
Food Tasting Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"Love the tartness from it. That is so good. Yes if you're in Key Lime - you gotta try this."
"It's actually really good, I highly recommend you guys try this one."
"This pizza tastes like Chuck-E-Cheese pizza but a lot better."
"Tastes dicey it's like a local spicy tuna sashimi tasty garden."
"Let's try the sandwich before we get into today's topic."
"Oddly enough, I never thought I would say that sausage is a palate cleanser."
"Please can we try a Nutter Butter because yes."
"I just tasted that Maple vinegar butter glaze that is delicious I've never thought to do something like that before and I am a convert."
"This first and foremost was just supposed to be a really fun tasting experience."
"The best part of these videos is the eating of the food."
"Tasting this delicious meatloaf has made me curious to taste some of the finer frozen foods, so maybe stay tuned for that in a future video."
"The ink slicer hello, thank you for the three buds, how are they with barbecue sauce?"
"It's like eating baked brie but with a little bit of sweetness to the actual cheese."
"That's just exactly what a carrot should taste like."
"It tastes buttery. Oh my god. Fatty nuggets is the best." - BRIAN
"Now, with the sauce, holy cow, it tastes like... You can't tell the difference."
"Let's do this right now so that's what we got right there it's time for the milk pour effort determination you guys know the drill oh yeah let's try this out."
"That is gonna be a key bite right there." - Mark
"It would be really good with cheese on it too."
"That's one of the most bizarre things I've ever tasted, but I love it."
"Every single visitor to our house is like, 'We want to try the KFC fried chicken!'"
"Oh, I'm sticking this in my mouth. Let's see it. Is there any fish on that? Oh, yeah."
"Spit it out. No, I didn't know that was an option. I thought I had to eat it."
"You could try those foods for free today."
"We're going to be eating only Swiss Foods so we're going to be trying out loads of different Swiss foods for the first time."
"It just tastes like cookies and cream, like chocolate mid, oh crunchy Oreo but with more chocolate."
"This tart thing actually doesn't look good I'm gonna try it."
"That tastes amazing wow Jesus what the hell that's sweet corn oh my muffins right okay I'm excited."
"I'm just going to pour it into my ninja creamy tub by the way that just genuinely tastes amazing like no kidding so good I'm so surprised wow."
"And the other problem with us is we actually get to taste a lot, right? I get to taste all the new stuff."
"It's time to find out how these guys taste, which one is best, and to see if there's any difference in texture and tenderness."
"When I tried the vegemite, I was like 'This ain't that bad to be honest.'"
"Oh my god, let's pause for a second and try the bowl."
"Okay, let's try it. Romantic moment. I normally feed you. Yeah, you like it, right? Yeah, it's really flavorful, really good."
"You guys know the drill, comment below which of the items that we tried today would you love to try. Give this video a big thumbs up and I'll see you guys next time. Bye!"
"That is delicious. It is definitely the least practical yet, but the most interesting flavor profile out of all, you guys. I very much enjoy it."
"The Test Kitchen was an experience, very creative with the food."
"Everything should taste good together for the most part, so don't be afraid to just try something random."
"We tried truffle pizza and it was so good."
"I'm gonna give it a bite with two thumbs up"
"Gotta love that. All right, without further ado, I think we all know what time it is…it is time for the official taste test."
"That is wildly good. Kaboo, I really wasn't expecting that."
"Who tried the red velvet cookies? They're super good."
"Time for our Trader Joe's taste test. I mean, like, how cute is this little lunch plate?"
"When I get to America I'm going to have to try some."
"I'm gonna try this delicious honeycomb favorite ice cream."
"Have y'all tried these yet? You gotta try them."
"Well, I'm going to try this chicken. Wow, good, that's fabulous!"
"This results in a heterogeneous eating experience; different areas of the food taste different and combine in interesting ways in your mouth as you chew."
"Thank you guys so much for watching. I appreciate it, and I'm really excited that you guys get to try these donuts because they are everything."
"I've never tried pineapples with pizza, so let's give that a shot right here."
"Welcome back to Antigua Guatemala; we're Eric and Sarah, and today we are going to be trying some Guatemalan food. So, without further ado, let's eat."
"Let's see what a bite is like. Very hot, but very good."
"That's a good flavor, it's salty but perfect!"
"I have no words for that, this is the best one I think I've ever tried."
"So today we tried six country street food, and I hope you guys like the video."
"This is probably the best thing we tried."
"There's so many: some creamy, some spicy, but this paneer spinach with paneer cheese tasting, I think we hit the jackpot here."
"It's actually pretty good, I approve."
"First impression, first bite of pizza - really good."
"These Americans are right here trying out some Filipino fast food."
"I'm gonna try the Trader Joe's truffle hot sauce with this. You guys know I love this one."
"I've been really wanting to try so I figured we could go around town for the day and try a bunch of new items that are out right now."
"I learned a lot, I tried a lot of new foods, a couple I didn't like, but mostly I thought it was pretty yummy overall."
"I'm just trying, all right, this is pretty good, tasty."
"You must try the cheese, the bread, the peppers, the olives, the meats, and the wine."
"I sampled a whole bunch of American pancakes. My favorite was the IHOP birthday cake pancakes."
"I'm very, very excited to try this platter."