
Technical Explanation Quotes

There are 92 quotes

"Every blockchain is just what it says it's a chain of blocks."
"Every time we call a function that's in a DLL, the first time we call it, there's this expensive process where the lookup happens, and after that, it's free, cheap, I should say."
"But before we do that, we need to first understand what spill means in Excel and what is exactly causing the problem."
"Thank you for your work. You make this stuff make sense to those of Houston don’t necessarily always get the technicalities."
"So that's a decision tree, right? So what XG Boost does, it's a gradient boosting technique."
"So let's consider the stack in the context of swap and what's really happening here."
"So both traces always move together horizontally."
"The dot product: measuring similarity between vectors."
"So you now understand what these operations do, what their value is, and how the instructions can be used."
"It's much like a regular switch statement, except it blocks until a communication can proceed."
"So, our vent solenoid is going to show the smoke coming out of it, it is venting it."
"Being able to explain technical things across that board table, that's how you affect real change."
"So let's read this um This Thread from D5 index is a thread on radium the top takes on Salina radium is a decent last exchange built on Solana radium's shared liquidity with serum which is a DEX on Solana allows it to have a centralized order book."
"And ReLU really stands for rectified linear unit."
"If the pilot light goes out, the thermopile cools down, the voltage goes down, the solenoid shuts off, and the gas valve closes."
"A fast release time means the compressor's gonna get out of the way very quickly."
"LS TM cells: Remembering long-term dependencies."
"Now you have an idea of what happens to the hydrant anchor signal and how does it end up being fed into 480 C's at 64-bit or sample per second."
"So, I guess the only last one I kind of show you on the way back, please, we call a quick stop, it's basically what people think of as helicopters' landings are supposed to look like, which is not your traditional approach at all."
"To understand the N64’s graphics, we have to first talk about anti-aliasing."
"What's ripple and what's noise and how do you measure it? What are the traps for young players? Well, I'm glad you asked!"
"The bass isn't going to overpower the mids and the highs. It's not going to sound muddy even at higher volumes."
"Voltage is the push that causes the current to flow."
"The tiny holes at the bottom of airplane windows have an extremely important function of regulating the air pressure inside the cabin."
"Recursion is a function that calls itself until it can't anymore, that calls itself."
"Electricity is really good at rotating things."
"Pixel difference is measured in RGB brightness, so it might not be surprising that the first component of PCA is just the shading of the image."
"AES is quite complicated, but all that ChaCha does is add, rotate, and XOR."
"There is no power loss in reactance; what you get is energy storage and dissipation."
"The difference between frequency and resolution... frequency is how often you update the value, resolution is how precisely you can communicate the value."
"Short cycling means that the gas furnace is running through its full sequence of operation for heat, providing heat in the building, and then it's shutting off before the thermostat is satisfied."
"The goal of the nozzle is to take those hot gases inside the combustion chamber and accelerate them to a supersonic velocity or above Mach. That's part of why we call these things 'air mock diamonds' and this is like fundamentally why rockets work."
"With that covered, we have a really efficient way to store two-dimensional data."
"To really appreciate how LS TMs help overcome the vanishing gradient problem, consider the relationship between the current and previous cell states."
"How do we work out the distance to the wall? Well, we take a ray and test it in little increments."
"Arrow functions are going to define parameters followed by the body of a function."
"Power density is really how fast you can accelerate."
"If my club is coming in level, it's transferring all of its energy into the golf ball instead of across the golf ball."
"Indexes are like the back-of-a-book index, speeding up searches in the database."
"Printing is a process, not a single step, not a single event. It's a process."
"What you're seeing is an integer overflow, now an integer overflow I want you to picture it like this."
"Being able to apply the brake to the wheel that's spinning and apply the power to the one that's not works really well on this vehicle."
"Barrel length is one of those things... even if I'm not communicating it well so I wanted to at least address it."
"Sadly this will never be fixed as it is an intentional feature meant to prevent something called z fighting."
"So. Now you know why switches click. They’re really just prolonging their life."
"The pool of all possible hashes... starting from the smallest at 0000 and then going all the way up."
"Adding sustain values works in the sense of when the value is high at 127 that means the note is being sustained when it drops to zero that means the sustain drops."
"So, in this case, when I said minus one, it gave us December 1st of December, so it did not change any day or year, it just simply minused one month from the current date and then gave us the final output."
"All we're doing is we're connecting right here onto this L 153 coil and you could see it goes up to the tuning gang there and you're just injecting your 455 in there."
"So as part of the level one transformation, if any of the tables are having a column with the name date in it, then we are going to convert that column value from a date time format to date format."
"Now when I press play, we've got this motion that makes it feel like we're moving away from the character."
"So, basically, we can tune everything all the way down right over to here, right? So, we're going to get lots of sensitivity if we, you know, say feed a signal into the loop antenna."
"The r14 prevents... the compounding of spring force and air pressure."
"That's the technical explanation of why I have two different bottles."
"One thing you don't want to clamp with these loops because then the clamping pressure goes into these arms and cycles. Oh, that makes sense, right? That makes a lot, that makes, you know."
"The reason that EL84s sound very similar in lots of different amps is because all of those amps are operating at about the same power rating."
"...as long as I have my Docker image built I can basically um move it and here I utilize the uh the keyword box because we put everything inside that box."
"Here's the point of interaction for the armature and the contact carrier: when de-energized, the moving contacts are retracted and the connections are open. When energized, the moving contacts extend and the connections close."
"You're gonna have basically a nice laminar flow here, and it's gonna keep it there longer."
"I know you're excited to have more technical things to talk about but let's try and explain this in a way that is a bit easier for everyone else to understand."
"We're gonna let all the air out of this strut, zero it out, we're going to put fresh nitrogen in both coilovers."
"This board takes a DC input, so why do they need to have a bridge rectifier? Well, it's probably because then the polarity on the input doesn't matter if it has a center negative or a center positive Barrel connector."
"`enable_shared_from_this` cannot be implemented in user-space because it has to conspire along with `shared_ptr`'s constructor."
"You actually zero your gun at 100 and you tell your ballistic solver I'm hitting x amount of minutes of angle or Mills high at 100 that roughly zeros me but at 100 yards I'm always going to be, you know, say I'm 10 mills high at 100 yards regardless of air density."
"Can you explain in a more tactical sense what exactly you're messing with in there to make this work right?"
"But if you look inside here and this is very important, notice we have rally base rally."
"In the example I'm going to give, the blocked customers or blocked calls... the Q discipline specifies what happens to the blocked calls."
"So a Phong shading pipeline doesn't actually require any normal maps. It just requires you letting the rasterizer interpolate the normal and the light source like so."
"It's nothing more than a three wire device."
"That right there, my friends, is an earth fault loop."
"Squelch is simply when it opens up the limit on the noise floor."
"The front subframe lifts on, so we've got an inch on the subframe, and then we're going to go an inch on the bottom, and that should work out pretty nice."
"The idle jet as it says is designed for when you're at a low fuel load, you know low rpms idling, and it's designed to provide enough fuel into the air stream for about 15 or 20 percent of maximum load."
"We're trying to do Easy Settings, right? So what I always tell people for the brightness adjustment, this is confusing because historically when we talked about video levels, the black level was controlled by the brightness control."
"So all in all, looks like the smaller cog allows you to, I guess, assist the motor and actually ride."
"So make sense so far so the whole point of this is of course why and doesn't low frequency directivity cause head room?"
"It's a closed loop control system... in reality, this makes and breaks so quickly it almost looks like PWM."
"So, one of the big things that we want to do is just demystify what all these settings really mean for your vehicle."
"My name is Adam, and on this channel, I'll attempt to describe the science behind distilling spirits in a more technical way."
"This is more of a strange technical thing that I'm not super sure if I can explain very well but I can try."
"The Hilbert transform is actually very straightforward if you understand the Fourier transform and the purpose of negative frequencies."
"That's what compression is fundamentally."
"I try to simplify all the technical stuff that's in the ham radio hobby and try to explain it to you guys in a way that's easier to digest."
"Let's take a step back and let me explain what I just did because we've actually just implemented an API here."
"Hashing is the process of taking a password as input and somehow converting it to a so-called hash or hash value."
"That in a nutshell is the function result cache, and it is an awesome feature."
"Let's take a deeper look as to how this is all going to work together."
"In this case, you want to treat this as a transmission line because this is precisely what the job of this wire is; it is actually transmitting energy from generator to antenna."
"In Elasticsearch, we call 'index' what in a relational database we call 'database'."