimonials, especially when you have powerful ones, right up front in the about summary."
"For real testimonials after they get your attention on my seals, the deal with testimonials."
"I have had many misgivings about booking onto one of these and I just want to tell you why I am now completely sold."
"I've seen it work for lots and lots and lots and lots of people."
"Testimonials carry more weight with a local business than they do with a national or international business."
"I've seen some great benefits with myself and with clients."
"Once you give a lot of value in your course, people are going to love it, they're going to tell their friends, and you're going to get a lot of good testimonials."
"That's another thing I hear all the time from people: they say, 'I have been using it, it works.'"
"These revealing testimonials set the scene for reliving the astounding tale of an extraordinary life story."
"I have tens of thousands of testimonials of people reverse aging, changing their relationships. Right? I know this stuff is sometimes it's even too simple, but it works. The only thing you need is consistency."
"You know, food orders, savory breakfast, completely okay. I hear many testimonials of people who were diagnosed with gestational diabetes who've been able to not go on medication and keep their glucose levels steady while using these principles."
"...I'll be backing up all my ideas with real people who have successfully done the business themselves."
"With the Truebill's help, our family has saved $587 a year on unnecessary subscriptions."
"Spot TV users with product success stories behind them read like a 'who's who' in the American advertising roster."
"I've handed this to a couple of friends and basically said here play through this and they have and they've all said the same three words I want one that's the effect that this thing has."
"...and if you're looking to convert even more, you gotta go beyond just collecting testimonials."
"The beautiful thing about sales is that if you have so much confidence and you have enough conviction yourself people won't even think to ask you for testimonials."
"I've been so encouraged by all the testimonials of people doing my beach worming course."
"86% of women reported improved hair growth after taking Nutrafol."
"Customer testimonials make a huge difference in the decision-making process. A staggering 92% of people read online reviews and it has been proven that the presence of customer testimonials can drive revenue up by 62%."
"People swear by it and the products obviously work."
"We've got case studies of people that within a week, within two weeks, had no more pain."
"Try to maybe add another page with previous client work and testimonials that people really enjoyed working with you."
"Many of the testimonials I found online said this was actually the scariest haunted attraction they've ever been through."
"Send me a testimony on our website."
"If it's really helped you and opened your eyes... let us know in the comments below."
"Trust me when I say this, I have not heard one person say that this does not work."
"So you can visit their website and read amazing testimonials, and you can also visit BetterHelp.com/argue, that's BetterHelp H-E-L-P, and join the over 1 million people who have taken charge of their mental health with the help of an experienced professional."
"I've seen people reverse Alzheimer's, reverse autism, reverse ADD, reverse depression, things that bipolar disease, schizophrenia. I mean you just wouldn't even imagine how powerful this is."
"People are making $300 a day, $200 a day, $1,000 in 4 hours, $200 per day, $55,000 a week, $500 in 4 hours and so and so on."
"...I have saved thousands, I literally mean thousands of dollars with Rakuten over the years."
"You need a simple way to set up a testimonial."
"You've got the result, you've got a testimonial. People are going to see that you've already helped someone through this."
"We have had person after person say I have shaved $200 a week off my grocery bill I have to say $200 a month off my grocery bill I paid off my cars I paid off my house all because of your advice."
"These ads are fine for that it's a good way of making the ads both entertaining and having testimonies from the real people about the product that you're selling."
"When somebody hears a success story of somebody else healing the same condition that they want to heal, it's very convincing."
"I thought I was unique, that my situation was special. But every time I watched your client testimonials, I thought, 'If that dire situation can turn around, mine will turn around as well.'"
"These are real people, these are real results, and they are doing these things without even having to actually write a book."
"Real customers using Power Pages: EY, Microsoft, New Zealand Migrations, PwC."
"If anybody doubts online learning's efficacy, call Jacob Barber, go visit him in his new certified training center in El Grove, California, and go roll with him."
"This brand new strategy is already generating thousands of dollars for regular people every single day."
"We absolutely love them. We weren't joking, this did change our lives completely."
"The best bit of marketing is the marketing you can't pay for, which is the testimonials and parents using it."
"10 people who are happy they called us."
"Few to no credentials and rely solely on customer testimonials."
"People tell me that they do see things here."
"They specifically want testimonials that speak to the pain points."
"We're getting a lot of wonderful testimonies from people just like you."
"...the true lift of this ad really just comes from finding the right testimonial to begin with..."
"...you listen to Cody talk about how much your support helped him, well this is just a repeating thing, if you only knew how many eyewitnesses have told me how much your support has helped them..."
"A number of people say they had great results."
"Testimonials on your website create belief. If he's done it for other people, if she's done it for other people, they can do the same amazing work for me."
"Client testimonial ads... show your prospects that you can deliver fantastic results for them."
"Everyone who's ever driven one will tell you how good they are."
"Make sure you have reviews and testimonials to really elevate what you're trying to tell customers."
"So OkCupid does have a really good success rate from what I can find online."
"You should never ever make up testimonials."
"Use the testimonials that sell you the best."
"To establish your credibility, you can feature testimonials of happy customers, logos of recognizable companies you've worked with, certifications you've had, awards you've won, press write-ups that you're proud of or any mix of these."
"Don't just take my word for it; after making the switch to Smalls, 78% of cat owners reported their cats had shinier and softer fur."
"Testimonials are a hundred, a thousand percent more effective when it's actually accompanied by a photo of the couple."
"Don't just take my word for it, go read the reviews."
"I've gotten so many great stories from all kinds of people saying that they're using this in their business and that it's really helped them."
"I have hundreds and hundreds of testimonials of guys who say, 'Hey, your content really made my life better'."
"I wanted to add a testimonial section to this website just for social proof."
"The testimonials you guys write about nightly serum just fill me up with so much joy that it's making such a difference to your skin."
"The best way to build a business is through customer testimonial."
"You get a camera, and you find some people that already have been through the program or whatever, get a testimony."
"The testimonials on these masks have been literally phenomenal, literally blow me away."
"Don't just take my word for it, have a read of what our past students had to say about my courses."
"Check back in with that client and ask if they'd be willing to give you a testimonial."
"I've seen so many people talk about the relief it gives them."
"The power of customer reviews and user-generated content cannot be overstated."
"Please take your time to read every single word on the website page to read the heartfelt testimonials."
"I have added a testimonial carousel."
"See what our customers are saying about us."
"Using the testimonial, you can earn the trust of your new customers as well as build your brand credibility."
"Testimonial and UGC style clips are extremely big right now and are doing very well."
"Add this type of beautiful testimonial carousel."
"It's just such a strong selling tool, right? It's just to see other people like this, it's massively important."
"Prioritize social proof, the best sales secret isn't about sales at all, it's peer testimonials and reviews."
"Testimonials are very important because this gives you social proof, letting people know that you're not a scam and people are actually buying on your store."
"Using a testimonial is a really great way to validate the type of work that you do."
"For the testimonials section, we'll be using what's called Bootstrap cards to display the images, the title, and the paragraph for each one of the cards."
"There's a lot of actors and directors and very famous people who chime in on the movie and how it affected their lives and their careers."
"People would share their testimonials about how amazing they were."