
Sales Pitch Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Learn a listing presentation that will literally get the signature the first time you're at their house."
"Your total investment today for the Attracting Keeper system plus all the bonuses you see on the screen is now only one payment of just forty-seven dollars."
"Hey, would you like me to come over and show you what I could do to sell your home and get you top dollar fast?"
"I'm selling happiness, hope, truth, and practicality."
"It's like you're never going to know what opportunities you have if you don't at least allow us to give you the pitch."
"How much is it worth investing just ninety-seven dollars to get guaranteed results...?"
"You want to drill? You want a hydraulic mining shovel? What about an excavator or a motor grader? Okay, I'm giving you a Caterpillar."
"Aren't you ready to improve your life with the gaming PC?"
"You ever heard that phrase? If you need to explain what you're selling as a product or a service in 10 paragraphs, then probably what you're doing is illegal."
"I'm not pitching you BS, but all they take is three of them things and you won't make it to your next play."
"My prices are literally the best, I'm not just saying that."
"Cyber frog blood honey have you bought a copy yet the link is in the description it's the biggest crowdfunding comic book of all time make sure that you get your copy."
"Tommy's got an absolute ding dong deal for you."
"Breathe it in, friends, because I'm about to drop a tasty deal right into those nostrils of yours."
"If you want to be one of those 30 people to join at the super low price, make sure you join the training right now."
"We want to make your life better. We're not asking you for your money."
"I'm still flabbergasted that that a twelve hundred and seventy people showed up to my sales pitch that makes you feel good I got to be honest yeah real talk."
"Mr. Customer, you told me performance is your number one priority. Let me remind you of all the performance features in this car."
"I have never had a product quite like this before and I would be so honored if some of you wanted to pick her up and take her home with you."
"Our prices are extremely extremely extremely extremely low right now."
"Get your booties here now! Three, two, one, go!"
"I know it's a little deep right now I've got enough time to explain it but you want to get the course so you can get this whole course you can get the whole nine if you want to today and uh boom apparently it's 98 dollars that's a great."
"But what if I told you there's a magic elixir that could fix this supercar super cheap at just 39.99? How could I lose?"
"My whole sales pitch to all these guys is if you want your policy, need your policy, can afford your policy, want to leave money to your family, you should do that, keep paying the premiums. That's what the whole insurance is for."
"You come in there and you say 'Steve I want to buy a car.' I go 'this is your lucky day I want to sell a car and I want to sell it to you. What's it gonna take to put you in this car today?'"
"These are water bears. They're tiny little cleaning cloths, and I could sell you on it by telling you about all the great features. But why don't I just show it to you instead?"
"If you order now and order now only, you get one free knife with two pointy things that looks like a pincher bug."
"A vast improvement, but wait, there's more!"
"And finally we look over here, the Tommy Vic, and she's Louise, y'all, this thing comes with three chains total right, and this whole kit right now is extra 40% off, it's normally $69, $69 is insane and this thing actually works pretty well."
"You spend all day doing this, and you're going to make your payment on this machine really really quick."
"...it's more about understanding the person's pains and just showing you're addressing the pain... understand the pains, address the pains during your pitch and show that you solve those pains."
"Thank you for taking the time to view our 2016 Hyundai Tucson limited with all-wheel drive with me today. It's a vehicle you need to experience in person."
"You really can't go wrong with this it's you know excited it's a five piece set it's got the dome-shaped one it's got a triangle one it's got a skinnier round one in there and a wider flat one."
"Here's good news for you. Now you can buy this big and beautiful Desoto four-door sedan for only two thousand seven hundred and thirty-two dollars and twenty-five cents."
"This rhymed is like well more expensive than the last joint so yay we're going to be seeing this physical demand you mean so yeah I think it's time to kick yo alibi ken flyers."
"Okay treasure fam, I have a deal for you."
"Immaculate service history, in incredible condition."
"Best sales pitch of all time: join now or burn forever."
"If you're seeing this video and you want this truck, you need to give us a call because it will not last long."
"Do you have time to talk about your car's extended warranty?"
"I'd like to see somebody enjoy this car."
"I'm not really selling a pen, I'm selling confidence, I'm selling future success, and I'm really selling transformation."
"You will never ever ever ever get a better deal than right now."
"Suppose I could show you how we could solve this problem for you, what personal benefits would you get?"
"By the by, I also sell spillage insurance."
"Prepare for the hardest sell of your life, okay? Thumb and hand warmers are literally the greatest invention of all time."
"Understanding merchandising techniques and how you should be designing your product and then pitching that in your sales pitch is the best way to maximize your potential sales when you're in a retail meeting."
"The pitch should be the simultaneous explanation of why everything they tried in the past has failed and why this is going to be different."