
Social Awkwardness Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"Don't stop just because of people like that, like I get it all the time, it's so freakin awkward."
"Don't make people feel weird about who they are just because you don't see them that often."
"No, I can't say that to them I probably couldn't even look at it."
"Being here is a game changer in the embarrassing department."
"I don't know how to talk to a girl outside of the club like that like I don't like it's awkward to me..."
"Embracing the awkwardness... stopped feeling awkward... made me more confident."
"While the character is obviously the Velma Dinkley we know and love, her insecurities and social awkwardness make her feel more like a real person."
"You're gonna feel awkward about this honestly."
"Apologizing for an apology... a vortex of cringe."
"I've met celebrities, and it's just been the most awkward thing ever."
"Two people in the elevator and one of them farts, how many people know who did it? And that's the thought I'll leave you guys with today."
"It's so weird to even be talking about that, bro."
"I found his apologies and explanations way more cringe-worthy than the actual mistake itself."
"I understand the awkwardness of saying like who's your favorite serial killer because that's like a weird question to ask right these just take it to another level of liking a serial killer."
"I genuinely don't know how to talk to people like this lol... do you think it's because of his race?"
"He was just like just like sits down on the floor and and I'm thinking okay yeah yeah that hole I'm gonna give him some pills and try and be his friend thing like that's not going I ever say well is it."
"Funny is embarrassment, kids being weird, pets being weird, and illustrations."
"It's funny because it's so relatable how many times have you been stuck in conversation with someone you don't want to be talking to and no matter what you do that person just doesn't seem to take a hint."
"Isn't it hilariously embarrassing because you're just like, 'Come on...'"
"Riley's supposed to be facing Andrew like, that doesn't put you in an odd spot."
"When I think of Dax Flame, it's almost a sense of disruptive socially awkward content. Oh God."
"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."
"You're still gonna do it, even if it's awkward."
"You were kind of a freak about it. Like I was like, 'Hey I want to [__] that.' Yeah, I oh look at this nice girl next girl, you know."
"Nobody wants to end up with pubes in their mouth."
"I have some dignity, you know. I wouldn't even say it's pride, I just think it's awkward asking for things, isn't it?"
"No matter how awkward it is, I know you're gonna matter."
"You cannot pause for too long because then it becomes weird and we don't like weird... the type of weird that makes people uncomfortable."
"Well, now she's mad at me... did I say that out loud?"
"Honestly, that must have been so awkward trying to find somebody else to go with you on this stupid trip."
"Sometimes a person can't help but make a fool of themselves in front of their co-workers."
"Would it have been better if my wife had come in to do the middle school hands on the waist dance?"
"Well, I fell in her face looking like I was trying to kiss her."
"It's awkward when people sing 'Happy Birthday' and you just stand there."
"He perfectly shows off the character's uncomfortable and awkward interactions with other people."
"Let's make people laugh when things are awkward or things are weird."
"At first, they thought it was really weird, like, you know, girls are like staring at me. Do I have, you know, is there something wrong?"
"It's kind of slow. Imagine bringing a girl over and you're standing here waiting for this."
"If socially awkward people could skip the first five minutes of conversation, they'd actually be all right."
"Most of them are some of the most socially awkward lovers like relationship people that you're going to meet because they were kept in a bubble."
"The most brilliant men I know are all socially [__] awkward."
"They want to connect with others but may come across as awkward at times, struggling to move to action due to their difficulty in sharing their thoughts and feelings."
"That awkward moment where you and somebody else try to let each other speak but you both try speaking at the same time and just keep failing."
"I could not agree more... it would be awkward... people will be chanting 20 minutes."
"What have we learned about the basics of very British problems? As soon as one British person encounters another one, we find social awkwardness at every turn."
"Girl, I'm so awkward with what to say, but hell yeah, I'm excited to get home."
"Just be yourself have fun it's probably going to be a little awkward in the beginning you know there's nothing wrong with that."
"Walking back to the bench after you bowl or bowling in general. I don't like it because I feel like I look like an idiot the entire time. Where do you look? Do you watch the ball while walking backward or turn around and walk back without watching? Such an awkward experience."
"I'm kind of awkward when I'm around people like you who belong to another world altogether."
"I love you too, that's like whenever you go to a restaurant and they're like, you know, 'Hey, enjoy your meal,' and you're like, 'Yeah, thanks, you too.'"
"The long-distance courtship had offered the once divorced and socially awkward scientist the chance to find a wife without really leaving his lab."
"The meeting and developing friendship between two socially awkward students who turn out to be not so different after all may not seem that unique at first."
"Like it or not, we have all been awkward at different points in our lives."
"You just want to avoid the awkwardness and respect the hustle."
"That is the most awkward dinner, oh my God."
"We really are awkward, aren't we?"
"I hope just everyone has a good day essentially, I don't know, I'm awkward."
"I stayed as silent as an awkward giraffe trying to bend into the wall at a party for elephants."
"We are all awkward, we are all uncomfortable, we are all just faking."
"I laughed nervously... I was caught off guard and I'm generally a bit awkward."
"Being the socially awkward person that I am, I decided to just let it go."
"When your friend runs into somebody they know, and you just stand there awkward AF."