
Early Access Quotes

There are 137 quotes

"We answered those questions off uh Early Access game."
"Honestly, I feel like they've got all the pieces in the right place for a very successful early access."
"It released in Early Access last year so it is technically correct to say release this year too."
"We have an unfair advantage because we are here early."
"Early access: allowing creators to make unique content."
"Early access can be controversial because it essentially is a customer paying for an unfinished product."
"Would it be healthier if IGN and other review platforms did reviews of games, but they did not assign a number value to reviews of games that are in Early Access? I think that would probably be the best middle ground that I could think of."
"The nuts and bolts of 'Rogue Legacy 2' would be wildly different to anyone who had played it day one in early access."
"Despite the game only recently going into Early Access, I didn't personally experience any massive bugs, performance issues, or crashes."
"Just before we start playing I will say the game has changed pretty significantly compared to the early access version."
"This opening 15 minutes or so is going to be very similar to the early access."
"We're trying to show people how to do early access right."
"Splatoon was revealed at E3 2014 when it was only 10% complete."
"Actually rewarding a few of the fun people that are always around and about in your audience with some early access."
"Darkest Dungeon 2 early access is a roguelite turn-based RPG where your experiences of the game improve as you play again and again due to the heroes and items you get from leveling up your player profile."
"BG3 sold over a million copies just a week into Early Access on Steam alone."
"Really cool to get a look at this area and a bunch of the placeholder models from a much earlier point in development."
"I played the expansion already... incredibly exciting."
"This game's early access is better than most games 1.0 releases."
"The game is currently in early access and seems to be promising based on the feature set that has been listed on the Steam page."
"You get what you pay for when you go into early access."
"The game is actually really far along for being this early of an access game."
"How am I playing early? Got an early review copy from Nintendo."
"What would be helpful is information as to how complete the game actually is and major features that are missing."
"Does a game ever have to come out of early access? There is most likely no restriction whatsoever on Valve's end as to how long a game can stay in early access."
"We don't know at the moment because this is an early working mode of the game."
"There's never been a more polished early access survival game on day one."
"I really, really like this game, it's currently in early access."
"Halberd: found extremely early on in the game."
"You get access to game nights and extra turns a day early."
"There are some rather strong Pokemon out there... you can access the wild area from very early on in the game."
"The end of the show... DF supporter program join us become part of our community submit questions to the show get early access to the show early access to a bunch of content actually and yes store."
"Honestly, for me, this is the reason why I do early access coverage."
"Again shout out to Bethesda for providing me a review code a full two weeks early."
"Early theme park entry at Walt Disney World will be available for one hour before the park opens."
"Number one: the one that got me the most excited to do this video. I'm amazed that I didn't spot it when I played the game early at the Pokemon Company headquarters."
"Disney World hotel guests can now enter the parks 30 minutes before the official opening times."
"Yo, we've seen in the past other games were very successful in Early Access..."
"I like what I'm seeing here from this early access. I'm actually kind of excited to see what they do with this game."
"This is a game that's a really good example of early access done right."
"The full game was described as ‘the perfect example of Early Access done right’ by PC Gamer in 2018, proving that an early access release had definitely been the right choice."
"Regardless of the public release Method, all backers will get free early access to it once complete."
"Now let's go over how to unlock the Warfare early."
"I don't care, I'd like to play this pack before I lose my early access!"
"Quick thank you to EA for sponsoring this video and providing me with an early access code."
"V-Rising has come to Steam early access in the best possible way, it's already well worth buying with around 100 plus hours of playable content."
"Super impressive for a brand new early access game."
"Winds of Fortune, it looks like an awesome game."
"At what point does 'early access' mean it's not coming out till 2020?"
"If you want to get in early and test the game then join the pre-launch."
"Feels like I'm playing something in early access," plagued with bugs like cars vanishing and perpetual animation loops.
"There's something really nice about being in a theme park before any of the day guests have arrived."
"It's technically paying for an advantage, you are spending more money to play and start the game four days earlier."
"Get to the parks early... consider not booking fast passes at 9:00 a.m. when the park opens..."
"Huge thank you to EA for allowing the opportunity to play this game early."
"The value on this, the production value on this, is way higher than most early access rogues get. This is just something special."
"If you want to get it early, there is a way you can do it."
"At least this early access release that we have, the first few hours feel enthralling and exciting."
"V Rising is a polished early access survival game that takes well-established systems from other games and injects fresh ideas to make the game feel unique."
"I love it when a game is early access and has so many features... the sky is truly the limit."
"Early bird gets the worm, and this video is now public."
"Ghosts of Tabor's popularity has only grown since its Early Access release in 2023."
"Early Theme Park Entry: Beat the influx of guests and get ahead of the crowds."
"Let's thank EA Game Changers for giving me an opportunity to play The Sims 4 Cottage Living before its release."
"That's the fun part about being here before this goes live right? You get to be part of the process of creating that content for the digital issue."
"I want to extend a big thank you to Paradox interactive for getting me early access to this game and sponsoring today's video."
"You can play the campaign a week early starting on October 20th."
"I'll reiterate, just make sure the game feels great for that early access launch because it is your only first impression for a lot of people."
"She's meant to serve as some sort of guide for the player but it seems like her functions weren't implemented yet."
"All Patrons get early access to all new videos two days before they go out publicly on YouTube."
"...exclusive and Early Access videos from urbanist educational content creators like myself."
"Early Access is a great way to help test new features and find bugs before they roll out to everyone."
"Early Park admission is so worth it."
"If you want to see all three parts early and you want to see my full reaction to all three parts, go ahead and click that Patreon link down in the description below. Full movie and show reactions are there."
"If you are one of the first people to watch a video and you do want a key ring, good luck with that."
"Reviewers get cars early, you deserve that too."
"If you guys can't wait for Hot Fuzz, it is on my Patreon right now for early access."
"This is going to be up on Patreon for early access. Feel free to subscribe to the channel if you do want to see that coming out soon on YouTube."
"Shout out to the patrons because they get the videos there early."
"If you want to check out all of our full-length reactions and get them early, go to our Patreon, pledge, and become an all-access Snooper."
"Just as a extra little reminder, if you were ever interested in guaranteeing your access to the quizzes, our patrons in our discord are actually given the code just ever so slightly in advance."
"I've been posting early access videos over there as well as recordings from the few live streams I've done."
"If you stay on property, early park admission is a huge benefit."
"Members get early ad-free access to videos, usually on a Monday or Tuesday before it's released on the main channel."
"Join Patreon or Subscribe Star for access to exclusive vids and early access."
"Thank you to Ed and the team at Boss here in Australia for getting me early access to this."
"Who wouldn't want to be here right now? Like, yeah, you got to wake up early and it's kind of exhausting, but there's like basically nobody in the Wizarding World."
"Trust us, you're gonna thank yourself for getting up and getting here before everybody else does."
"Early Park Admission is especially important if you don't have Express because for this first hour, none of the rides have Express lines."
"We should embrace Early Access as a way to get involved with influencing development."
"I'm gonna put it up for Early Access on Steam and so you guys and any of the viewers can play it."
"Wherever you decide to stay, you've got the advantages of getting into the parks an hour early during magic hours."
"Early Access feels a lot more VIP than getting it on time and everyone else late."
"We're welcoming you into the home early, and not everyone gets that."
"We try to release all our videos as early as possible on that platform, as well as making sure that they're ad-free there."
"If you join now, you get early access to videos and special extended cuts."
"I got Early Access from the Creator himself, Madu, so thank you so much, Madu. I love you, dude. You're amazing."
"This is surprisingly deep, especially for being in such early access."
"This is actually very, very polished for how early access it is."
"It is important to know that unreal engine five is currently in early access."
"Early Access, I am a fan of for the most part."
"Early access will be live and tomorrow is launch day."
"We get free books... it's early access to books, it's free books, it's great."
"Sometimes they will have books early, so sometimes you can get a book before it's even published and available to the rest of the world."
"When you're a hotel guest... you actually get to enter the park one hour early."
"I'm so thankful to Apple for giving me early access to it."
"You would be getting these new, early release adult fiction hardcovers for the lowest price in the market."