
Personal Views Quotes

There are 84 quotes

"Bill Burr is not going, 'What is the most clever take about guns?' Bill Burr is saying how the [ __ ] he feels about guns."
"I'm not rooting for him to lose, oh really I'm not."
"There's more to life, more to the world, there's more to everything than anybody knows." - Hypnotized Colorado man
"They talk about being white or identifying as white, they fail to take into account how an."
"I'm pretty far left but I dislike political manipulation."
"So, those are my thoughts on 'gender agenda.' As always, I would like to know what you think."
"I'm not here to hate on Arielle... every point I've made is backed up by evidence."
"So I think I could do it in a way that propels the conversation further but not to the point where I'm advocating for a specific worldview."
"We have some significant differences in how we view politics."
"I have a lot to say and a lot of insight that you otherwise wouldn't get."
"I've come to see this very much as a neutral, abortion is not good, abortion is not bad. It just is, just is."
"They see you as someone that really wants commitment with them."
"Once you hit that mid-20s it's all downhill."
"I always say when a man gives his opinion on somebody, you have to respect his opinion."
"I actually do think that James probably didn't want this adoption to begin with."
"I think I'm a human being who has ideas, hypotheses, and opinions."
"It's when sex was his idea. It's a beautiful thing."
"Being divorced twice is better than not having being married at all."
"I don't think anyone wants to sleep with a woman or get settled down with a woman who has 80 bodies that's disgusting."
"I'm really sick of the religious language that is placed around politics it makes me kind of nauseous."
"What's love got to do with it? Nothing, nothing. You're right."
"I look at marriage as a business you've always said that though yeah but I really look at it look at it as a business now for real like it's a business to me."
"Being upset with my political views does not mean that I am somehow this martyr." - Hannah
"Everybody's version of cheating is different."
"Women are interesting creatures, I tell you that much."
"Am I against women? No. Do I hate women? I love women."
"This man was a monster and I've got no sympathy for that kind of person, period."
"It's not categorically the same to me. So if you're just talking about restriction of freedom or something like, I can get on board."
"The thing about opinions everyone's got one."
"Just you separate the actor from their politics, it's not that hard."
"Whatever your own thoughts and opinions happen to be, I'd love to hear them."
"But I think he feels that what’s happened in this country was a bad thing and bad for our country."
"I'm not a big fan of their political pundits for a lot of their opinions. I think Tucker does a decent job, but a lot of things I disagree with him on."
"Harry blamed the royal family for their stiff upper lip ethos."
"I don't pull my punches. I'm 66 years old and I've got a strong view on what's broken and I have a hard time being quiet about it. It really pisses me off."
"Nothing causes me to skew more strongly toward my more libertarian leanings that an errant mention of our criminal justice system."
"Your personal Facebook reflects your personal views and opinions, not your professional ones."
"If Trump was the best guy in the world, I get it."
"I often said that there is much about Christianity that I sympathize with."
"I didn't really have any interest in the color of her skin or anyone else's skin, really."
"I'm just saying you personally like you know like it's fun to think about like okay to me that sounds insane it's insane but if this this or that happened it would kind of start making sense."
"Different people have different ideas on how to survive."
"I honestly see trans women as women, I didn't see it as a big deal."
"I truly doubt he's kind of seen somebody. He's kind of pathetic."
"The inherent insult to a woman's natural modesty, I don't want women in my locker room either." - Andrew Klavan
"Isn't the whole point of being a feminist though that women are entitled to have their own views? Absolutely."
"I think my policies are pretty radical or much more radical than they were five years ago."
"I couldn't give a hoot what people think about me."
"All of these are my opinions. What are yours?"
"Treatment of gay men being compared to pedophiles? You are disgusting, okay, disgusting, and that is my personal opinion of a public persona."
"Everybody's opinion is different, mother sucker, and yours isn't more important than the other."
"When you have actual fans, they're interested in you because of your takes and what you think."
"I'm very aggressive with men, especially black men. A part of me is like, 'Man, I'm watching our sisters win.'"
"I enjoyed seeing someone I consider not a good person get beat by someone I consider is a good person."
"Voting for someone is not an endorsement of all their views."
"Opinions, like these are my opinions, you guys might have different opinions and that's totally cool."
"You do not need to be flamboyant in your views, but likewise, I would not hide your views."
"Having a relationship with a woman without the aim of having children is a waste of time."
"It's a privilege as they say, but at the same time, we all like to look better, you know what I mean?"
"I have my own unique perspective on things. I'm educated, I'm just as valid as anybody else."
"These are just my opinions, take them for what you will."
"I think marriage is great. I really do."
"I like freedom, and like I said in a few more videos, my idea of politics is I want to be able to open carry and smoke weed."
"There are many definitions of success as there are people in this world."
"Whoever said it was supposed to be you are meant to play a separate character, it doesn't matter whether or not that character is a reflection of your personal views; that's the whole point of acting."
"Everybody doesn't have that same viewpoint, right? Everybody does whatever works for them."
"There are very few tea experts actually, and we all have our own ideas about how it's made."
"Respect others in their views, and demand that they respect yours."
"When we're really holding on to something, it's actually - pause and say, 'How is this affecting me if I'm holding on to this view of this other person? How is that affecting me?'"
"You can say whatever you want and you have your own opinions, and we welcome you."
"We need to figure out our own conceptions of women's rights, our own conceptions of Human Rights."
"I think you're allowed to disagree with their views."
"Humans aren't all the same; humans don't agree on things, humans have different views on things."
"I don't think that there's like a right version of a relationship."
"You can tell a lot about someone's own internal views about their personal success by how they treat others in the same industry."
"I don't need to accept someone else's views if they are not my own since I will stick true to myself and my own views."
"These are our opinions, our feelings, not yours."
"Welcome to Rage Talk, my weekly show where I sit, in this case in a hotel room, drink caffeine, and talk about random things."
"There's no right answer; there's just your thoughts and your reflections, and you express them."
"My views on marriage are, hey, if you want to get married and you feel like you've met somebody in your life who you want to be with for the rest of your life, then have at it."
"A person's cultural background... he's a big part in their views on dating."
"My views are a product of my experiences."
"I have my own views, plans, and ideas, though I can't put them into words yet."