
Narrative Setup Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"The score Ian monsters meat that is but for us to understand how it came to this situation we'll have to go back in time."
"Orin urged them to proceed with their introductions."
"This confirms that we'll get a few flashbacks that will summarize all the important events that triggered Robert's rebellion."
"There's a lot of character development, there's a lot of characterization, there's a lot of setup for the plot going forward."
"Petting Baxter one last time, Claudio knew what he had to do: join XCOM and find his children."
"There's big moments of satisfaction all throughout the season, setting up these big emotional payoff moments."
"The Blade Itself tells you a lot and certainly matches the tone of the story you're about to read."
"The first line of a new book sets the entire tone."
"This is now the world that the DC Universe is going to have to fit in this is the world that they just set up and I think it's a very good world."
"Psycho begins in pitiless sunlight, with titles informing us of the exact place, date, and time."
"Lock and Load. It will be a very, very interesting series of events."
"The return of the Silent King hints at future conflicts, with Emotec holding him responsible for the past."
"Nothing seems too abstract. Shortly after getting our outfit, we're introduced to Hoyt."
"It sets the stage well for a clearly epic tale."
"The mysterious case...just putting that out there now."
"We're in Wano, and it's gorgeous, and it's hilarious, and it's already so much set up."
"That's what the Christiano brothers are doing for the first entire minute of this film but with a flashlight. What the fuck have we gotten ourselves into?"
"A fruit seller says there is a food shortage because the train transporting groceries to the city is attacked by monsters."
"I thought was a brilliant way to show that there would soon be familial conflict."
"The storyline is simple: frostbunk happened and then this is the world after the freeze."
"Alan essentially arrives into town immediately has a supernatural experience with a force of Pure Evil in the first store that he walks into right after having a dream that warns him not to go to town."
"Robert's Rebellion: the seeds of war are sown during peace, and this tournament was the origin of Robert's rebellion."
"This movie does a great job of setting up the peril."
"Army of monsters coming to kill us? Just a second, I have to establish my backstory."
"Because they say early on that like earth is dying..."
"Now, before we actually get deep into the game..."
"Prepare yourself, then come to Oakmont as soon as you can. I will meet you here to help you on your way." - Johannes van der Berg
"We are pretending not to know and as those swirling Sands of Time clear into the main action of this film."
"No, you need to earn that with the proper setup."
"It definitely felt like an appetizer for the upcoming volume three."
"Why was she called that? I'll get to that later. Was the sleepy princess pretty? Yes, she was very pretty."
"I definitely feel like they're setting up this huge conflict between all these races but then I feel like they're gonna have them all come together to face a greater conflict."
"She-Hulk kind of setting up that she's working for the DODC which is gonna be interesting."
"I don't know if they'll succeed in pulling like solving these mysteries in like making them feel worthwhile but the set up so far is really nice."
"It's perfectly well set up for what then happens."
"Half the people on earth are gone. How do you go on? I love that. That's where we're starting this movie from. It's great."
"It set up two things: that Pain is a powerful and a cruel villain."
"You guys can't really hurt me here because the Gorosei are gonna attack you, you know, the Marines have the entire Island surrounded."
"There's just so much to bite into, it's such a perfect setup, man."
"Michael there, 'cause he wanted to get some good weather. Lucia there, 'cause of bad luck she guesses. I guess it was the weather."
"They kind of set this up as an origin story."
"The seeds are being planted for a much bigger story, all leading to the epic and much acclaimed Earth War storyline."
"Undertale... so much of the game tried to do something unique while being incredibly brave to stay true to its vision."
"The wrong way to use healing magic follows a loner otaku who finds himself surprisingly walking home with the student council execs one rainy day."
"Punk Hazard... outstanding setup for future arcs."
"Now I need to tell you some things before I give you my proposal. The first thing is what Naruto has inside him."
"It served its purpose which was to set up the inevitable return of the Fiend."
"It's quite the tale, and we're going to tell it."
"It's setting up for like a really, really strong story, so I'm excited."
"Music in the opening sequence helps set up the narrative arc."
"The film begins with an intriguing and attention-grabbing opening, quickly and efficiently sets up the world of the story, establishes our flawed protagonist, and sets up a crystal clear central conflict going into the first act."
"This current arc is one of the best setups I've ever experienced in a gacha game."
"It did what it needed to do, which was set up for the finale."
"The Soul Society arc wasn't the peak of Bleach, rather it was the perfect setup for things to come."
"You gotta set it up, you have to give it time for people to care about the Phoenix."